SSN Responsibilities. SSN will perform each of the following tasks:
SSN Responsibilities. One-Time ***
SSN Responsibilities. SSN will perform each of the following tasks:
a. working at CPS Energy's site, ***, as measured against agreed to ***.
b. for CPS Energy’s review and written approval.
SSN Responsibilities. SSN will provide the following to support device installations and deployments:
SSN Responsibilities. SSN will perform each of the following tasks: for a period not to exceed ***, CPS Energy and its contractor personnel on ***. For a maximum of *** starting with the completion of the *** provided, conduct *** according to the following order:
(i) CPS Energy will *** the SSN customer support line, ***
(ii) a SSN *** a CPS Energy employee within ***. *** by SSN at ***. SSN will provide ***. During the ***, for a maximum of *** starting with the availability of the ***, *** the following *** during ***.
(iii) Exhibit C-2: Statement of Work (DA) Assist CPS Energy in the *** of up to two *** and perform ***.
SSN Responsibilities. After all Equipment is installed for an optimization area, SSN will perform Optimization in the following steps: Exhibit C-2: Statement of Work (DA) which may result in the need for additional ***. are added to an already *** SSN will *** concurrently with the next available *** to be completed, provided that the ***. any required *** prior to ***. SSN will perform the***. Within *** of the ***, CPS Energy will ***. CPS Energy will ***. SSN will ***; provided, however, should ***.
SSN Responsibilities a. SSN will ***.
b. at CPS Energy's request and if SSN's ***, SSN resources will be made ***.
c. SSN will perform ***.
d. or upon SSN's***, SSN will promptly***.
e. SSN will maintain in ***.
SSN Responsibilities. SSN will perform each of the following tasks:
b. for all *** to be *** pursuant to *** of the Agreement.
SSN Responsibilities. SSN will manage the DA Project and Deliverables under this SOW as set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, which management will include:
SSN Responsibilities. One-Time *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***