Review and Modification Sample Clauses

Review and Modification. (1) Upon receipt of a study plan, EPA will re- view it to determine whether it com- plies with paragraph (b) of this section. If EPA determines that the study plan does not comply with paragraph (b) of this section, EPA will notify the sub- xxxxxx that the plan is incomplete and will identify the deficiencies and the steps necessary to complete the plan. It is the responsibility of the test spon- sor to review the study protocols to xx- xxxxxxx if they comply with all the mandatory testing conditions and re- quirements in the test standards (i.e., ‘‘shall statements’’). (2) The submitter will have 15 days after the day it receives a notice under paragraph (c)(1) of this section to sub- mit appropriate information to make the study plan complete. (3) If the submitter fails to provide appropriate information to complete a study plan within 15 days after having received a notice under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the submitter will be considered to be in violation of the consent agreement and subject to en- forcement proceedings pursuant to § 790.65 (c) and (d). (4) The test sponsor shall submit any amendments to study plans to EPA at the address specified in § 790.5(b).
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Review and Modification. 16.1 This Agreement may be reviewed or modified and any review or modification of this Agreement will be conducted in the circumstances and in the manner determined by the Parties. 16.2 No modification of this Agreement will be of any force or effect unless it is in writing and signed by the Parties to this Agreement. 16.3 A party will not be in breach of this Agreement if it does not agree to an amendment to this Agreement requested by a Party in or as a consequence of the Review.
Review and Modification. These rules may be reviewed and modified as and when necessary upon request of a Party and may be open to such reviews and modifications as may be agreed upon by both Parties.
Review and Modification. A. Upon request of either party, both parties will review this Agreement annually in order to determine whether its terms and conditions are still appropriate. The parties agree to renegotiate terms and conditions hereof if it is mutually determined that significant changes in this Agreement are necessary. There are no obligations to agree by either party. B. Modifications to the provisions of this Agreement, with the exception of Section IV., Agreement Management, shall be valid only through execution of a formal written amendment to the Agreement.
Review and Modification. Upon request of either party, both parties will review this Agreement in order to determine whether its terms and conditions are still appropriate. The parties agree to renegotiate terms and conditions hereof if it is mutually determined that significant changes in this Agreement are necessary. There are no obligations for either party to agree to amend the Agreement terms. Upon execution of this Agreement, with the exception of changes to Section IV. AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT, modifications shall be valid only through execution of a formal written amendment to the Agreement. Any changes to the information contained in Section IV. AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT, may be provided to the other party, in writing, and a copy of the written notification shall be maintained in the official Agreement record.
Review and Modification. Upon request of either party, both parties will review this Contract in order to determine whether its terms and conditions are still appropriate. The parties agree to renegotiate terms and conditions hereof if it is mutually determined that significant changes in this Contract are necessary. There are no obligations to agree by either party. Modifications to the provisions of this Contract, with the exception of Section 5.1 or 5.2, shall be valid only through execution of a formal written amendment to the Contract.
Review and Modification. (1) Upo n r eceip t of a s t u d y pl a n , E P A will r e- view i t t o de t e r m i n e w h e t h e r i t co m - plies wi t h p a r a g r a p h ( b) of t h i s sec t io n . If E P A de t e r m i n es t h a t t h e s t u d y pl a n does n o t co m pl y wi t h p a r a g r a p h ( b) of t h i s sec t io n , E P A will n o t ify t h e s u b- m i tt e r t h a t t h e pl a n i s i n co m ple t e a n d will ide n t ify t h e deficie n cies a n d t h e s t eps n ecess a ry t o co m ple t e t h e pl a n . I t i s t h e r espo n s ibili t y of t h e t es t spo n- so r t o r eview t h e s t u d y p r o t ocols t o xx- x x x x x x x if t h e y co m pl y wi t h a ll t h e m a n d a t o ry t es t i n g co n di t io n s a n d r e- q u i r e m e n t s i n t h e t es t s t a n d a r ds ( i . e., ‘‘s h a ll s t a t e m e n t s’’). (2) T h e s u b m i tt e r will h a ve 15 d a y s af t e r t h e d a y i t r eceives a n o t ice un de r p a r a g r a p h ( c)(1) of t h i s sec t io n t o s u b- m i t a pp r op r i a t e i nfo r m a t io n t o m a k e t h e s t u d y pl a n co m ple t e. (3) If t h e s u b m i tt e r fa il s t o p r ovide a pp r op r i a t e i nfo r m a t io n t o co m ple t e a s t u d y pl a n wi t h i n 15 d a y s af t e r h a vi n g r eceived a n o t ice un de r p a r a g r a p h ( c)(1) of t h i s sec t io n , t h e s u b m i tt e r will be co n s ide r ed t o be i n viol a t io n of t h e co n se n t a g r ee m e n t a n d s u bjec t t o e n- fo r ce m e n t p r oceedi n gs p ur s u a n t t o § 790.65 ( c) a n d ( d). (4) T h e t es t spo n so r s h a ll s u b m i t a ny a m e n d m e n t s t o s t u d y pl a n s t o E P A a t t h e a dd r ess specified i n § 790.5( b).
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Review and Modification. The City and the Team may review and, if desirable, revise this Agreement in a manner that is mutually satisfactory to the City and the Team, at any time. No change or addition to, or deletion of, any portion of this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the parties hereto unless the same is approved in writing and signed by each of the parties .
Review and Modification. The City and Xxxxxx X-X may review and, if desirable, revise this Agreement in a manner that is mutually satisfactory to the City and Xxxxxx X-X, at any time. No change or addition to, or deletion of, any portion of this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the parties hereto unless the same is approved in writing and signed by each of the parties .
Review and Modification. This Agreement will be reviewed on an annual basis, and may be modified or amended only in writing. Collaborating Physician or Midwife shall notify Kaleida Health's Medical Staff Office if Midwife is no longer employed by Collaborating Physician or his/her capacity or scope of employment changes.
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