Report Cards Sample Clauses

Report Cards. At the conclusion of each quarter, MATC shall provide pupil performance data to MPS.
Report CardsAt the end of each 9-weeks grading period parents should check their student’s MYCA page for report cards. The grading system is as follows: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 F below 70 Classes such as Music, PE, Bible, Art and Library are graded with S (Satisfactory), N (Needs Improvement) or U (Unsatisfactory) The pupils receive grades in these areas based on cooperation, enthusiasm, conduct, participation, and effort.
Report Cards. Report cards are sent home each trimester; the report card envelope is to be signed and returned to the homeroom teacher the following school day. There will be an $8 replacement charge for any lost report card envelopes.
Report Cards a) Except for exceptional circumstances, the Board shall have common time lines and deadlines for all schools, which will specify dates for submission of reports to the office, and release of reports. Adequate lead-up time to the preparation of report cards shall be provided. b) There shall be a maximum of two (2) Parent-Teacher Interviews scheduled to extend into the evening, per school year. A Parent-Teacher Interview Night shall not extend beyond 9:00 p.m.
Report Cards. Teachers shall have at least two (2) full work days between the end of a grading period and the time the grades must be reported to the District EMIS Coordinator.
Report Cards. 1. All Elementary and Secondary schools will be on a semester basis. Student grades will be submitted only once per semester. 2. Teachers will maintain on at least every two-week basis the on-line grade book. All grades are only required to be submitted to one (1) grade program or platform. 3. Teachers will collaborate with parents who indicate an inability to access electronic grade books and identify a reasonable solution for providing timely information to the parents. Principals assist in such resolution as need be. 4. Elementary and Middle School teachers will provide documentation of student progress at the fall and spring conference. 5. Elementary report cards are due 10 working days after the end of the grading period. Secondary report cards are due two working days after the end of the first semester. 6. The exception shall be the end of the school year, when report cards shall be done by the last day of school. 7. Elementary specialists (PE and Music) report cards will include both a skill and effort/participation grade category.
Report Cards. Report cards shall not be due until after the last day of the grading period. The date when Report Cards and Progress Reports are due will be noted on the building calendars as the normal grading periods.
Report Cards. Each teacher is responsible for marking their portion of the report card. Social habits/citizenship will be a combined effort of both teachers.
Report Cards. All students will be given a report card each quarter for a total of 4. Quarter grades are placed on the student’s official transcript and are figured into overall GPA. A report card will be mailed home following the completion of each quarter. Midterm grades are NOT mailed home and parents need to consult the SIS/Aspire system to find accurate grades for their students. Class schedules will be available prior to school starting. Changes can only be made during the first two weeks of each semester. Changes may be made without charge during the first week and will be charged $10 for each change during the second week. Changes not requiring the $10 fee may include school error, teacher request, or incorrect academic placement. Schedule change procedure:
Report Cards. E.8.1 Interim reports shall not be required for all students, but may be issued on an individual needs basis.