Risks Reinsured Sample Clauses

Risks Reinsured. The Reinsurer agrees to indemnify the Ceding Company for, and the Ceding Company agrees to automatically cede to and reinsure with the Reinsurer, according to the terms and conditions hereof, the portion of the risks under the annuity riders described in Schedule A attached hereto.
Risks Reinsured. The amount of reinsurance under this Agreement will be (a) until December 31, 2015, a [Redacted] and (b) from January 1, 2016 until December 31, 2016, [Redacted], each of the foregoing (a) and (b) for Claims as defined in Article III, Paragraph 1, paid by the Ceding Company in accordance with the terms of the Riders, which are issued by the Ceding Company between April 1, 2015 and December 31, 2016 and described below: (a) The following Riders and any state variations thereof issued with the Base Annuities described in (b) below are reinsured hereunder. HDI 3.0 P-RID-HD(2/14) HDI 3.0 w/HDDB P-RID-HD-HDB(2/14) (b) The following Base Annuities: B-Share P-BLX/IND(2/10) C-Share P-CR/IND(2/10) L-Share P-BLX/IND(2/10) (c) The following mandatory riders and endorsements are related to the Base Annuities: ROP DB P-RID-ROP(2/10) MVA P-RID-MVA(2/10) DCA P-RID-DCA(2/10) XXXX XXX P-END-XXXX(2/10) MRS P-END-MRS(2/10) XXX P-END-XXX(2/10) 403B P-END-403(2/10) During the term of this Agreement, the Ceding Company will [Redacted]. The Ceding Company agrees [Redacted] EXECUTION VERSION Page 50 of 64 Accounting Period: Calendar Year: Date Report Completed: A. Reinsurance Premiums (Article II) (a) Highest Daily Lifetime Income v3.0 Benefit Rider and the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Income v3.0 Benefit Rider (b) Highest Daily Lifetime Income v3.0 with Highest Daily Death Benefit Rider and the Spousal Highest Daily Lifetime Income v3.0 with Highest Daily Death Benefit Rider Rider: B. Claims (Article III) [Redacted] C. Miscellaneous D. [Redacted] E. STATUTORY RESERVES [Redacted] Coinsurance Reserve Ceded F. Seriatim File containing Contract Number, Federal Tax Reserve and Standard Scenario Amount for each contract. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION1 Beginning of Period Contract Value [Redacted] End of Period Contract Value 1 To be provided starting with the Quarterly Activity and Settlement Report for the calendar quarter ending December 31, 2015. EXECUTION VERSION Page 52 of 64 There are two monthly reports: 1. Policy Detail Report [Redacted] EXECUTION VERSION Page 53 of 64
Risks Reinsured. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Ceding Company shall automatically cede to the Reinsurer and the Reinsurer agrees to reinsure and indemnify the Ceding Company for the Quota Share of the risks specified hereunder under Riders with a Rider Date on or after April 1, 2021 but on or prior to the New Business Termination Date and that are issued with a Base Annuity.
Risks Reinsured. The amount of reinsurance under this Agreement will be [XXX]% quota share of the Ceding Company’s liability for Claims as defined in Article III, Paragraph 1, paid by the Ceding Company in accordance with the terms of the Riders attached to the Base Annuities, which Base Annuities and Riders (a) each have an effective date between [XXX]; (b) are accepted by the Reinsurer for coverage under the terms of Article VII, Paragraph 2(b); and (c) are on the forms described below: (i) The following Riders including all state variations: Corelncome Advantage Select (Single) Corelncome Advantage Select (Joint) Corelncome Advantage Select Xxxxxx Xxxxx (Single) Corelncome Advantage Select Xxxxxx Xxxxx (Joint) CoreIncome Advantage 4 Select (Single) CoreIncome Advantage 4 Select (Joint) ICC13:20-1258 ICC13:20-1259 ICC13:00-0000-0 ICC13:00-0000-0 ICC13:20-1256 ICC13:20-1257 (ii) The following Base Annuities including all state variations:
Risks Reinsured. The amount of reinsurance under this Agreement will be the applicable quota share, specified in Schedule A-1 below, of the Ceding Company’s liability for Claims as defined in Article III, Paragraph 1, paid by the Ceding Company in accordance with the terms of the Riders, which are issued by the Ceding Company, on or after execution of this Agreement by both parties and as described below:
Risks Reinsured. The risks reinsurance must shall be limited to individually underwritten standard mortality class lives and substandard class lives rated not higher than 500% of standard mortality class lives according to your normal underwriting class.

Related to Risks Reinsured

  • BUSINESS REINSURED 19 SCHEDULE B................................................................. 20

  • Other Reinsurance The Company shall be permitted to carry other reinsurance, recoveries under which shall inure solely to the benefit of the Company and be entirely disregarded in applying all of the provisions of this Contract.

  • Basis of Reinsurance Reinsurance under this Agreement will be on the Yearly Renewable Term basis on the portion of each policy that is reinsured as described in Schedule A.

  • Reinsurance The Contractor shall purchase reinsurance from a commercial reinsurer and shall establish reinsurance agreements meeting the requirements listed below. The Contractor shall submit new policies, renewals or amendments to OMPP for review and approval at least one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days before becoming effective.  Agreements and Coverage  The attachment point shall be equal to or less than $200,000 and shall apply to all services, unless otherwise approved by OMPP. The Contractor electing to establish commercial reinsurance agreements with an attachment point greater than $200,000 must provide a justification in its proposal or submit justification to OMPP in writing at least one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days prior to the policy renewal date or date of the proposed change. The Contractor must receive approval from OMPP before changing the attachment point.  The Contractor’s co-insurance responsibilities above the attachment point shall be no greater than twenty percent (20%).  Reinsurance agreements shall transfer risk from the Contractor to the reinsurer.  The reinsurer's payment to the Contractor shall depend on and vary directly with the amount and timing of claims settled under the reinsured contract. Contractual features that delay timely reimbursement are not acceptable.  The Contractor shall maintain a plan acceptable to the IDOI commissioner for continuation of benefits in the event of receivership. The Contractor must finance the greater of $1,000,000 or total projected costs as calculated by the form set forth in 760 IAC 1-70-8.  The Contractor shall obtain continuation of coverage insurance (insolvency insurance) to continue plan benefits for members until the end of the period for which premiums have been paid. This coverage shall extend to members in acute care hospitals or nursing facility settings when the Contractor’s insolvency occurs during the member’s inpatient stay. The Contractor shall continue to reimburse for its member’s care under those circumstances (i.e., inpatient stays) until the member is discharged from the acute care setting or nursing facility.  Requirements for Reinsurance Companies  The Contractor shall submit documentation that the reinsurer follows the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC) Reinsurance Accounting Standards.  The Contractor shall be required to obtain reinsurance from insurance organizations that have Standard and Poor's claims- paying ability ratings of "AA" or higher and a Xxxxx’x bond rating of “A1” or higher, unless otherwise approved by OMPP.  Subcontractors  Subcontractors’ reinsurance coverage requirements must be clearly defined in the reinsurance agreement.  Subcontractors should be encouraged to obtain their own stop-loss coverage with the above-mentioned terms.  If subcontractors do not obtain reinsurance on their own, the Contractor is required to forward appropriate recoveries from stop- loss coverage to applicable subcontractors.

  • Reinsurer’s Liability The Reinsurer’s liability with respect to the Reinsured Risks will terminate on the earliest of: (i) the date the Company’s liability with respect to the Reinsured Risks is terminated and all amounts due the Company from the Reinsurer with respect to such Reinsured Risks are paid to the Company by or on behalf of the Reinsurer; and (ii) the date this Agreement is terminated upon the written agreement of the parties.

  • Insured The contractor/renter must be specifically listed as the Insured.

  • Builder’s Risk Insurance Contractor shall provide a Builder’s Risk Policy to be made payable to the Owner and Contractor, as their interests may appear. The policy amount should be equal to 100% of the Contract Sum, written on a Builder’s Risk “All Risk”, or its equivalent. The policy shall be endorsed as follows: The following may occur without diminishing, changing, altering or otherwise affecting the coverage and protection afforded the insured under this policy: (i) Furniture and equipment may be delivered to the insured premises and installed in place ready for use; and (ii) Partial or complete occupancy by Owner; and (iii) Performance of work in connection with construction operations insured by the Owner, by agents or lessees or other Contractors of the Owner or Using Agency In the event that the Contract is for renovation, addition or modification of an existing structure and Builders Risk Insurance is not available, the Owner will accept an Installation Floater Insurance Policy with the above endorsements in lieu of the Builders' Risk Insurance Policy. Such floater must insure loss to materials and equipment prior to acceptance by Owner and must be on an ALL RISK BASIS with the policy written on a specific job site.

  • Deductibles and Self-Insurance Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. The City may require the Consultant to provide proof of ability to pay losses and related investigation, claims administration and defense expenses within the deductible or self-insured retention. The deductible or self-insured retention may be satisfied by either the named insured or the City.

  • Plan of Reinsurance A. Reinsurance of Life risks shall be on the risk premium basis. The risk amount on the policy reinsured shall be calculated monthly and shall be equal to the death benefit less the cash value. At the time of issue, the Ceding Company shall cede to North American Re a portion of the initial risk amount in excess of its retention. Thereafter, the Ceding Company and North American Re shall keep the same proportionate shares of the risk amount developed each month.

  • FACULTATIVE REINSURANCE 3.1 The Ceding Company may submit any application on a plan or rider identified in Exhibit B − Plans Covered and Binding Limits, to the Reinsurer (or any other reinsurer) for its consideration on a facultative basis. The Ceding Company will apply for reinsurance on a facultative basis by sending to the Reinsurer an Application for Facultative Reinsurance, providing information similar to the example outlined in Exhibit F – Application for Facultative Reinsurance. Accompanying this application will be copies of all underwriting evidence that is available for risk assessment including, but not limited to, copies of the application for insurance, medical examiners' reports, attending physicians' statements, inspection reports, and any other information bearing on the insurability of the risk. The Ceding Company also will notify the Reinsurer of any outstanding underwriting requirements at the time of the facultative submission. Any subsequent information received by the Ceding Company that is pertinent to the risk assessment will be immediately transmitted to the Reinsurer. After consideration of the application for facultative reinsurance and related information, the Reinsurer will promptly inform the Ceding Company of its underwriting decision. The Reinsurer's offer will expire at the end of one hundred twenty (120) days, unless otherwise specified by the Reinsurer in its offer. If the Ceding Company accepts the Reinsurer's offer, then the Ceding Company will note its acceptance in its underwriting file and include the policy on the next billing statement issued to the Reinsurer following policy activation. Reinsurer agrees the reinsurance offer will be deemed accepted by Ceding Company at the point in time Ceding Company makes such notation in its underwriting file in accordance with the Ceding Company's standard facultative placement procedures. Changes in plan, contract number, policyowner, or amount of coverage may be made subsequently by the Ceding Company without obtaining another offer from the Reinsurer provided such changes are within the amount approved by the Reinsurer and do not change the underlying risk. Coverage for any Automatic Increasing Benefit Rider shall be provided in accordance with this Agreement notwithstanding any notations on the offer that say "no benefits", "benefits excluded", or words of similar import. The relevant terms and conditions of the Agreement will apply to those facultative offers made by the Reinsurer which are accepted by the Ceding Company. Nothing herein prevents the Ceding Company from retaining the risk on a policy that was facultatively shopped or placing the policy with a different facultative reinsurer.