Statement of rationale for consent agreement Sample Clauses

Statement of rationale for consent agreement. EPA will prepare a written explanation of the basis for each con- sent agreement. This document will summarize the agreement, describe any ITC testing recommendations for the chemical involved, outline the chemi- cal’s use and exposure characteristics, and explain the objectives of the test- ing to be conducted and the rationale for the specific studies selected. This document will be published in the FED- ERAL REGISTER and, for ITC-designated chemicals, will constitute the state- ment of EPA’s reasons for not initi- ating rulemaking required by section 4(e)(1)(B) of the Act. [51 FR 23715, June 30, 1986, as amended at 54 FR 36314, Sept. 1, 1989]
Statement of rationale for consent agreement. E P A will p r ep a r e a w r i tt e n expl a n a t io n of t h e b a s i s fo r e a c h co n- se n t a g r ee m e n t . T h i s doc u m e n t will s u mm a r ize t h e a g r ee m e n t , desc r ibe a ny I TC t es t i n g r eco mm e n d a t io n s fo r t h e c h e m ic a l i n volved, o u t li n e t h e c h e m i- c a l’s u se a n d expos ur e c h a r a c t e r i s t ics, a n d expl a i n t h e objec t ives of t h e t es t - i n g t o be co n d u c t ed a n d t h e r a t io n a le fo r t h e specific s t u dies selec t ed. T h i s doc u m e n t will be p u blis h ed i n t h e F E D- E R A L R E GI STE R a n d, fo r I TC-desig n a t ed c h e m ic a l s, will co n s t i t u t e t h e s t a t e- m e n t of E P A’s r e a so n s fo r n o t i n i t i- a t i n g ru le m a k i n g r eq u i r ed b y sec t io n 4( e)(1)(B) of t h e Ac t . [51 F R 23715, J un e 30, 1986, a s a m e n ded a t 54 F R 36314, S ep t . 1, 1989] ( a) Timing of submission. T h e p r i n cip a l spo n so r of t es t i n g co n d u c t ed p ur s u a n t t o a co n se n t a g r ee m e n t s h a ll s u b m i t a s t u d y pl a n n o l a t e r t h a n 45 d a y s p r io r t o t h e i n i t i a t io n of t es t i n g. ( b) Content of st ud y plans. All s t u d y pl a n s a r e r eq u i r ed t o co n t a i n t h e fol- lowi n g i nfo r m a t io n: (1) Ide n t i t y of t h e co n se n t a g r ee m e n t un de r w h ic h t es t i n g will be pe r fo r m ed. (2) T h e specific t es t r eq u i r e m e n t s t o be cove r ed b y t h e s t u d y pl a n . (3) T h e n a m e a n d a dd r ess of t h e p r i n- cip a l t es t spo n so r . (4) T h e n a m es, a xx x xxxxx, a n d t ele- p h o n e nu m be r s of t h e r espo n s ible a d- m i n i s t r a t ive offici a l[ s] a n d p r ojec t m a n a ge r [ s] i n t h e p r i n cip a l spo n so r’s o r g a n iza t io n . (5) T h e n a m es, a xx x xxxxx, a n d t ele- p h o n e nu m be r s of t h e t ec hn ic a l co n- t a c t s a t e a c h m a nufa c t ur e r a n d/o r p r ocesso r s u bjec t t o t h e a g r ee m e n t . (6) T h e n a m es a n d a xx x xxxxx of t h e t es t i n g fa cili t ies r espo n s ible fo r t h e t es t i n g a n d t h e n a m es, a xx x xxxxx, a n d t elep h o n e nu m be r s of t h e a d m i n i s t r a- t ive offici a l s[ s] a n d p r ojec t m a n a ge r [ s] a ssig n ed t o ove r see t h e t es t i n g p r o- g r a m a t t h ese fa cili t ies. (7) B r ief s u mm a r ies of t h e t r a i n i n g a n d expe r ie n ce of e a c h p r ofess...

Related to Statement of rationale for consent agreement

  • Amendment of Agreement and Certificate of Limited Partnership For the admission to the Partnership of any Partner, the General Partner shall take all steps necessary and appropriate under the Act to amend the records of the Partnership and, if necessary, to prepare as soon as practical an amendment of this Agreement (including an amendment of Exhibit A) and, if required by law, shall prepare and file an amendment to the Certificate and may for this purpose exercise the power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 2.4 hereof.

  • Statement of Agreement The parties hereby acknowledge the accuracy of the foregoing Background Information and hereby agree as follows:

  • Amendment of Agreement This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement of the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser and only in accordance with the provisions of the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

  • Amendment of Release Schedule The new release schedule will apply 10 days after the Escrow Agent receives a certificate signed by a director or officer of the Issuer authorized to sign (a) stating that the Issuer has become an established issuer by satisfying one of the conditions in section 3.1 and specifying the condition; (b) stating that the release schedule for the Issuer’s escrow securities has changed; (c) stating that the Issuer has issued a news release at least 10 days before the first release date under the new release schedule and specifying the date that the news release was issued; and (d) specifying the new release schedule.

  • Amendment of Rights Agreement The Rights Agreement is hereby amended as follows: (a) Section 1 of the Rights Agreement is hereby amended by inserting the following subsections at the end of such Section 1:

  • Term of Agreement; Amendment; Assignment A. This Agreement shall become effective with respect to each Fund listed on Exhibit A hereof as of the date hereof and, with respect to each Fund not in existence on that date, on the date an amendment to Exhibit A to this Agreement relating to that Fund is executed. Unless sooner terminated as provided herein, this Agreement shall continue in effect for two years from the date hereof. Thereafter, if not terminated, this Agreement shall continue in effect automatically as to each Fund for successive one-year periods, provided such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by: (i) the Trust’s Board, or (ii) the vote of a “majority of the outstanding voting securities” of a Fund, and provided that in either event, the continuance is also approved by a majority of the Trust’s Board who are not “interested persons” of any party to this Agreement, by a vote cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval. B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement may be terminated, without the payment of any penalty, with respect to a particular Fund: (i) through a failure to renew this Agreement at the end of a term, (ii) upon mutual consent of the parties, or (iii) upon not less than 60 days’ written notice, by either the Trust upon the vote of a majority of the members of its Board who are not “interested persons” of the Trust and have no direct or indirect financial interest in the operation of this Agreement, or by vote of a “majority of the outstanding voting securities” of a Fund, or by the Distributor. The terms of this Agreement shall not be waived, altered, modified, amended or supplemented in any manner whatsoever except by a written instrument signed by the Distributor and the Trust. If required under the 1940 Act, any such amendment must be approved by the Trust’s Board, including a majority of the Trust’s Board who are not “interested persons” of any party to this Agreement, by a vote cast in person at a meeting for the purpose of voting on such amendment. In the event that such amendment affects the Advisor, the written instrument shall also be signed by the Advisor. This Agreement will automatically terminate in the event of its “assignment.” C. As used in this Section, the terms “majority of the outstanding voting securities,” “interested person,” and “assignment” shall have the same meaning as such terms have in the 1940 Act. D. Sections 7 and 8 shall survive termination of this Agreement.

  • AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT; MERGER The General Partner’s consent shall be required for any amendment to this Agreement. The General Partner, without the consent of the Limited Partners, may amend this Agreement in any respect or merge or consolidate the Partnership with or into any other partnership or business entity (as defined in Section 17-211 of the Act) in a transaction pursuant to Section 7.1(b), (c) or (d) hereof; provided, however, that the following amendments and any other merger or consolidation of the Partnership shall require the consent of Limited Partners holding more than 50% of the Percentage Interests of the Limited Partners: (a) any amendment affecting the operation of the Redemption Right (except as provided in Section 8.5(d), 7.1(b) or 7.1(c)) in a manner adverse to the Limited Partners; (b) any amendment that would adversely affect the rights of the Limited Partners to receive the distributions payable to them hereunder, other than with respect to the issuance of additional Partnership Units pursuant to Section 4.3; (c) any amendment that would alter the Partnership’s allocations of Profit and Loss to the Limited Partners, other than with respect to the issuance of additional Partnership Units pursuant to Section 4.3; or (d) any amendment that would impose on the Limited Partners any obligation to make additional Capital Contributions to the Partnership.

  • Second Amendment to Exhibit A to Services Agreement Exhibit A to the Services Agreement shall be, and here by is, supplemented with the following:

  • Amendment of Rights The terms of the Rights generally may be amended by the Board of Directors of the Company without the consent of the holders of the Rights, except that from and after such time as the Rights are distributed no such amendment may adversely affect the interests of the holders of the Rights (excluding the interest of any Acquiring Person).

  • Registration Statement Amendments; Payment of Fees After the date of this Agreement and during any period in which a Prospectus relating to any Placement Securities is required to be delivered by the Sales Agent under the Securities Act (including in circumstances where such requirement may be satisfied pursuant to Rule 172 under the Securities Act or any applicable similar rule), (i) the Company will notify the Sales Agent promptly of the time when any subsequent amendment to the Registration Statement, other than documents incorporated by reference, has been filed with the Commission and/or has become effective or any subsequent supplement to the Prospectus has been filed and of any comment letter from the Commission or any request by the Commission for any amendment or supplement to the Registration Statement or Prospectus or for additional information; (ii) the Company will prepare and file with the Commission, promptly upon the Sales Agent’s request, any amendments or supplements to the Registration Statement or Prospectus that, in the Sales Agent’s reasonable opinion, may be necessary or advisable in connection with the distribution of the Placement Securities by the Sales Agent (provided, however, that the failure of the Sales Agent to make such request shall not relieve the Company of any obligation or liability hereunder, or affect the Sales Agent’s right to rely on the representations and warranties made by the Company and the Operating Partnership in this Agreement); (iii) the Company will not file any amendment or supplement to the Registration Statement or Prospectus, other than documents incorporated by reference, relating to the Placement Securities or a security convertible into the Placement Securities unless a copy thereof has been submitted to the Sales Agent within a reasonable period of time before the filing and the Sales Agent has not reasonably objected thereto (provided, however, that the failure of the Sales Agent to make such objection shall not relieve the Company of any obligation or liability hereunder, or affect the Sales Agent’s right to rely on the representations and warranties made by the Company and Operating Partnership in this Agreement) and the Company will furnish to the Sales Agent at the time of filing thereof a copy of any document that upon filing is deemed to be incorporated by reference into the Registration Statement or Prospectus, except for those documents available via XXXXX; and (iv) the Company will cause each amendment or supplement to the Prospectus, other than documents incorporated by reference, to be filed with the Commission as required pursuant to the applicable paragraph of Rule 424(b) of the Securities Act (without reliance on Rule 424(b)(8) of the Securities Act).