RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY City or its representative shall issue all communications to Contractor. City has the authority to request changes in the work in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and with the terms in Exhibit A – Scope of Work. City has the authority to stop work or to suspend any work.
Responsibilities of Contractor A. The Contractor shall perform all work on the described project as required by the Contract documents. The work to be performed includes the labor and services necessary to produce such replacement, and all materials, supplies, tools, transportation, equipment, and machinery required for replacement. B. This project bid includes all materials, labor and equipment to complete the reconstruction and resurfacing of streets as outlined in the Project Manual for WWREYN - XXXXXXXX SANITARY SEWER - PHASE 1 dated March 25th, 2021 as outlined in Attachment A.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES A. BST will include billing number information associated with resold exchange lines or SPNP arrangements in its LIDB. The Local Exchange Company will request any toll billing exceptions via the Local Service Request (LSR) form used to order resold exchange lines, or the SPNP service request form used to order SPNP arrangements. B. Under normal operating conditions, BST shall include the billing number information in its LIDB upon completion of the service order establishing either the resold local exchange service or the SPNP arrangement, provided that BST shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance to the extent such delay or failure is caused by circumstances or conditions beyond BST’s reasonable control. BST will store in its LIDB an unlimited volume of the working telephone numbers associated with either the resold local exchange lines or the SPNP arrangements. For resold local exchange lines or for SPNP arrangements, BST will issue line-based calling cards only in the name of Local Exchange Company. BST will not issue line- based calling cards in the name of Local Exchange Company’s individual end users. In the event that Local Exchange Company wants to include calling card numbers assigned by the Local Exchange Company in the BST LIDB, a separate agreement is required. C. BST will provide responses to on-line, call-by-call queries to the stored information for the specific purposes listed in the next paragraph. D. BST is authorized to use the billing number information to perform the following functions for authorized users on an on-line basis: 1. Validate a 14 digit Calling Card number where the first 10 digits are a line number or special billing number assigned by BST, and where the last four digits (PIN) are a security code assigned by BST. 2. Determine whether the Local Exchange Company has identified the billing number as one which should not be billed for collect or third number calls, or both.
Responsibilities of Client a. Client shall exclusively retain the services of Consultant to perform the Scope of Work, in accordance with, and subject to, the other provisions of this Agreement. b. Client shall provide access for Consultant and its subcontractors to the Site, and shall enter into access agreements with other third party property owners, as necessary for Consultant to complete the performance of the Scope of Work. c. Client shall, as necessary to complete the Scope of Work: (i) cooperate and assist Consultant with the preparation and submittal, to PADEP, PAUSTIF, local governing authorities and others, of all information and documents including, without limitation, correspondence, notices, reports, data submittals, restrictive covenants, engineering and institutional controls, and the like; and (ii) implement and maintain any engineering or institutional controls. d. Client shall transmit to Consultant copies of all documentation, correspondence, reports, and the like, sent or received by Client, regarding the Scope of Work at the Site. e. Client shall make a good faith effort to minimize any and all interference with the progress of the Scope of Work if the Site is remodeled or otherwise modified. Client shall also make a good faith effort to place this condition on third parties that are not a party to this Agreement including, but not limited to, current owners, future owners, current operators, future operators, current lessees and future lessees.
Responsibilities of Both Parties 6.1 The CLEC providing the circuit between CLEC’s office and SBC-12STATE’s office shall make such circuits available for use in connection with the DA services covered herein. When the total traffic exceeds the capability of the existing circuits, additional circuits will be provided by the CLEC. 6.2 Where applicable, if additional ADAX cards and ASN Routers (with sync and token ring cards) are necessary, they will be provided by SBC-12STATE, and CLEC will reimburse SBC-12STATE for the cost, plus Engineering, Furnish and Installation.
Responsibilities of Seller Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the exercise by Agent, the Purchaser Agents and the Purchasers of their rights hereunder shall not release Servicer, any Originator or Seller from any of their duties or obligations with respect to any Receivables or under the related Contracts. The Purchasers shall have no obligation or liability with respect to any Receivables or related Contracts, nor shall any of them be obligated to perform the obligations of Seller.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OWNER The Owner agrees to: Provide all documentation, records, and disclosures as required by law or required by the Agent to manage and operate the Property, and immediately notify the Agent if the Owner becomes aware of any change in such documentation, records or disclosures, or any matter affecting the habitability of the Property; Indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Agent, and all persons in the Agent's firm, regardless of responsibility, from all costs, expenses suits, liabilities, damages, attorneys fees, and claims of every type, including, but not limited to, those arising out of injury or death of any person, or damage to any real or personal property of any person, including the Owner, for: Any repairs performed by the Owner or by others hired directly by the Owner; or Those relating to the management, leasing, rental, security deposit, or operation of the Property by the Agent, or any person in the Agent's company, or the performance or exercise of any of the duties, powers, or authorities granted to the Agent; This sub-section, and all rights to the Agent’s indemnification, shall be considered void if the Agent exemplifies any willful acts of gross negligence; Maintain the Property in a condition fit for human habitation as required by applicable State and local laws; Pay all interest on Tenants’ security deposits if required by applicable laws; Carry and pay for: Public and premises liability insurance in an amount of no less than one-million dollars ($1,000,000.00); and Property damage and worker’s compensation insurance adequate to protect the interests of the Owner and the Agent. The Agent shall be, and the Owner authorizes Agent to be, named as an additional insured party on the Owner’s policies; and Pay any late charges, penalties and/or interest imposed by lenders or other parties for failure to make payment only if the failure is due to insufficient funds in the Agent’s trust account available for such payment. In addition, the Owner agrees to replace any funds required if there are insufficient funds in the Agent’s trust account to cover such responsibilities of the Owner.
Responsibilities of the Contractor The Contractor shall provide all technical and professional expertise, knowledge, management, and other resources required for accomplishing all aspects of the tasks and associated activities identified in the Scope of Work. In the event that the need arises for the Contractor to perform services beyond those stated in the Scope of Work, the Contractor and the City shall negotiate mutually agreeable terms and compensation for completing the additional services.
Responsibilities of Customer 5.1 To the extent that the Supplier requires access to the Customer Site to perform the Services, the Customer shall provide such access during Normal Business Hours and to provide a suitable work environment to enable the Supplier to perform such Services subject to the Supplier complying with such internal policies and procedures of the Customer (including those relating to security and health and safety) as may be notified to the Supplier in writing from time to time. 5.2 The Customer shall co-operate with the Supplier in all matters relating to the Services and shall appoint a minimum of two Representatives (“Customer Representatives”), who shall have authority to commit the Customer on all matters relating to the relevant Service. 5.3 The Customer agrees and acknowledges the terms of the applicable Licence Agreements and the terms of the CSP Agreement shall form part of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event the applicable Licence Agreements, and/or the CSP Agreement is not applicable to the Services being received or delivered by the Supplier to the Customer under this Agreement, such agreements shall not apply. 5.4 Customer shall: (a) adhere to the Fair Usage Policy; (b) ensure it has suitable licences in place for any third party software required (which is not issued by the Supplier) to allow the Supplier and its subcontractors full use in relation to the Services provided; (c) co-operate with the Supplier in all matters relating to the Services as reasonably requested by the Supplier; (d) adhere to the dates scheduled for provision of Services by the Supplier to the Customer as stated in the applicable Statement of Work or otherwise agreed between the Parties in writing. In the event the Customer wishes to reschedule or cancel the dates for the provision of Services, liquidated damages (“Liquidated Damages”) will become payable from the Customer to the Supplier on the following basis: (i) if dates are changed or cancelled at the Customer’s request more than fourteen (14) days before the scheduled start date no Liquidated Damages are payable; (ii) if dates are changed or cancelled between seven (7) days and fourteen
Responsibilities of the Parties 1.5.1 The Parties shall perform all obligations of this Agreement in accordance with all Applicable Laws and Regulations, Operating Requirements, and