Results and Observations. 4.7.1 Impact water quality monitoring results and graphical presentations are provided in Appendix J. Note: S: Surface; and M: Mid-depth. 4.7.2 For water quality, one (1) action level and one (1) limit level exceedace were recorded at IS(Mf)9 and IS17 respectively on 5 December 2014 during mid ebb tide. No exceedance was recorded at all other monitoring stations in the reporting month. Layout map below shows active works conducted on 5 December 2014 during ebb tide. Exceedances recorded at IS17 and IS(Mf)9 during ebb tide are unlikely due to marine based construction activities of the Project because: With refer to monitoring record, appearance of water was relatively more turbid at IS17 and IS(Mf)9 when compared with the appearance of water at IS(Mf)11, IS10, IS(Mf)16, IS7 and IS8 during monitoring at ebb tide on 05 December 2014. However, with refer to the layout map attached, only public fill was being transferred as surcharge at near Portion A and since no marine filling was conducted during ebb tide on 5 December 2014, therefore, they are unlikely contribute to the exceedance of SS at IS17 and IS(Mf)9. The location and type of active works conducted were almost the same on 5 and 8 December 2014 during ebb tide but no exceedance was recorded a IS17 and IS(Mf)9 on 8 December 2014. This indicates that the exceedances at monitoring station IS17 and IS(Mf)9 were unlikely to be contributed by active works. In addition, with referred to monitoring record, no sediment plume has been observed to flow from the inside of the perimeter silt curtain to the outside of the perimeter silt curtain during ebb tide on 5 December 2014. (Please refer to photo record taken during ebb tide on 5 December 2015) Photo record which shows the sea condition near Portion B, the southeast part of the HKBCF reclamation works at ebb tide on 5 December 2014. Photo record which shows the sea condition near Portion E, the northeast part of the HKBCF reclamation works at ebb tide on 5 December 2014 Turbidity level recorded at IS17, IS(Mf)11, IS(Mf)16, IS(Mf)9, IS7 and IS8 on 5 December 2014 were below the action and limit level. This indicates the turbidity level at area near IS17 and IS(Mf)9 were not adversely affected. The exceedances were likely due to local effects in the vicinity of IS17 and IS(Mf)9. As such, the exceedances recorded at IS17 and IS(Mf)9 are unlikely to be project related. Action taken under the action plan 1. Not applicable as SS was not measured in situ; 2. After considering the above mentioned investigation results, it appears that it was unlikely that the SS exceedances were attributed to active construction activities of this Contract; 3. IEC, contractor and ER were informed via email; 4. Monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods were checked; 5. Since it is considered that the SS exceedance is unlikely to be project related, as such, actions 5-7 under the EAP are not considered applicable. Nevertheless, the Contractor was reminded to ensure provision of ongoing maintenance to the silt curtains and to carry out maintenance work once defects were found. Maintenance work of the silt curtain was carried out by the Contractor on a daily basis except Sunday and public holiday. 4.7.3 The event action plan is annexed in Appendix L.
Appears in 1 contract
Results and Observations. 4.7.1 Impact water quality monitoring results and graphical presentations are provided in Appendix J. Note: S: Surface; and M: Mid-depth.
4.7.2 For water quality, one (1) action level Limit Level Exceedance of SS at IS(Mf)11 and one (1) limit level exceedace Action Level Exceedance of SS at SR7 during Flood tide recorded on 23 February 2015. No Action and Limit Level exceedances were recorded at IS(Mf)9 and IS17 respectively on 5 December 2014 during mid ebb tide. No exceedance was recorded at all other monitoring stations date in the reporting month. Layout map below shows active works conducted on 5 December 2014 during ebb tide. Exceedances recorded at IS17 IS(Mf)11 and IS(Mf)9 SR7 during ebb mid-flood tide on 23 February 2015 are unlikely due to marine based construction activities of the Project because: With reference to the silt curtain checking record, defects were observed at north and northwest part of the perimeter silt curtain which are close IS(Mf)11. With refer to monitoring record, appearance of water was relatively more turbid at IS17 and IS(Mf)9 when compared with the appearance of water at IS(Mf)11, IS10, IS(Mf)16, IS7 and IS8 during monitoring at ebb tide on 05 December 2014. However, with refer referred to the layout map attachedbelow, only public fill was being transferred as surcharge at near Portion A and since no marine filling based construction work was conducted during ebb tide on 5 December 2014, therefore, they are unlikely contribute to the exceedance of SS at IS17 site on 23 February 2015 and IS(Mf)9. The location and type of active works conducted were almost the same on 5 and 8 December 2014 during ebb tide but no exceedance silt plume was recorded a IS17 and IS(Mf)9 on 8 December 2014. This indicates that the exceedances at monitoring station IS17 and IS(Mf)9 were unlikely to be contributed by active works. In addition, with referred to monitoring record, no sediment plume has been observed to flow from the inside of the perimeter silt curtain to the outside of the perimeter silt curtain when monitoring was conducted during ebb tide on 5 December 2014flood tide. (Please refer to Also see below photo record taken for sea condition observed on 23 February 2015 during ebb tide on 5 December 2015)flood tide. Photo record which shows the sea condition near Portion B, the southeast at north part of the HKBCF reclamation works at ebb during flood tide on 5 December 2014.23 February 2015: Photo record which shows the sea condition near Portion E4.7.2.5 Also, the northeast part of the HKBCF reclamation works at ebb tide on 5 December 2014 Turbidity turbidity level recorded at IS17, IS(Mf)11, IS(Mf)16SR7, IS(Mf)9IS10 and IS17 were 24.9(NTU), IS7 14.7(NTU), 5.7(NTU) and IS8 on 5 December 2014 23.9(NTU) respectively; Suspended solids level recorded at IS10 and IS17 were 23.2mg/L and 7.9mg/L respectively, which were all below the action and limit level. This indicates the turbidity level at area or near IS17 IS(Mf)11 and IS(Mf)9 SR7 and Suspended Solids level near IS(Mf)11 and SR7 were not adversely affected. The exceedances were likely due to local effects in the vicinity of IS17 IS(Mf)11 and IS(Mf)9SR7. As such4.7.2.7 After investigation, there is no adequate information to conclude the recorded exceedances recorded at IS17 and IS(Mf)9 are unlikely related to be project relatedthis Contract. Action taken under the action plan:
1. Not applicable as SS was not measured in situ;
2. After considering the above mentioned investigation results, it appears that it was unlikely that the SS exceedances were attributed to active construction activities of this Contract;
3. IEC, contractor and ER were informed via email;
4. Monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods were checked;
5. Since it is considered that the SS exceedance is unlikely to be project related, as such, actions 5-7 under the EAP are not considered applicable. Nevertheless, the Contractor was reminded to ensure provision of ongoing maintenance to the silt curtains and to carry out maintenance work once defects were found. Maintenance work of the silt curtain was carried out by the Contractor on a daily basis except Sunday and public holiday.
4.7.3 The event action plan is annexed in Appendix L.
Appears in 1 contract