Special or temporary Right of Way. The Concessionaire shall bear all costs and charges for any special or temporary Right of Way required by it in connection with access to the Project Site. The Concessionaire shall obtain at its own cost such facilities on or outside the Project Site as may be required by it for the purposes of the Resort and the Project Infrastructure and the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.
Special or temporary Right of Way. The Concessionaire shall bear all costs and charges for any special or temporary right of way required by it in connection with access to the Site for Medical College which is being provided and granted by the Authority. The Concessionaire shall obtain at its own cost such facilities on or outside the Site for Medical College as may be required by it for the purposes of the development of the Medical College and the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.
Special or temporary Right of Way. The Concessionaire shall bear all costs and charges for any special or temporary right of way required by it in connection with access to the District Hospital which is being provided and granted by the Authority. The Concessionaire shall obtain at its own cost such facilities on or outside the Site for District Hospital as may be required by it for the purposes of the Development Works, operation and maintenance of the District Hospital and the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.