Paid Time Off (PTO). Executive shall earn and accrue paid-time-off covering vacation and sick time benefits at the rate of twenty (20) days per year for employment periods of up to five years of service. The PTO accrual rate shall automatically increase by five (5) additional days for each additional 5 years of service up to maximum of thirty (30) days per year after 10 years of service. For example, after five years of service, the annual PTO accrual rate shall increase to twenty-five (25) days. Unused PTO shall carry over to the next year, but Executive shall cease accruing further PTO at any time Executive has accrued two times his annual accrual rate. Unused PTO days which are not in excess of two-times the annual accrual rate shall be paid in a cash lump sum payment promptly after Executive’s termination of employment.
Paid Time Off (PTO). During the Term, Executive shall be entitled to paid time off in accordance with Company’s policy in place from time to time; provided, however, that Executive shall be eligible to accrue no less than twenty (20) days per calendar year (with such amount prorated for the balance of 2017).
Paid Time Off (PTO). 16.1 Paid Time Off (PTO) PTO will be granted each year, prospectively for use from July 1 through June 30, and will be given to an employee based on years of service reached by July 1 of the new fiscal year. PTO is in place to allow an employee the flexibility, autonomy and responsibility to use paid time off as they determine appropriate for their personal circumstances. It is designed to be used for vacation, sick leave and/or personal appointments an employee must attend to during work hours. Except for cases of legitimate unexpected illness or emergencies, PTO requires prior approval by the employee’s supervisor. Provide as much notice as possible when submitting a request for time off.
16.2 Paid Time Off (PTO) Expectations
(a) A full-time employee’s PTO may be used in one (1) hour increments up to a full day (based on the employee’s scheduled work hours) of pay computed at the employee’s regular straight time hourly rate for each full day of time off taken. A part-time employee’s PTO may be used in one (1) hour increments up to their work time not to exceed an eight (8) hour day. For example, if a part-time employee normally works a six (6) hour shift they may take up to six (6) hours of PTO time for that day.
(b) Full-time employees are eligible to take PTO after ninety (90) days of employment, and part-time employees may take it after one hundred eighty days (180) of employment.
(c) The Employer may require medical proof or certification of any illness, injury or contagious disease where there is evidence of abuse of leave time or in any event where PTO for sickness or injury exceeds five (5) or more consecutive workdays as well as from time to time thereafter. The employee may also be required to present a doctor's release to their supervisor and the Human Resources office that permits them to return to work.
(d) Under the College's Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy, all accrued sick bank hours will be used and all but three (3) weeks (120 hours) PTO time must be taken before the start of any unpaid FMLA time.
(e) Where a supervisor receives conflicting requests on the same day for the same PTO time, preference shall be granted to the most senior employee(s) provided the remaining workload is covered.
(f) Requests for PTO (for vacation purposes) must be submitted in writing by May 1, on forms provided by the supervisor for the following fiscal year which begins July
1. All PTO requests made by May 1 will be scheduled and assigned on a seni...
Paid Time Off (PTO). Employee will accrue five (5) weeks of PTO benefits during each calendar year of the Employment Period in accordance with the Company policy in effect for executive officers.
Paid Time Off (PTO). During the Term, the Executive shall be entitled to four (4) weeks of vacation per calendar year, to be taken at such times and intervals as shall be determined by the Executive, subject to the reasonable business needs of the Company. The Executive may not accumulate or carry over from one (1) calendar year to another any unused, accrued vacation time. The Executive shall not be entitled to compensation for vacation time not taken. In addition, the Executive shall be entitled to five (5) days of emergency/medical PTO per calendar year.
Paid Time Off (PTO). 2 A. Definition: PTO is the Medical Center's program of time earned by full-time and 3 part-time employees that can be used to meet their needs for paid time off from 5 which shall no longer accrue or be payable.
7 B. Use: PTO permits employees to utilize their paid time off as it best fits their own 8 personal needs or desires. PTO days, with the exception of illness, will be self- 9 scheduled by employees according to departmental policy and guidelines. It may 10 be used in increments of one hour as it accrues. The Nurse shall be responsible 11 for notifying the department manager of the number of PTO hours to be used in 12 each pay period by payroll exception form.
14 C. Registered Nurses shall be accountable for the management of their PTO 15 accruals. The nurse must have sufficient accrued PTO to actually take self 16 scheduled time off. Self scheduled PTO may be rescinded at any point if 17 sufficient PTO cannot be accrued to cover the requested absence. Once 18 scheduled, the Medical Center may not rescind PTO if sufficient PTO accrual 19 exists to cover the requested time off.
20 1. A nurse may self-schedule PTO at least four (4) weeks, but not more than 21 six (6) months, prior to the date when the earliest schedule covering such 22 time off is to be published. PTO which would occur during the week 23 containing Thanksgiving and the pay periods containing Christmas and 24 New Years will be arranged according to departmental policy and nurses 25 will be notified no later than four (4) weeks prior to the publishing of the 26 schedule which contains this time frame.
28 2. Home Health Nurse may request scheduled time off by giving notice in 29 writing to the appropriate scheduler at least three (3) weeks, but no more 30 than six (6) months, prior to the date when the earliest schedule covering 31 such time off is to be posted. The Medical Center will respond in writing 32 with a grant or denial of the request no later than ten (10) days after 33 receipt of the request. If no such response is given within that time, the 34 nurse shall provide a second notice of the request to the appropriate 1 scheduler, and if there is no response to the second request within five (5) 2 business days, the request for leave shall be deemed approved.
4 3. A nurse may ask to rescind a scheduled PTO prior to the date when the 5 schedule covering such time off is posted. Such a request for rescission 6 may be granted if the Department Manager consents. If unforeseen 7 circ...
Paid Time Off (PTO). Teachers will be given twelve (12) leave days to use for personal business, personal illness, family illness, or for funerals. These are not vacation days. Days will not require written request or prior permission except to extend a break or supersede any of the following limitations. Unused PTO days roll over to sick days the following year. Previously accumulated sick days will remain as sick days and cannot be used as PTO days. No more than two (2) PTO days may be used on consecutive school days not related to illness without the approval of the Superintendent prior to the start of the leave. Only 1 day per year may be used to extend a break. PTO days may be used to extend bereavement leave. Teachers will schedule absences in substitute system 48 hours in advance whenever possible. No more than one day is to be used in May for non-illness or non-bereavement reasons. Limitations may be waived by Superintendent if deemed appropriate. If an extended illness occurs in which a teacher uses multiple sick days, the PTO days would be used until the teacher reaches ten (10); at that point two (2) days would be reserved for personal affairs and accumulated sick days would be used if still needed for the illness. Principals will conference with individuals who have missed nine (9) days. If poor attendance choices are indicated, the employee will receive a written notice that continued poor attendance is likely to result in a one point deduction for core professionalism.
Paid Time Off (PTO). In addition to holidays observed by the Bank, Executive shall be entitled to twenty-five (25) working days paid time off (“PTO”) during each year of employment without reduction in salary or other benefits. PTO days that remain unused at the end of any year will accrue or expire to the extent provided by the Bank’s PTO policy, as in effect from time to time.
Paid Time Off (PTO). Executive shall be entitled to receive under the Corporation’s Paid Time Off (“PTO”) program (or under any alternative program adopted in the future for vacation and sick time) the greater of (i) 26 days of time away from work with continued compensation (PTO days) or (ii) the number of days other similarly positioned employees would be eligible to receive based on years of service. The Corporation’s PTO program provides for both vacation and sick time off with pay. The PTO days for any calendar year will be earned on January 1 of such calendar year. At the end of each calendar year, Executive shall be entitled to carry-over up to 10 unused PTO days to the next calendar year.
Paid Time Off (PTO). 153 In instances where there is a combination of PTO and work on a prescheduled basis, PTO hours shall count as hours worked in determining eligibility for weekly overtime. 154 3. Jury Duty 155 Pay for work which was not performed shall be included in the hours worked for the purposes of calculating weekly overtime. 156 Non-Duplication of Overtime 157 Payment of overtime rates shall not be duplicated for the same hours worked under any of the terms of this Agreement, and to the extent that hours are compensated at overtime rates under one provision, they shall not be counted as hours worked in determining overtime under the same or any other provisions.