State Billings Sample Clauses

State Billings. When the State provides support on a fire occurring on lands within the State of Idaho billing will be in accordance with the Statewide AOP. Anytime the State responds to a fire outside of Idaho, regardless of the Protecting Agency, the State will submit their xxxxxxxx to the USFS. The only exceptions are in the case of Northwest Compact or Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) orders, in which the State will xxxx the ordering Agency directly. See this Exhibit item #1 Payments under Compacts.
State Billings. When one of the States is the supporting agency and the fire is within the State of Oregon or Washington, the State will bill the protecting agency for reimbursable costs when a billing is appropriate. Anytime the States respond to a Federal Agency fire outside of Oregon and Washington, the State will bill all applicable costs to the USFS. Annual operating plans will include billing location information.

Related to State Billings

  • Payment and Billing (a) STATION will, from time to time at intervals following broadcasts hereunder, bill AGENCY on behalf of Advertiser. AGENCY shall deliver payment to STATION at the address on the invoice within 15 days of the date of the invoice. (b) Any time of terrestrial radio broadcast on an invoice shall be accurate within 15 minutes. Any invoice identifying commercial announcements and their date and time of broadcasts, when sworn to by STATION, shall constitute an affidavit of performance or proof-of- performance. All invoices shall be deemed to be correct unless proven otherwise. (c) In the event that payment on any contract becomes past due and STATION in its sole discretion refers the contract to a collection agency or attorney for collection, the discount accorded to AGENCY under this contract will become null and void. (d) STATION is entitled to the maximum interest allowable by law on any past due balance. (e) In the event that STATION, in its sole discretion, refers this contract to a collection agency or attorney for collection, AGENCY will be responsible for all costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees and costs and court costs, incurred. (f) Notwithstanding to whom invoices are rendered, AGENCY and Advertiser, jointly and severally, shall remain obligated to pay to STATION (i) the amount of any invoices rendered by STATION within the time specified and until payment in full is received by STATION; and (ii) any other amounts payable to STATION hereunder. Payment by Advertiser to AGENCY shall not constitute payment to STATION. (g) In the event any commercial announcements under this contract are purchased pursuant to a cooperative advertising arrangement, AGENCY is acknowledged to be the agent of the source of the cooperative advertising funds (hereinafter called “Vendor”) and Vendor shall be jointly and severally liable with AGENCY and Advertiser for payment in full of the entire cost of said announcements within the time specified and until payment in full is received by STATION. Payment by Vendor to AGENCY or Advertiser shall not constitute payment to STATION.

  • Statewide HUB Program Statewide Procurement Division Note: In order for State agencies and institutions of higher education (universities) to be credited for utilizing this business as a HUB, they must award payment under the Certificate/VID Number identified above. Agencies, universities and prime contractors are encouraged to verify the company’s HUB certification prior to issuing a notice of award by accessing the Internet (xxxxx:// or by contacting

  • State of Texas Franchise Tax By signature hereon, Vendor hereby certifies that Vendor is not currently delinquent in the payment of any franchise taxes owed to the State of Texas under Chapter 171 of the Texas Tax Code.

  • State Aid 29.1 The Provider should satisfy itself, if the European rules on State Aid apply to the Services delivered under this Agreement. These can be accessed at xxxxx:// 29.2 Where the rules on State Aid apply, the Provider will collect and retain appropriate records and will supply those records to the Department on its request. 29.3 The Department reserves the right to require the Provider to obtain a contribution towards the cost of the Services delivered under this Agreement from the employer of any Learner. Where a contribution is required, the Department will confirm to the Provider in writing the exact percentage of the contribution. 29.4 Where Department requires the Provider to obtain a contribution towards the cost of the Services under Clause 29.3 above, the Provider must provide evidence that the contribution has been received. 29.5 In the event that any funding paid under this Agreement is deemed to constitute unlawful state aid the Department reserves the right to require immediate repayment of any such funding.

  • Payment And Billing Arrangements A. When the initial service is ordered by Reseller, the Company will establish an accounts receivable master account for Reseller. B. The Company shall xxxx Reseller on a current basis all applicable charges and credits. C. Payment of all charges will be the responsibility of Reseller. Reseller shall make payment to the Company for all services billed. The Company is not responsible for payments not received by Reseller from Reseller’s customer. The Company will not become involved in billing disputes that may arise between Reseller and its customer. Payments made to the Company as payment on account will be credited to an accounts receivable master account and not to an end user’s account. D. The Company will render bills each month on established xxxx days for each of Reseller’s accounts. E. The Company will xxxx Reseller, in advance, charges for all services to be provided during the ensuing billing period except charges associated with service usage, which charges will be billed in arrears. Charges will be calculated on an individual end user account level, including, if applicable, any charges for usage or usage allowances. BellSouth will also xxxx all charges, including but not limited to 911 and E911 charges, telecommunications relay charges, and franchise fees, to Reseller. F. The payment will be due by the next xxxx date (i.e., same date in the following month as the xxxx date) and is payable in immediately available funds. Payment is considered to have been made when received by the Company. 1. If the payment due date falls on a Sunday or on a Holiday which is observed on a Monday, the payment due date shall be the first non-Holiday day following such Sunday or Holiday. If the payment due date falls on a Saturday or on a Holiday which is observed on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the payment due date shall be the last non-Holiday day preceding such Saturday or Holiday. If payment is not received by the payment due date, a late payment penalty, as set forth in I. following, shall apply. G. Upon proof of tax exempt certification from Reseller, the total amount billed to Reseller will not include any taxes due from the end user. Reseller will be solely responsible for the computation, tracking, reporting and payment of all federal, state and/or local jurisdiction taxes associated with the services resold to the end user. H. As the customer of record, Reseller will be responsible for, and remit to the Company, all charges applicable to its resold services for emergency services (E911 and 911) and Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) as well as any other charges of a similar nature. I. If any portion of the payment is received by the Company after the payment due date as set forth preceding, or if any portion of the payment is received by the Company in funds that are not immediately available to the Company, then a late payment penalty shall be due to the Company. The late payment penalty shall be the portion of the payment not received by the payment due date times a late factor. The late factor shall be as set forth in Section A2 of the General Subscriber Service Tariff and Section B2 of the Private Line Service Tariff. J. Any switched access charges associated with interexchange carrier access to the resold local exchange lines will be billed by, and due to, the Company. No additional charges are to be assessed to Reseller. K. The Company will not perform billing and collection services for Reseller as a result of the execution of this Agreement. All requests for billing services should be referred to the appropriate entity or operational group within the Company. L. Pursuant to 47 CFR Section 51.617, the Company will xxxx Reseller end user common line charges identical to the end user common line charges the Company bills its end users. M. In general, the Company will not become involved in disputes between Reseller and Reseller’s end user customers over resold services. If a dispute does arise that cannot be settled without the involvement of the Company, Reseller shall contact the designated Service Center for resolution. The Company will make every effort to assist in the resolution of the dispute and will work with Reseller to resolve the matter in as timely a manner as possible. Reseller may be required to submit documentation to substantiate the claim.

  • WASHINGTON’S STATEWIDE PAYEE DESK Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor is registered with Washington’s Statewide Payee Desk, which registration is a condition to payment.

  • Monthly Billing Statements The Engineer shall request reimbursement of costs incurred by submitting the original and one copy of an itemized billing statement in a form acceptable to the State. The Engineer is authorized to submit requests for reimbursement no more frequently than monthly and no later than ninety (90) days after costs are incurred.

  • STATEWIDE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM If the maximum amount payable to Contractor under this Contract is $100,000 or greater, either on the Effective Date or at any time thereafter, this section shall apply. Contractor agrees to be governed by and comply with the provisions of §§00-000-000, 00-000-000, 00-000-000, and 00- 000-000, C.R.S. regarding the monitoring of vendor performance and the reporting of contract information in the State’s contract management system (“Contract Management System” or “CMS”). Contractor’s performance shall be subject to evaluation and review in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract, Colorado statutes governing CMS, and State Fiscal Rules and State Controller policies.

  • Fire Department Service Charge We will pay up to $500 for your liability assumed by contract or agreement for fire department charges incurred when the fire department is called to save or protect covered property from a Peril Insured Against. We do not cover fire department service charges if the property is located within the limits of the city, municipality or protection district furnishing the fire department response. This coverage is additional insurance. No deductible applies to this coverage.

  • Medical Records Retention Grantee shall retain medical records in accordance with 22 TAC §165.1(b) or other applicable statutes, rules and regulations governing medical information.