FORMAT AND CONTENT FOR REGISTRY OPERATOR MONTHLY REPORTING Registry Operator shall provide one set of monthly reports per gTLD, using the API described in draft-‐xxxxxx-‐icann-‐registry-‐interfaces, see Specification 2, Part A, Section 9, reference 5, with the following content. ICANN may request in the future that the reports be delivered by other means and using other formats. ICANN will use reasonable commercial efforts to preserve the confidentiality of the information reported until three (3) months after the end of the month to which the reports relate. Unless set forth in this Specification 3, any reference to a specific time refers to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Monthly reports shall consist of data that reflects the state of the registry at the end of the month (UTC).
Catalog Information about Hawthorn University is published in a school catalog that contains a description of certain policies, procedures, and other information about the school. Hawthorn University reserves the right to change any provision of the catalog at any time. Notice of changes will be communicated in a revised catalog, an addendum or supplement to the catalog, or other written format. Students are expected to read and be familiar with the information contained in the school catalog, in any revisions, supplements and addenda to the catalog, and with all school policies. By enrolling in Hawthorn University, the student agrees to abide by the terms stated in the catalog and all school policies.
Hyperlinks 12.1 You must not link to any material using or by means of the Services that would, if it were made available through the Services, breach the provisions of this Policy.
Metadata Where the Contractor has or generates metadata as a result of services provided to the Province, where that metadata is personal information, the Contractor will: not use it or disclose it to any other party except where the Agreement otherwise specifies; and remove or destroy individual identifiers, if practicable.
Current Online Content and Functionality By January 31, 2019, the District agrees that it will take all actions necessary to ensure that individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in the District’s programs and activities offered through the District’s website or equally effective alternate access. To meet this commitment, the District will: develop a strategy for identifying inaccessible content and functionality for individuals with disabilities; develop a notice to persons with disabilities regarding how to request that the District provide access to online information or functionality; prominently post this notice on its home page and throughout its website; and develop a process to ensure that, upon request, inaccessible content and functionality will be made accessible1 in an expedient manner.
XXX Hosting 10.1 XXX Hosting is not required for resale in the BellSouth region.
Directory To participate in the MnDOT VET small business program, a business must be certified at the time of contract execution. Certified VET small businesses are listed in the Directory of Certified Targeted Group, Economically Disadvantaged and VET Vendors, the Vendor Information Pages database at; or it may provide a copy of the VA-issued notice of verification showing that the business is approved as a VET small business within the 24 month period prior to the date of contract execution. MnDOT makes no representation as to any VET’s technical or financial ability to perform the work. Prime contractors are solely responsible for performing due diligence in hiring VET firms. A VET firm’s failure to perform the work will not be considered justification for a compensation increase or time extension.
Online Services Microsoft warrants that each Online Service will perform in accordance with the applicable SLA during Customer’s use. Customer’s remedies for breach of this warranty are described in the SLA.
Customer Content As part of the Services provided under this Agreement, Customer Data will be stored and processed in the data center region specified in the applicable Ordering Document. Axway shall not access Customer Content except in response to support or technical issues where Customer provides Axway with prior Customer’s written authorization required to access such Customer Content. Axway is not responsible for unauthorized access, alteration, theft or destruction of Customer Content arising from Customer’s own or its authorized users’ actions or omissions in contravention of the Documentation. Customer’s ability to recover any lost data resulting from Axway’s misconduct is limited to restoration by Axway from the most recent back-up.
Contract Database Metadata Elements Title: Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Central School District and Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Teachers Association (2007)