Respect for Privacy a. You will not repost communications or information that was sent to you privately without permission of the person who sent you the information.
b. You will not post private information about yourself or another person.
Respect for Privacy. In the implementation of the limitations and exceptions provided for in this Treaty, Contracting Parties shall endeavor to protect the privacy of beneficiary persons on an equal basis with others.
Respect for Privacy. (a) Students will not forward a message that was sent to them privately without permission of the person who sent them the message.
Respect for Privacy. I will not repost a message that was sent to me privately without permission of the person who sent me the message. (disrespecting other’srights)
Respect for Privacy. Users will not repost a message that was sent to them privately without permission of the person who sent them the message. • Users will not post private information about another person.
Respect for Privacy a. I will not repost a message that was sent to me privately without permission of the person who sent me the message. (disrespecting other’s rights)
b. I will not post private information about another person. (disrespecting other’s rights)
Respect for Privacy. The privacy of persons with disabilities should be respected and safeguarded. The Government shall ensure that personal information of persons with disabilities is kept private as for everybody else. Government agencies need to comply with the Government Instruction Manual (IM). The IM contains guidelines on privacy. It is not known how information about disabilities, including psychosocial disability, is shared or protected between Government agencies. The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) governs the collection, use, disclosure and care of personal data. Under PDPA, all persons with or without disabilities have the right to protect their personal information. For example, potential employers need to explain for what purpose they request information about disabilities if it is part of the job application. However, the Act does not cover persons with psychosocial disabilities who are told that they have to declare their psychiatric histories for medical insurance purposes when applying for jobs. It is also not clear how the Act protects the personal data of persons with psychosocial disabilities.
Respect for Privacy. Each roommate agrees to the request for privacy by the other roommate to ensure physical and emotional safety. Privacy requests may include times in personal living areas, occupied shared bathroom spaces, during their study times, religious observances, meetings, and needed mental or physical breaks.
Respect for Privacy. Do not: • re-post a message that was sent to you privately, without the permission of the person who sent the message • take or distribute photos, sound or video recordings of people, including background figures and voices, without their permission
Respect for Privacy. In the course of providing the Services Your personal information will be collected and saved by Us. All data and information We collect from You is treated confidentially respecting the applicable laws on data. We will treat Your data and confidential information with the same degree of care with which We treat Our own confidential information.