Service Contract The Parties intend this Agreement to be a “service contract” within the meaning of Section 7701(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Purchaser will not take the position on any tax return or in any other filings suggesting that it is anything other than a purchase of electricity from the System.
Contracted Services PPG and Member Physicians shall render Contracted Services which are not PPG Capitated Services to Members covered under this Addendum B and shall be compensated on a fee-for-service basis at the rates set forth in Addendum E. PPG shall submit claims in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and State and federal law.
PAYMENT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES a. DIR Customer shall comply with Chapter 2251, Texas Government Code, or applicable local law, in making payments to the Vendor. Payment under a DIR Contract shall not foreclose the right to recover wrongful payments. b. Payments must be made in accordance with laws and procedures applicable to DIR Customer. c. DIR Customer agrees to pay the rates and/or prices set by DIR with its vendors. DIR Customer understands these rates and/or prices include a DIR administrative fee. d. All purchases executed under a DIR Contract will require a DIR Customer purchase order.
Subcontracting for Medicaid Services Notwithstanding any permitted subcontracting of services to be performed under this Agreement, Party shall remain responsible for ensuring that this Agreement is fully performed according to its terms, that subcontractor remains in compliance with the terms hereof, and that subcontractor complies with all state and federal laws and regulations relating to the Medicaid program in Vermont. Subcontracts, and any service provider agreements entered into by Party in connection with the performance of this Agreement, must clearly specify in writing the responsibilities of the subcontractor or other service provider and Party must retain the authority to revoke its subcontract or service provider agreement or to impose other sanctions if the performance of the subcontractor or service provider is inadequate or if its performance deviates from any requirement of this Agreement. Party shall make available on request all contracts, subcontracts and service provider agreements between the Party, subcontractors and other service providers to the Agency of Human Services and any of its departments as well as to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
PURCHASE ORDERS AND INVOICING All invoices shall at a minimum, include the items listed below and any additional information identified in the Authorized User RFQ and resulting Authorized User Agreement: Contract Number; Contractor/Reseller Name; NYS Vendor ID; Manufacturer Part Number (SKU); Product Name; Product Description; Quantity; NYS Net Price for each Product; Specific designation of special price(s) which may be better than the NYS Net Contract Price; and Invoice Total.
Contract Task Order A- E shall be assigned work via a task order by COUNTY which shall subsequently be referred to as the “Contract Task Order” (hereinafter “CTO”). A CTO for each project shall be developed by A-E in conjunction with COUNTY Project Management staff. The County Project Manager shall manage all A-E’s work including monitoring the CTO work schedule, quality of deliverables, review of invoiced amounts, adherence to set budget, and internal review of submittal packages. A-E shall follow all requirements as outlined in the CTO; this general Scope of Work, the project specific Scope Statement, and the Architect-Engineer Guide (Rev July 2018). The CTO shall include a detailed Scope Statement, describing tasks to be performed with a specific list of deliverables for each task, schedule of work and cost to complete the work. The schedule of work shall allow enough time for meetings with County Management staff to review the work progress, provide technical and policy direction, resolve problems and ensure adherence to the work completion schedule. The CTO shall include a cover sheet provided by County Project Management staff with the appropriate signature blocks and contract information. Once both Parties agree, and all Parties have signed the CTO, County Management staff shall provide A-E with a Notice to Proceed (NTP) to begin work. A-E shall submit all plans, reports and other documents produced under the CTO to the assigned County Project Manager within the timeframe indicated in the CTO or as directed by County Project Management staff.
CONTRACT INVOICING a. Invoicing. Contractor and the dealers/distributors/resellers designated by the Contractor, if any, shall provide complete and accurate billing invoices to each Authorized User in order to receive payment. Billing invoices submitted to an Authorized User must contain all information required by the Contract and the State Comptroller or other appropriate fiscal officer. Submission of an invoice and payment thereof shall not preclude the Commissioner from requesting reimbursement or demanding a price adjustment in any case where the Product delivered is found to deviate from the terms and conditions of the Contract or where the billing was inaccurate. b. Payment of Contract Purchases made by an Authorized User when the State Comptroller is responsible for issuing such payment. The Authorized User and Contractor agree that payments for invoices submitted by the Contractor shall only be rendered electronically unless payment by paper check is expressly authorized by the Commissioner, in the Commissioner’s sole discretion, due to extenuating circumstances. Such electronic payments shall be made in accordance with ordinary State procedures and practices. The Contractor shall comply with the State Comptroller’s procedures to authorize electronic payments. Authorization forms are available at the State Comptroller website at, by e-mail at xxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx, or by telephone at 000-000-0000. Contractor acknowledges that it will not receive payment on any invoices submitted under this Contract that are payable by the State Comptroller if it does not comply with the State Comptroller’s electronic payment procedures, except where the Commissioner has expressly authorized payment by paper check as set forth above. c. Payment of Contract Purchases made by an Authorized User when the State Comptroller is not responsible for issuing such payment The Authorized User and Contractor agree that payments for such Contract purchases shall be billed directly by Contractor on invoices/vouchers, together with complete and accurate supporting documentation as required by the Authorized User. Such payments shall be as mandated by the appropriate governing law from the receipt of a proper invoice. Such Authorized User and Contractor are strongly encouraged to establish electronic payments.
Task Order The Contractor submits a Task Order programme to the Service Manager within 2 days of receiving the Task Order
Technical Services Party B will provide technical services and training to Party A, taking advantage of Party B’s advanced network, website and multimedia technologies to improve Party A’s system integration. Such technical services shall include: (a) administering, managing and maintaining Party A’s information application system and website system infrastructure; (b) providing system optimization plans and implementing optimization features; (c) assuring the security and reliability of the website application systems; (d) procuring, installing and supporting the relevant products produced by Party B, and providing training in the use of those products; (e) managing and maintaining all network and providing technologies to assure the reliability and efficiency thereof; (f) providing information technology services and assuring the reliable operation of the information infrastructure.
Interconnection Customer Compensation If the CAISO requests or directs the Interconnection Customer to provide a service pursuant to Articles 9.6.3 (Payment for Reactive Power) or 13.5.1 of this LGIA, the CAISO shall compensate the Interconnection Customer in accordance with the CAISO Tariff.