Status of Said SAC Sample Clauses

Status of Said SAC. The Conveniences of the said SAC (defined in Clause “L” below) which shall be situated in the Said Complex shall be deemed to be a constituent of the Common Portions of the Said Complex and the Allottee shall have undivided, impartible, proportionate and variable share and/or interest in the Conveniences of the Said SAC, subject to the other provisions of this Agreement, particularly, with regard to the said SAC.
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Status of Said SAC. The Conveniences of the Said SAC shall be deemed to be a constituent of the Common Areas of the Said Project and the Allottee shall have undivided, impartible, proportionate and variable share and/or interest in the Conveniences of the Said SAC, subject to the other provisions of this Agreement, particularly, with regard to the Said SAC.

Related to Status of Said SAC

  • STATUS OF CONTRACTOR 21 CONTRACTOR is, and shall at all times be deemed to be, an independent contractor and shall be 22 wholly responsible for the manner in which it performs the services required of it by the terms of this 23 Agreement. CONTRACTOR is entirely responsible for compensating staff, subcontractors, and 24 consultants employed by CONTRACTOR. This Agreement shall not be construed as creating the 25 relationship of employer and employee, or principal and agent, between COUNTY and CONTRACTOR 26 or any of CONTRACTOR’s employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors. CONTRACTOR 27 assumes exclusively the responsibility for the acts of its employees, agents, consultants, or 28 subcontractors as they relate to the services to be provided during the course and scope of their 29 employment. CONTRACTOR, its agents, employees, consultants, or subcontractors, shall not be 30 entitled to any rights or privileges of COUNTY’s employees and shall not be considered in any manner 31 to be COUNTY’s employees. 32

  • Status of Salary Schedule The salary schedules are not to be construed as part of a teacher’s continuing contract. In the event a successor Agreement is not entered into prior to the expiration date of this Agreement, a teacher shall be compensated according to the previous year’s compensation until such time that a successor Agreement is executed.

  • Legal Status of School Pursuant to Sec. 302D-25, HRS, the School is a public school and entity of the State and may not bring suit against any other entity or agency of the State. The School shall be nonsectarian in its operations.

  • Status of IOM Nothing in or relating to the Agreement shall be deemed a waiver, express or implied, of any of the privileges and immunities of the International Organization for Migration as an intergovernmental organization.

  • Status of Parties The other party is not acting as a fiduciary for or an adviser to it in respect of that Transaction.

  • Independent Contractor Status of Grantee The Grantee, if not a state agency, agrees that its officers, agents and employees, in performance of this Agreement, shall act in the capacity of independent contractors and not as officers, agents or employees of the state. The Grantee is not entitled to accrue any benefits of state employment, including retirement benefits and any other rights or privileges connected with employment by the State of Florida.

  • Status of Replacement Employee Only the original vacancy resulting from an absence due to pre-paid leave will be posted. Employees in bargaining units at the Hospital represented by OPSEU, selected to fill vacancies resulting from replacing an employee on a pre-paid leave need not be considered for other vacancies while replacing such employee. Upon completion of the leave, the replacing employee will be returned to his former position, and the filling of subsequent vacancies will likewise be reversed. Employees newly hired to fill vacancies resulting from replacing an employee on pre-paid leave will not accrue seniority during the filling of such vacancies. Furthermore, such employees need not be considered for other vacancies. If such employees do post into permanent positions they will be credited with seniority from their last date of hire. The release or discharge of such employees will not be subject of a grievance or arbitration.

  • Status quo (A) any Decision or FWC Decision may be enforced by an action seeking appropriate remedies (including, but not limited to, payment of a debt, damages, or specific performance) in any court of competent jurisdiction; and

  • Status of Consultant It is the intent of the parties that Consultant shall be considered an independent contractor and that Consultant, and anyone else for whom it is legally liable, shall not be considered employees, servants or agents of the City for any purpose. Furthermore, this Agreement shall not be construed to create a partnership or joint venture between the Consultant and the City. Neither Consultant nor any of its employees or contractors shall be eligible to participate in City’s industrial insurance, unemployment, disability, medical, dental, life or other insurance programs, or any other benefit or program that is sponsored, financed or provided by City for its employees. Consultant agrees that it shall be Consultant’s exclusive responsibility to pay all federal, state, or local payroll, social security, disability, industrial insurance, self-employment insurance, income and other taxes and assessments related to this Agreement. Neither FICA (Social Security), FUTA (Federal Employment), nor local, state or federal income taxes will be withheld from payments to Consultant. Consultant shall at Consultant’s expense pay and be fully liable and responsible for, and indemnity and hold harmless City from, any assessments, fines or penalties relating to Consultant’s failure to uphold any of these responsibilities.

  • Contractor’s Federal Employment Verification Certification The Contractor is registered with, authorized to use, is using and will continue to use, the federal work authorization program throughout the term of the contract, and holds the following authorization: User Identification Number: Date of Authorization: Date WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner, for the consideration set forth herein, the adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by each party, agree as follows:

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