Scope of Convention Sample Clauses

Scope of Convention 

Related to Scope of Convention

  • NATIONAL JOINT COUNCIL AGREEMENTS 22.1 Subject to the National Joint Council By-Laws, agreements concluded by the National Joint Council of the Public Service on items which may be included in a collective agreement, and which the parties to this agreement have endorsed after December 6, 1978, will form part of this collective agreement, subject to the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act (FPSLRA) and any legislation by Parliament that has been or may be, as the case may be, established pursuant to any Act prescribed in Section 113(b) of the PSLRA. 22.2 NJC items which may be included in a collective agreement are those items which the parties to the NJC agreements have designated as such or upon which the Chairman of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Board has made a ruling pursuant to (c) of the NJC Memorandum of Understanding which became effective December 6, 1978 22.3 The following directives, as amended from time to time by National Joint Council recommendation and which have been approved by the National Research Council Canada, form part of this Agreement: - Bilingualism Bonus Directive - Commuting Assistance Directive - Occupational Health and Safety Directive - Relocation Directive - Travel Directive - First Aid to the General Public – Allowances for Employees - Public Service Health Care Plan - Uniforms Directive 22.4 During the term of this Agreement, other directives may be added to the above noted list. 22.5 Grievances in regard to the above directives shall be presented in accordance with clause 19.1 of the Grievance Procedure article of this Agreement.

  • Scope of Contract This Contract specifies the contractual terms and conditions by which County will procure and receive goods/services from Contractor as set forth in the Scope of Work, which is attached hereto as Attachment A and incorporated by this reference.

  • File Naming Conventions Files will be named according to the following convention: {gTLD}_{YYYY-MM-DD}_{type}_S{#}_R{rev}.{ext} where: {gTLD} is replaced with the gTLD name; in case of an IDN-TLD, the ASCII-compatible form (A-Label) must be used; {YYYY-MM-DD} is replaced by the date corresponding to the time used as a timeline watermark for the transactions; i.e. for the Full Deposit corresponding to 2009-08-02T00:00Z, the string to be used would be “2009-08-02”; {type} is replaced by: “full”, if the data represents a Full Deposit; “diff”, if the data represents a Differential Deposit; “thin”, if the data represents a Bulk Registration Data Access file, as specified in Section 3 of Specification 4; {#} is replaced by the position of the file in a series of files, beginning with “1”; in case of a lone file, this must be replaced by “1”. {rev} is replaced by the number of revision (or resend) of the file beginning with “0”: {ext} is replaced by “sig” if it is a digital signature file of the quasi-homonymous file. Otherwise it is replaced by “ryde”.

  • Scope of Use The Fund will use the System and the Data Access Services only for the processing of securities transactions, the keeping of books of account for the Fund and accessing data for purposes of reporting and analysis. The Fund shall not, and shall cause its employees and agents not to (i) permit any unauthorized third party to use the System or the Data Access Services, (ii) sell, rent, license or otherwise use the System or the Data Access Services in the operation of a service bureau or for any purpose other than as expressly authorized under this Addendum, (iii) use the System or the Data Access Services for any fund, trust or other investment vehicle), other than as set forth herein, without the prior written consent of State Street, (iv) allow access to the System or the Data Access Services through terminals or any other computer or telecommunications facilities located outside the Designated Locations, (v) allow or cause any information (other than portfolio holdings, valuations of portfolio holdings, and other information reasonably necessary for the management or distribution of the assets of the Fund) transmitted from State Street’s databases, including data from third party sources, available through use of the System or the Data Access Services to be redistributed or retransmitted to another computer, terminal or other device for other than use for or on behalf of the Fund or (vi) modify the System in any way, including without limitation developing any software for or attaching any devices or computer programs to any equipment, system, software or database which forms a part of or is resident on the Designated Configuration.

  • Scope of Application Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the dispute settlement provisions of this Chapter shall apply with respect to the settlement of all disputes between the Parties regarding the interpretation or application of this Agreement, whenever a Party considers that the other Party has failed to carry out its obligations under this Agreement.

  • Measurements and arithmetic conventions All measurements and calculations shall be in the metric system and calculations done to 2 (two) decimal places, with the third digit of 5 (five) or above being rounded up and below 5 (five) being rounded down.

  • Union Conventions Leave of Absence without pay and without loss of seniority shall be granted upon request to the Employer, to employees elected or appointed to represent the Union at Union Conventions or seminars. The total of such time off for all causes and for all employees in this unit combined shall not exceed fifteen (15) working days in any calendar year.

  • Purpose Statement Abuse of drugs and alcohol is a nationwide problem. It affects persons of every age, race, sex and ethnic group. It poses risks to the health and safety of employees of the City of Minneapolis and to the public. To reduce those risks, the City has adopted this LOA concerning drugs and alcohol in the workplace. This LOA establishes standards concerning drugs and alcohol which all employees must meet and it establishes a testing procedure to ensure that those standards are met. This drug and alcohol testing LOA is intended to conform to the provisions of the Minnesota Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act (Minnesota Statutes §181.950 through 181.957), as well as the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D) and related federal regulations. Nothing in this LOA shall be construed as a limitation upon the Employer's obligation to comply with federal law and regulations regarding drug and alcohol testing. The Human Resources Director is directed to develop and maintain procedures for the implementation and ongoing maintenance of this LOA and to establish training on this LOA and applicable law.

  • Scope of Collaboration As part of the collaboration, the Controllers will act as Joint Controller. The roles of the Controller and the associated tasks are specified in more detail in Appendix 1. If one party is solely responsible for a data processing operation, this party will implement all relevant data protection provisions on its own responsibility. However, such data processing procedures are not subject to this Agreement. Joint data processing and the type of Personal Data collected and processed within the framework of collaboration are specified in Appendix 1.

  • SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT The Contractor shall perform the Services set out [in Schedule 1] [below2] in accordance with the Contract. [The Contractor’s key personnel assigned to perform the Services are: [provide a list] During the provision of the Services, if substitution of Contractor’s [key personnel] [experts] is necessary, the Contractor shall propose other experts or at least the same level of qualifications for approval by the Fund. [The Contractor shall obtain the Fund’s prior approval in writing before entering into a subcontract for engaging a subconsultant for the performance of any part of the Services.]