Task Order definition

Task Order means a separate order issued under this Contract.
Task Order means a document issued in accordance with §4.B of this Contract that specifically describes the Work to be performed on a Project.
Task Order means a request for Services issued under this Contract.

Examples of Task Order in a sentence

  • Contractor’s invoice(s) shall clearly specify: The Contract number; The Task Order Number provided on the Task Order.

  • Contractor shall submit one (1) original to: Judicial Council of California Administrative Office of the Courts Judicial Branch Capital Program Office Project Manager (Name and address designated on Task Order) For Fixed Prices Task Orders Provided on a Deliverables Basis, Contractor shall invoice on successful acceptance of a Deliverable.

  • Contractor shall invoice the AOC once monthly, with separate invoice for each Task Order summarizing all payments due under that Task Order in the previous calendar month.

  • If the Task Order specifies that the Contractor is to be compensated for Travel and Living Expenses, the dates the expense was incurred, name of employee, and separate costs for air transportation, overnight lodging, private vehicle ground transportation (include origin, destination, and miles claimed).

  • If the Task Order specifies that the Contractor is to be compensated for Travel and Living Expenses incurred in providing that Deliverable, the dates the expense was incurred, name of employee, and separate costs for air transportation, overnight lodging, private vehicle ground transportation (include origin, destination, and miles claimed).

More Definitions of Task Order

Task Order and/or “TO” means a contract in a standard format relating to the procurement of Goods and/or Services between the Company and the Supplier / "Perintah Tugas dan / atau "TO" berarti kontrak dalam format standar yang berkaitan dengan pengadaan Barang dan / atau Jasa antara Perusahaan dan Pemasok.
Task Order means an order for services placed against an established contract or with Government sources.
Task Order. (10/19) means any written request or document issued by the City and signed by both Parties for additional Service(s) to be provided under this Contract. Task Orders shall document the description of Services, price, payment schedule, Project and performance schedule, due dates, milestones and Deliverables. “Term” (11/18) means the period of time that this Contract is in effect as stated on page one.
Task Order means a document executed by the parties that modifies the scope of services or includes additional services to be performed.
Task Order means a written authorization to perform services pursuant to this Agreement signed by both the Consulting Engineer/Architect and the City.
Task Order means the documentation that sets forth the Grant awarded, the specifics of the Project for which the Grant was awarded and all terms and conditions for the application and use of such Grant funds, including the Project Plan.
Task Order means an approved Proposal, as modified by negotiation between the City and Contractor, signed by the CPO and issued pursuant to the Task Order procedures set forth in the Master Consulting Agreement.