Vacation Bidding Sample Clauses
Vacation Bidding. 1. Vacations will be bid by shifts in a Bid Area, except that in any Bid Area having less than 50 employees, vacations shall be bid by Bid Area. When mutually agreed between the Company and the local Union Business Agent/Chief Stewards/Coordinator vacations may be bid by groupings other than those listed herein. Provided that the Company will not unreasonably withhold agreement to such grouping as the local Business Agent advocates. It shall not be unreasonable for the Company to withhold agreement if the proposed grouping can reasonably be expected to materially affect the operation or any portion thereof.
2. In each vacation bidding group, the Department Head or Designee, will determine the total number of vacation weeks to be taken including regular earned vacation and deferred Holidays. For determining weeks to be bid, two (2) or less days will not be considered as a week.
3. If the total number of weeks to be taken is fifty (50) weeks or less, only one (1) person will be awarded a vacation in any given week (considered as a column).
4. If the total number is greater than fifty (50) weeks, a full column will be available for bidding each fifty (50) weeks, and if necessary, a partial column will be available for any remaining weeks in the last column. This method is used to avoid scheduling more people than necessary to be on vacation in any specific week.
5. Once a year, generally in early November, employees will bid for available vacation in the succeeding year based on adjusted Company Service Date. The Company will post notice of where and when employees will bid their initial and subsequent rounds of vacation. Employees will at that specific time, have three (3) ways to notify management of their bid preferences. They may show up in person, or telephone in their preference, or submit a written pre-bid to the designated management representative prior to any particular vacation bid round. Written confirmation will be provided to employees submitting written pre-bids. Once the entire vacation biding process is completed the vacation listings will be posted no later than December 15th.
6. Employees may bid one (1) continuous vacation period, which may include all or any portion of the vacation to which he is entitled. However if the employee is eligible for less than ten (10) working days the employee may not split the available vacation. Once an employee is eligible for ten (10) working days or more, the employee may split the employee’s vacation in...
Vacation Bidding. 1. Vacation bidding will occur annually. The bidding process will begin immediately following shift selections as defined in Section 15.9.
2. Bidding will occur in seniority order.
3. Employees may select a maximum of two (2) consecutive scheduled work weeks during the bidding process.
Vacation Bidding. 1. A Flight Attendant must bid vacation in periods of four (4) or more consecutive days, provided that a Flight Attendant may bid one (1) block of either one (1), two (2) or three (3) consecutive days per year. There shall be no limit on the number of vacation days a Flight Attendant may bid in a month.
2. Primary Vacation Bid
a. A Flight Attendant shall complete and file her/his preference for vacation periods up to the maximum of her/his accrual on or before March 7th based on her/his accrual the previous calendar year. The vacation fiscal year will include the May to April contractual months. Vacation bids will be open for a minimum of thirty (30) days. A master yearly vacation day matrix will be available electronically on the Company Intranet at the same time vacation bids open. The number of vacation days will be no less than the number of days available to Flight Attendants for bid for that year. Vacation periods will be awarded on the basis of preference in order of seniority. Award results shall be posted no later than March 15th.
b. The Company will meet with the APFA National President or her/his designee to provide the Union with information as to the vacation matrix planned for the following year one
(1) week prior to the opening of the annual primary vacation bid.
Vacation Bidding. For purposes of vacation bidding, seniority shall be as defined in Article 21 Section 9(A) of the agreement.
Vacation Bidding. All Employees who submit written bids for their vacation for the upcoming year prior to November shall be awarded their vacation in order of Bargaining Unit Seniority. Employees are required to provide enough options to ensure that one of their bids is accepted, given their place on the seniority list. Employees must bid all of their vacation entitlement except up to forty (40) hours that may be left and which is to be taken on an ad hoc basis in that upcoming year. The Supervisor Manager shall post the approved vacation list prior to January to allow for all Employees to view the list. From February those Employees who have not already bid will be able to bid on any available vacation dates. Priority will be on a first come, first served basis. In the situation where two (2) Members submit their request at the same time, Bargaining Unit Seniority shall apply. Where an Employee fails to submit vacation bids pursuant to and does not bid successfully as per he shall be assigned vacation. Assigned vacation will commence no earlier than April and the Employee must be given a minimum forty-eight (48) hours notice of such assignment. Management may assign all of the DECEMBER AGREEMENT AIR AND '1'1 GROUP ASSOCIATION FIRST EMPLOYEES AND MAINTENANCE Employees vacation entitlement for the year. However, where an Employee has elected to leave forty (40) hours of vacation pursuant to clause II those hours are not subject to assignment by Management. Employees are to use their full vacation entitlement each calendar year. However, where an Employee requests, he may carry over up to a maximum of forty (40) hours of vacation into the next year. This vacation carry over must be used in that subsequent year. At Management's discretion, vacation carry over of greater than forty (40) hours may be granted on an exceptional basis. The bid vacation referenced in clause must be taken in full daily shift allocations. Only the forty (40) hours of vacation referenced in clause may be taken in hourly increments of as little as one (1) hour or more.
Vacation Bidding a. Annual vacation bidding shall take place two (2) weeks after the shift/days off bid takes place in September of each year.
b. Management will establish the vacation weeks. Known planned (staff) absences and training weeks will not be available for the annual vacation bid.
c. Vacation time must be taken in one (1) week increments. During the first (1st), second (2nd) and third (3rd) rounds of bidding, staff can bid up to two (2) weeks of vacation time off. These weeks can be non-consecutive.
d. Staff can only bid for the amount of accrued vacation time they will have at the vacation period requested.
e. To complete bidding, each RN will be designated a ten (10) minute block of time in order of seniority. Bids can be submitted in person, telephone or email. A designated Union representative and manager will be present during the bidding.
f. If bidded vacation time is returned it can be made available at the manager’s discretion on a first (1st) come, first (1st) serve basis.
g. If the RN does not have enough accrued vacation hours, the vacation will be cancelled or reduced to match the RN’s accrued hours after discussion with the RN.
h. Vacation request outside the normal bidding process need to be submitted by the tenth (10th) of the month prior to the requested time off. Approval or denial of the submitted request will be made no later than the twentieth (20th) of the month prior to the requested days. Single vacation day off requests within the month will be reviewed subject to Institution operating needs.
i. Vacation weeks cannot be traded.
Vacation Bidding. Annual vacation bidding will be done during the third week of November for the following calendar year. • A representative from the union will be present during the bidding process. • Employees can bid for one (1) continuous block of time in each of the two
Vacation Bidding. Employees on trial service may bid for weeks that occur after their trial service ends.
Vacation Bidding. NOTE: Effective no later than September 2021 for 2022 vacation bidding
Vacation Bidding. 1. Commencing December 1 of each calendar year, vacation bids will be open for the following calendar year. Vacation bids will open with the senior Employee. He/she and succeeding Employees, by seniority, will be allotted a maximum of two (2) days each after notification, to complete his/her bidding. Each Employee can bid up to a maximum of two (2) weeks’ vacation at a time.
2. Requests for additional vacation time must be made in writing to the Chief of Police or his designated Employee at least seven (7) days in advance of the requested time off. The Chief of Police may waive this requirement from time to time as he/she deems best.
3. Additional vacation time may be taken at any time after the bidding period, depending on the service/staffing requirements of the Department. Vacation time already granted to an Employee during the bidding period will not be canceled to accommodate another Employee’s vacation request after the bidding period.
4. An Employee who voluntarily ceases to be an Employee of the Employer shall receive a sum of money equal to their former regular salary for any accrued vacation time which has not been provided; however, in the event an Employee fails to give the Employer at least ten (10) calendar days’ written notice before resigning, the foregoing termination vacation pay shall be forfeited.
5. Subject to the approval of the Chief of Police, the Employer will grant up to a maximum of five (5) days’ emergency leave and personal leave per year for serious illness or death in the Employee’s immediate family. The immediate family shall be defined as spouse or domestic partner, children, mother, father, grandparents, parents-in-law, brothers, and sisters of the member and his/her spouse. Leave granted will be deducted from accrued sick leave.