Shift and Time Off Bidding. A. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series may bid for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at their institution on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. Employees on unprotected leave without pay under Article 23 or 26 shall not be eligible to bid shifts/days off. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series who have requested consideration for and met the DOC rule criteria to be assigned within Special Housing Units shall be placed on the approved bidding list and allowed to bid into positions in Special Housing at OSP (DSU, MHI, and IMU) and to positions at OSCI in Unit 5 may bid within those work units for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at the work unit on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. The manner of bidding will be consistent with the method spelled out in paragraph E of this Section. B. Shift and time off schedule bidding shall apply to all bargaining unit work sections, except Education Services. In the case of the South Fork Forest Camp (SFFC), employees working at SFFC at the effective date of the agreement (hereinafter called ‘red-lined’ employees) will bid on the basis of their classification seniority for the time they have been assigned to SFFC. Employees transferring to SFFC after the effective date of the agreement will bid on the basis of their classification seniority below all of the ‘red-lined’ employees. Once the last ‘red-lined’ employee leaves SFFC all staff will begin to bid on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. C. The new shift and time off schedules shall be assigned to the senior employee placing the bid. Ties shall be decided by drawing lots. The finalized schedules shall be posted at the work section no less than seven (7) days before the starting date for the new schedules. D. Training assignments shall be listed on each bid schedule as exempt from the bidding process. E. All affected employees, after placing two (2) successful and consecutive bids on the same shift/days off and working on such shift/days off for two (2) consecutive six (6) month periods, may remain on such shift/days off without placing any further bids unless out bid by a senior employee. Employees remaining on their shift/days off under this section without bidding will be considered to have placed a bid. F. Employees who are involuntarily reassigned shall retain their shift and days off. If that is not feasible, management will make reasonable attempts to maintain the employee’s shift and days off or close proximity of shift and days. The employee shall retain their previous bid vacation. G. If a previously bid slot becomes vacant, the vacancy will be posted and all employees can notify management of their interest within seven (7) days. Management will assign the most senior person who is qualified. An employee may only be granted one (1) reassignment under this section per shift bid. If, after a reasonable time, no employee has bid for the vacancy, then management may assign that vacancy to the least senior employee or an employee who has not bid a scheduled shift and days off. A vacant post is defined as when an employee permanently leaves or is permanently removed from the post through resignation, transfer, Special Housing Evaluation Committee removal, retirement, promotion, demotion, termination, death, or where an employee has given notice that he/she will be absent from, or has been absent from, his/her post for forty five (45) days or longer within the current bid cycle. Management shall post the vacancy within seven
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Shift and Time Off Bidding. A. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series may bid for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at their institution on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. Employees on unprotected leave without pay under Article 23 or 26 shall not be eligible to bid shifts/days off. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series who have requested consideration for and met the DOC rule criteria to be assigned within Special Housing Units shall be placed on the approved bidding list and allowed to bid into positions in Special Housing at OSP (DSU, MHI, and IMU) and to positions at OSCI in Unit 5 may bid within those work units for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at the work unit on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. The manner of bidding will be consistent with the method spelled out in paragraph E of this Section.
B. Shift and time off schedule bidding shall apply to all bargaining unit work sections, except Education Services. In the case of the South Fork Forest Camp (SFFC), employees working at SFFC at the effective date of the agreement December 2, 2011 (hereinafter called ‘red-lined’ employees) will bid on the basis of their classification seniority for the time they have been assigned to SFFC. Employees transferring to SFFC after the effective date of the agreement will bid on the basis of their classification seniority below all of the ‘red-lined’ employees. Once the last ‘red-lined’ employee leaves SFFC all staff will begin to bid on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39.
C. The new shift and time off schedules shall be assigned to the senior employee placing the bid. Ties shall be decided by drawing lots. The finalized schedules shall be posted at the work section no less than seven (7) days before the starting date for the new schedules.
D. Training assignments shall be listed on each bid schedule as exempt from the bidding process.
E. All affected employees, after placing two (2) successful and consecutive bids on the same shift/days off and working on such shift/days off for two (2) consecutive six (6) month periods, may remain on such shift/days off without placing any further bids unless out bid by a senior employee. Employees remaining on their shift/days off under this section without bidding will be considered to have placed a bid.
F. Employees who are involuntarily reassigned reassigned, whether for disciplinary reasons or other, shall retain their shift and days off. If that is not feasible, management will make reasonable attempts to maintain the employee’s shift and days off or close proximity of shift and days. The employee shall retain their previous bid vacation.
G. If a previously bid slot becomes vacant, the vacancy will be posted and all employees can notify management of their interest within seven (7) days. Management will assign the most senior person who is qualified. An employee may only be granted one (1) reassignment under this section per shift bid. If, after a reasonable time, no employee has bid for the vacancy, then management may assign that vacancy to the least senior employee or an employee who has not bid a scheduled shift and days off. A vacant post is defined as when an employee permanently leaves or is permanently removed from the post through resignation, transfer, Special Housing Evaluation Committee removal, retirement, promotion, demotion, termination, death, or where an employee has given notice that he/she they will be absent from, or has been absent from, his/her their post for forty five (45) days or longer within the current bid cycleconsecutive days. Management shall post the vacancy within sevenseven (7) days of receipt of the notice of the vacancy. If an employee returns from their approved absence before the projected return date, the employee will be returned to their previous assigned post and any employee that was reassigned as a result to fill the vacant post will revert back to their previously assigned post. Reassignments of this kind are not subject to the seven (7) day notice requirement or any penalty pay.
H. Employees will bid for a six (6) to twelve (12) month cycle to commence on or about August and February of each year. The Employer shall post notice of proposed six (6) to twelve (12) month rotation of shift and time off schedules and a seniority roster at the work unit thirty (30) days in advance of the bid. A list of employees selected for assignment to special housing and who are eligible to bid will also be posted within the same time frame. The Employer shall also designate for each employee a thirty (30) minute time slot in order of their classification seniority during which the employee will bid for their shift and days off. If an employee does not bid within the thirty (30) minute time slot the employee will lose the right to bid by seniority; however, the employee may submit a belated bid, which will be recognized as of the time the bid is received and shall have seniority over employees who have not yet bid for a shift and days off. An employee may bid in person, or by calling by telephone to a designated person. The employees will bid by signing on the bid document for one slot, with the shifts and days off that the employee desires. The bid shall address only shift and days off. All bids must be in writing, signed by the employee, and numbered by preference if the employee is bidding by proxy. Employees bidding by proxy will be limited to three (3) bids. Once a bid is placed it is irrevocable. The mechanics of the bidding procedure shall be determined by the Employer. Employees on leave in the bidding period may submit proxy bids in advance to the work section supervisor. All employees, except for those on trial service may bid. Notwithstanding the above, at OSCI only, the window to bid shall be twenty (20) minutes. When the allotted twenty (20) minutes expires the bid is irrevocable.
a) The Institution/functional unit work section manager or designee will provide the Association President or local designee notice of proposed schedule changes to start/stop times and days off before the bid. If the Institution/functional unit and Association do not resolve the proposed schedule changes, either the Employer or Association may initiate fifteen (15) calendar days of bargaining through a written demand to bargain which is delivered to the other party. If no agreement is reached after fifteen (15) calendar days, either party may initiate arbitration pursuant to the procedures outlined in the PECBA.
b) The parties agree to waive the ninety (90) day period of bargaining and use of mediation under ORS 243.698 et.seq. and reduce the period of bargaining to fifteen (15) calendar days on the single issue of start/stop times and days off for proposed schedule changes. The Institution/functional unit will not implement the proposed schedule changes until receipt of the arbitration award or if there is an agreement reached before the award is issued.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Shift and Time Off Bidding. A. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series may bid for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at their institution on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. Employees on unprotected leave without pay under Article 23 or 26 shall not be eligible to bid shifts/days off. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series who have requested consideration for and met the DOC rule criteria to be assigned within Special Housing Units shall be placed on the approved bidding list and allowed to bid into positions in Special Housing at OSP (DSU, MHI, and IMU) and to positions at OSCI in Unit 5 may bid within those work units for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at the work unit on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. The manner of bidding will be consistent with the method spelled out in paragraph E of this Section.
B. Shift and time off schedule bidding shall apply to all bargaining unit work sections, except Education Services. In the case of the South Fork Forest Camp (SFFC), employees working at SFFC at the effective date of the agreement (hereinafter called ‘red-lined’ employees) will bid on the basis of their classification seniority for the time they have been assigned to SFFC. Employees transferring to SFFC after the effective date of the agreement will bid on the basis of their classification seniority below all of the ‘red-lined’ employees. Once the last ‘red-lined’ employee leaves SFFC all staff will begin to bid on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39.
C. The new shift and time off schedules shall be assigned to the senior employee placing the bid. Ties shall be decided by drawing lots. The finalized schedules shall be posted at the work section no less than seven (7) days before the starting date for the new schedules.
D. Training assignments shall be listed on each bid schedule as exempt from the bidding process.
E. All affected employees, after placing two (2) successful and consecutive bids on the same shift/days off and working on such shift/days off for two (2) consecutive six (6) month periods, may remain on such shift/days off without placing any further bids unless out bid by a senior employee. Employees remaining on their shift/days off under this section without bidding will be considered to have placed a bid.
F. Employees who are involuntarily reassigned shall retain their shift and days off. If that is not feasible, management will make reasonable attempts to maintain the employee’s shift and days off or close proximity of shift and days. The employee shall retain their previous bid vacation.
G. If a previously bid slot becomes vacant, the vacancy will be posted and all employees can notify management of their interest within seven (7) days. Management will assign the most senior person who is qualified. An employee may only be granted one (1) reassignment under this section per shift bid. If, after a reasonable time, no employee has bid for the vacancy, then management may assign that vacancy to the least senior employee or an employee who has not bid a scheduled shift and days off. A vacant post is defined as when an employee permanently leaves or is permanently removed from the post through resignation, transfer, Special Housing Evaluation Committee removal, retirement, promotion, demotion, termination, death, or where an employee has given notice that he/she will be absent from, or has been absent from, his/her post for forty five (45) days or longer within the current bid cycleconsecutive days. Management shall post the vacancy within sevenseven (7) days of receipt of the notice of the vacancy. If an employee returns from his/her approved absence before the projected return date, the employee will be returned to their previous assigned post and any employee that was reassigned as a result to fill the vacant post will revert back to their previously assigned post. Reassignments of this kind are not subject to the seven (7) day notice requirement or any penalty pay. At MCCF the above memo process will apply as expeditiously as possible after the initial seven (7) day posting period in the following manner:
a. All staff will receive notice at least seven (7) days in advance of the date that assignments will call in order classification seniority starting with the most senior employee.
b. If a staff member declines when called, assignments will move down the list until the vacancy is filled.
c. Once filled, assignments will go back to the top of the list and begin the process again to fill the new vacancy.
d. This process will continue until all vacancies are filled or the staff roster has been completely offered. At MCCF when a temporary work crew position ends the employee who submitted a memo for that crew will be returned to their previously assigned post.
H. Employees will bid for a six (6) to twelve (12) month cycle to commence on or about August and February of each year. The Employer shall post notice of proposed six (6) to twelve (12) month rotation of shift and time off schedules and a seniority roster at the work unit thirty (30) days in advance of the bid. A list of employees selected for assignment to special housing and who are eligible to bid will also be posted within the same time frame. The Employer shall also designate for each employee a thirty (30) minute time slot in order of their classification seniority during which the employee will bid for their shift and days off. If an employee does not bid within the thirty (30) minute time slot the employee will lose the right to bid by seniority; however, the employee may submit a belated bid, which will be recognized as of the time the bid is received and shall have seniority over employees who have not yet bid for a shift and days off. An employee may bid in person, or by calling by telephone to a designated person. The employees will bid by signing on the bid document for one slot, with the shifts and days off that the employee desires. The bid shall address only shift and days off. All bids must be in writing, signed by the employee, and numbered by preference if the employee is bidding by proxy. Employees bidding by proxy will be limited to three (3) bids. Once a bid is placed it is irrevocable. The mechanics of the bidding procedure shall be determined by the Employer. Employees on leave in the bidding period may submit proxy bids in advance to the work section supervisor. All employees, except for those on trial service may bid. Notwithstanding the above, at OSCI only, the window to bid shall be twenty (20) minutes. When the allotted twenty (20) minutes expires the bid is irrevocable.
a) The Institution/functional unit work section manager or designee will provide the Association President or local designee notice of proposed schedule changes to start/stop times and days off before the bid. If the Institution/functional unit and Association do not resolve the proposed schedule changes, either the Employer or Association may initiate fifteen (15) calendar days of bargaining through a written demand to bargain which is delivered to the other party. If no agreement is reached after fifteen (15) calendar days, either party may initiate arbitration pursuant to the procedures outlined in the PECBA.
b) The parties agree to waive the ninety (90) day period of bargaining and use of mediation under ORS 243.698 et.seq. and reduce the period of bargaining to fifteen (15) calendar days on the single issue of start/stop times and days off for proposed schedule changes. The Institution/functional unit will not implement the proposed schedule changes until receipt of the arbitration award or if there is an agreement reached before the award is issued.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Shift and Time Off Bidding. A. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series may bid for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at their institution on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. Employees on unprotected leave without pay under Article 23 or 26 shall not be eligible to bid shifts/days off. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series who have requested consideration for and met the DOC rule criteria to be assigned within Special Housing Units shall be placed on the approved bidding list and allowed to bid into positions in Special Housing at OSP (DSU, MHI, and IMU) and to positions at OSCI in Unit 5 may bid within those work units for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at the work unit on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. The manner of bidding will be consistent with the method spelled out in paragraph E of this Section.
B. Shift and time off schedule bidding shall apply to all bargaining unit work sections, except Education Services. In the case of the South Fork Forest Camp (SFFC), employees working at SFFC at the effective date of the agreement (hereinafter called ‘red-lined’ employees) will bid on the basis of their classification seniority for the time they have been assigned to SFFC. Employees transferring to SFFC after the effective date of the agreement will bid on the basis of their classification seniority below all of the ‘red-lined’ employees. Once the last ‘red-lined’ employee leaves SFFC all staff will begin to bid on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39.
C. The new shift and time off schedules shall be assigned to the senior employee placing the bid. Ties shall be decided by drawing lots. The finalized schedules shall be posted at the work section no less than seven (7) days before the starting date for the new schedules.
D. Training assignments shall be listed on each bid schedule as exempt from the bidding process.
E. All affected employees, after placing two (2) successful and consecutive bids on the same shift/days off and working on such shift/days off for two (2) consecutive six (6) month periods, may remain on such shift/days off without placing any further bids unless out bid by a senior employee. Employees remaining Such employee will, however, be eligible to place bids on their shiftother shifts/days off under this section without bidding will be considered to have placed a bidas the rotation dates occur.
F. Employees who are involuntarily reassigned shall retain their shift and days off. If that is not feasible, management will make reasonable attempts to maintain the employee’s shift and days off or close proximity of shift and days. The employee shall retain their previous bid vacation.
G. If a previously bid slot becomes vacant, the vacancy will be posted and employees who are not incumbents and who have not bid can notify management of their interest within seven (7) days. At MCCF all employees can notify management of their interest within seven (7) days. Management will assign the most senior person who is qualified. An employee may only be granted one (1) reassignment under this section per shift bid. If, after a reasonable time, no employee has bid for the vacancy, then management may assign that vacancy to the least senior employee or an employee who has not bid a scheduled shift and days off.
H. Employees will bid for a six (6) to twelve (12) month cycle to commence on or about August and February of each year. The Employer shall post notice of proposed six (6) to twelve (12) month rotation of shift and time off schedules and a seniority roster at the work unit thirty (30) days in advance of the bid. A vacant post is defined as when list of employees selected for assignment to special housing and who are eligible to bid will also be posted within the same time frame. The Employer shall also designate for each employee a thirty (30) minute time slot between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in order of their classification seniority during which the employee will bid for their shift and days off. If an employee permanently leaves or does not bid within the thirty (30) minute time slot the employee will lose the right to bid by seniority; however, the employee may submit a belated bid, which will be recognized as of the time the bid is permanently removed from the post through resignation, transfer, Special Housing Evaluation Committee removal, retirement, promotion, demotion, termination, deathreceived and shall have seniority over employees who have not yet bid for a shift and days off. An employee may bid in person, or where an by calling by telephone to a designated person. Employees shall be given until 5:00 p.m. on the twelfth (12th) calendar day of the month preceding the start of the schedule to submit their bid. The employees will bid by signing on the bid document for one slot, with the shifts and days off that the employee has given notice that he/she desires. The bid shall address only shift and days off. All bids must be in writing, signed by the employee, and numbered by preference if the employee is bidding by proxy. Employees bidding by proxy will be absent fromlimited to three (3) bids. The mechanics of the bidding procedure shall be determined by the Employer. Employees on leave in the bidding period may submit proxy bids in advance to the work section supervisor. All employees, or has been absent from, his/her post except for forty five (45) days or longer within the current bid cycle. Management shall post the vacancy within seventhose on trial service may bid.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Shift and Time Off Bidding. A. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series may bid for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at their institution on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. Employees on unprotected leave without pay under Article 23 or 26 shall not be eligible to bid shifts/days off. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series who have requested consideration for and met the DOC rule criteria to be assigned within Special Housing Units shall be placed on the approved bidding list and allowed to bid into positions in Special Housing at OSP (DSU, MHI, and IMU) and to positions at OSCI in Unit 5 may bid within those work units for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at the work unit on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. The manner of bidding will be consistent with the method spelled out in paragraph E of this Section.
B. Shift and time off schedule bidding shall apply to all bargaining unit work sections, except Education Services. In the case of the South Fork Forest Camp (SFFC), employees working at SFFC at the effective date of the agreement (hereinafter called ‘red-lined’ employees) will bid on the basis of their classification seniority for the time they have been assigned to SFFC. Employees transferring to SFFC after the effective date of the agreement will bid on the basis of their classification seniority below all of the ‘red-lined’ employees. Once the last ‘red-lined’ employee leaves SFFC all staff will begin to bid on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39.
C. The new shift and time off schedules shall be assigned to the senior employee placing the bid. Ties shall be decided by drawing lots. The finalized schedules shall be posted at the work section no less than seven (7) days before the starting date for the new schedules.
D. Training assignments shall be listed on each bid schedule as exempt from the bidding process.
E. All affected employees, after placing two (2) successful and consecutive bids on the same shift/days off and working on such shift/days off for two (2) consecutive six (6) month periods, may remain on such shift/days off without placing any further bids unless out bid by a senior employee. Employees remaining on their shift/days off under this section without bidding will be considered to have placed a bid.
F. Employees who are involuntarily reassigned shall retain their shift and days off. If that is not feasible, management will make reasonable attempts to maintain the employee’s shift and days off or close proximity of shift and days. The employee shall retain their previous bid vacation.
G. If a previously bid slot becomes vacant, the vacancy will be posted and all employees can notify management of their interest within seven (7) days. Management will assign the most senior person who is qualified. An employee may only be granted one (1) reassignment under this section per shift bid. If, after a reasonable time, no employee has bid for the vacancy, then management may assign that vacancy to the least senior employee or an employee who has not bid a scheduled shift and days off. A vacant post is defined as when an employee permanently leaves or is permanently removed from the post through resignation, transfer, Special Housing Evaluation Committee removal, retirement, promotion, demotion, termination, death, or where an employee has given notice that he/she will be absent from, or has been absent from, his/her post for forty five (45) days or longer within the current bid cycle. Management shall post the vacancy within sevenseven (7) days of receipt of the notice of the vacancy. If an employee returns from his/her approved absence before the projected return date, the employee will be returned to their previous assigned post and any employee that was reassigned as a result to fill the vacant post will revert back to their previously assigned post. Reassignments of this kind are not subject to the seven (7) day notice requirement or any penalty pay.
H. Employees will bid for a six (6) to twelve (12) month cycle to commence on or about August and February of each year. The Employer shall post notice of proposed six (6) to twelve (12) month rotation of shift and time off schedules and a seniority roster at the work unit thirty (30) days in advance of the bid. A list of employees selected for assignment to special housing and who are eligible to bid will also be posted within the same time frame. The Employer shall also designate for each employee a thirty (30) minute time slot in order of their classification seniority during which the employee will bid for their shift and days off. If an employee does not bid within the thirty (30) minute time slot the employee will lose the right to bid by seniority; however, the employee may submit a belated bid, which will be recognized as of the time the bid is received and shall have seniority over employees who have not yet bid for a shift and days off. An employee may bid in person, or by calling by telephone to a designated person. The employees will bid by signing on the bid document for one slot, with the shifts and days off that the employee desires. The bid shall address only shift and days off. All bids must be in writing, signed by the employee, and numbered by preference if the employee is bidding by proxy. Employees bidding by proxy will be limited to three (3) bids. Once a bid is placed it is irrevocable. The mechanics of the bidding procedure shall be determined by the Employer. Employees on leave in the bidding period may submit proxy bids in advance to the work section supervisor. All employees, except for those on trial service may bid.
a) The Institution/functional unit work section manager or designee will provide the Association President or local designee notice of proposed schedule changes to start/stop times and days off before the bid. If the Institution/functional unit and Association do not resolve the proposed schedule changes, either the Employer or Association may initiate fifteen (15) calendar days of bargaining through a written demand to bargain which is delivered to the other party. If no agreement is reached after fifteen (15) calendar days, either party may initiate arbitration pursuant to the procedures outlined in the PECBA.
b) The parties agree to waive the ninety (90) day period of bargaining and use of mediation under ORS 243.698 et.seq. and reduce the period of bargaining to fifteen (15) calendar days on the single issue of start/stop times and days off for proposed schedule changes. The Institution/functional unit will not implement the proposed schedule changes until receipt of the arbitration award or if there is an agreement reached before the award is issued.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Shift and Time Off Bidding. A. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series may bid for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at their institution on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. Employees on unprotected leave without pay under Article 23 or 26 shall not be eligible to bid shifts/days off. Regular status employees in the Correctional Officer series who have requested consideration for and met the DOC rule criteria to be assigned within Special Housing Units shall be placed on the approved bidding list and allowed to bid into positions in Special Housing at OSP (DSU, MHI, and IMU) and to positions at OSCI in Unit 5 may bid within those work units for shifts and days off on a schedule posted by the Employer at the work unit on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39. The manner of bidding will be consistent with the method spelled out in paragraph E of this Section.
B. Shift and time off schedule bidding shall apply to all bargaining unit work sections, except Education Services. In the case of the South Fork Forest Camp (SFFC), employees working at SFFC at the effective date of the agreement (hereinafter called ‘„red-lined’ lined‟ employees) will bid on the basis of their classification seniority for the time they have been assigned to SFFC. Employees transferring to SFFC after the effective date of the agreement will bid on the basis of their classification seniority below all of the ‘„red-lined’ lined‟ employees. Once the last ‘„red-lined’ lined‟ employee leaves SFFC all staff will begin to bid on the basis of their classification seniority as defined in Article 39.
C. The new shift and time off schedules shall be assigned to the senior employee placing the bid. Ties shall be decided by drawing lots. The finalized schedules shall be posted at the work section no less than seven (7) days before the starting date for the new schedules.
D. Training assignments shall be listed on each bid schedule as exempt from the bidding process.
E. All affected employees, after placing two (2) successful and consecutive bids on the same shift/days off and working on such shift/days off for two (2) consecutive six (6) month periods, may remain on such shift/days off without placing any further bids unless out bid by a senior employee. Employees remaining Such employee will, however, be eligible to place bids on their shiftother shifts/days off under this section without bidding will be considered to have placed a bidas the rotation dates occur.
F. Employees who are involuntarily reassigned shall retain their shift and days off. If that is not feasible, management will make reasonable attempts to maintain the employee’s employee‟s shift and days off or close proximity of shift and days. The employee shall retain their previous bid vacation.
G. If a previously bid slot becomes vacant, the vacancy will be posted and all employees who are not incumbents and who have not bid can notify management of their interest within seven (7) days. Management will assign the most senior person who is qualified. An employee may only be granted one (1) reassignment under this section per shift bid. If, after a reasonable time, no employee has bid for the vacancy, then management may assign that vacancy to the least senior employee or an employee who has not bid a scheduled shift and days off. A vacant post is defined as when an employee permanently leaves or is permanently removed from the post through resignation, transfer, Special Housing Evaluation Committee removal, retirement, promotion, demotion, termination, death, or where an employee has given notice that he/she will be absent from, or has been absent from, his/her post for forty five (45) days or longer within the current bid cycle. If an employee returns from his/her approved absence before the projected return date, the employee will be returned to their previous assigned post and any employee that was reassigned as a result to fill the vacant post will revert back to their previously assigned post. Reassignments of this kind are not subject to the seven (7) day notice requirement or any penalty pay. At MCCF and OSCI all employees can notify management of their interest within seven (7) days. Management will assign the most senior person who is qualified. If, after a reasonable time, no employee has bid for the vacancy, then management may assign that vacancy to the least senior employee or an employee who has not bid a scheduled shift and days off.
H. Employees will bid for a six (6) to twelve (12) month cycle to commence on or about August and February of each year. The Employer shall post notice of proposed six (6) to twelve (12) month rotation of shift and time off schedules and a seniority roster at the vacancy work unit thirty (30) days in advance of the bid. A list of employees selected for assignment to special housing and who are eligible to bid will also be posted within seventhe same time frame. The Employer shall also designate for each employee a thirty (30) minute time slot between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in order of their classification seniority during which the employee will bid for their shift and days off. If an employee does not bid within the thirty (30) minute time slot the employee will lose the right to bid by seniority; however, the employee may submit a belated bid, which will be recognized as of the time the bid is received and shall have seniority over employees who have not yet bid for a shift and days off. An employee may bid in person, or by calling by telephone to a designated person. Employees shall be given until 5:00 p.m. on the twelfth (12th) calendar day of the month preceding the start of the schedule to submit their bid. The employees will bid by signing on the bid document for one slot, with the shifts and days off that the employee desires. The bid shall address only shift and days off. All bids must be in writing, signed by the employee, and numbered by preference if the employee is bidding by proxy. Employees bidding by proxy will be limited to three (3) bids. The mechanics of the bidding procedure shall be determined by the Employer. Employees on leave in the bidding period may submit proxy bids in advance to the work section supervisor. All employees, except for those on trial service may bid.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement