Smart Cards. When you enrol, you will get a smart card. You must carry this card when you are at BU, and show it to authorised representatives of BU if they ask for it. You may need to use the card to use some facilities or services. The card is for your use only. If you lose your card or it is stolen, you must report it to AskBU or to the Library immediately, so that we can block the number to prevent its misuse (call AskBU on +00 (0)0000 000000, or email askbu@bournemouth. xx.xx, call the library on +00 (0)0000 000000 or email XxxxxxxXxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx). We will charge you for a replacement card.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Student Agreement, Student Agreement
Smart Cards. When you enrol, you will get a smart card. You must carry this the smart card we issue to you when you are at BU, and show it to authorised representatives of BU if they ask for it. You may need to use the card to use some facilities or services. The card is for your use only. If you lose your card or it is stolen, you must report it to AskBU or to the Library immediately, immediately so that we can block the number to prevent its misuse (call AskBU on +00 (0)0000 000000, or email askbu@bournemouth. xx.xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx, call the library Library on +00 (0)0000 000000 or email XxxxxxxXxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx). We will charge you for a replacement card.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Student Agreement, Student Agreement
Smart Cards. When you enrol, you will get a smart card. You must carry this card when you are at BU, and show it to authorised representatives of BU if they ask for it. You may need to use the card to use some facilities or services. The card is for your use only. If you lose your card or it is stolen, you must report it to AskBU askBU or to the Library immediately, so that we can block the number to prevent its misuse (call AskBU askBU on +00 (0)0000 00000 000000, or email askbu@bournemouth. xx.xxxxxXX@Xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx, call the library on +00 (0)0000 00000 000000 or email XxxxxxxXxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xxXxxXxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx). We will charge you for a replacement card.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Student Agreement, Student Agreement
Smart Cards. When you enrol, you will get a smart card. You must carry this card when you are at BU, and show it to authorised representatives of BU if they ask for it. You may need to use the card to use some facilities or services. The card is for your use only. If you lose your card or it is stolen, you must report it to AskBU or to the Library immediately, so that we can block the number to prevent its misuse (call AskBU askBU on +00 (0)0000 00000 000000, or email askbu@bournemouth. xx.xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx, call the library on +00 (0)0000 00000 000000 or email XxxxxxxXxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xxXxxXxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx). We will charge you for a replacement card.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Student Agreement