THE ALLOTTEE SHALL. 1. Execute (in the event of the Owner, either on its own or at the behest of the allottees or as may be so directed, as the case may be, constituting and/or causing to be constituted any association or entity for maintenance and management of Urban Park Commercial Section) the necessary declaration in Form A for submission of the Project to the provisions of the West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act to enable the formation of the association of allottees either by the Allottee or through a power of attorney holder when called upon by to do so by the Owner after receiving the completion certificate or partial completion certificate as the case may be. 2. co-operate with the other co-buyers and co-occupiers of the constructed spaces/units within the Project, the Owner and/or the association of allottees, as the case may be, in the management and maintenance of the Unit, building and the Project and shall abide by the directions and decisions of the Owner and/or the association of allottees, as the case may be, as may be made from time to time in the best interest of the Commercial Space and/or the Project; 3. If required by the Owner, give a no objection certificate to the Owner for the Owner making any changes in the Urban Park Residential Section in the manner thought fit and proper by the Owner at its sole discretion. 4. The Allottee may obtain finance from any financial institution/bank or any other source but the Allottee's obligation to purchase the Unit pursuant to this Agreement shall not be contingent on the Allottee's ability or competency to obtain such financing and the Allottee shall remain bound by this Agreement whether or not the Allottee has been able to obtain financing for the purchase of the Unit. 5. pay to the Owner or the association of allottees, as the case may be, damages and/or compensation for damage or destruction to any common fixtures and fittings, utilities and/or equipment of the Project, that has been caused by the negligence and/or willful act of the Allottee and/or any occupier of the Commercial Space and/or family members, guests or servants of the Allottee or such other occupiers of the units; 6. it is further made clear that there shall be individual units for all the unit holders for the air conditioning system and no CAM charges shall be imposed for the said air conditioning system. 7. adhere to and/or comply with the norms of green building as more fully mentioned below under the head green building norms. 8. not do or ...
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THE ALLOTTEE SHALL. 2.1 Maintain the Project in general and the Building where the Flat is situate for the purposes, with the intent and object for which the same is constructed. 2.2 Assist the Developer to form the Association of Flat Acquirers, if the Developer so desires and strictly abide by all the Rules and Regulations of the Association so formed. 2.3 Co-operate and assist in all manner with the Developer/FMC/Association, as the case may be, in carrying out its day to day activities and obligations and, in particular, abide by, observe and/or perform all the relevant laws, terms, conditions, rules and regulations regarding usage and/or operation of water, electricity, drainage, sewerage, lifts, tube xxxxx, generator and/or other installations and/or amenities in the Building, Project and its service zone including without limitation those under the West Bengal Fire Service Act, 1974 and/or the rules made thereunder, and shall indemnify and keep the Developer/FMC/Association, as the case may be, saved, harmless and indemnified from and against all losses, damages, costs, claims, demands, actions and/or proceedings that the Developer/FMC/Association, as the case may be, may suffer or incur due to any non-abidance, non-observance, non-performance, default or negligence on the part of the Allottee. 2.4 Maintain, at their own costs, the Flat in the same good condition, state and order in which the same is be delivered to him/her/it, normal wear and tear accepted. 2.5 Abide by and/or comply with all statutory laws, bye-laws, rules, regulations and/or restrictions that are to be abided by or complied with by the owners and occupiers of multi storied buildings in the state of West Bengal, including relevant laws with respect to maintenance of mandatory open spaces. 2.6 Pay regularly and punctually every month and month by month, the common area maintenance charges at such rates as may be decided, determined and apportioned by the Developer to the Developer and upon the formation of the Association to such Association, without any abatement or demand, payable with effect from the day month and year first above written in the possession letter. NOTWITHSTANDING anything included or not included within the scope of this clause but in the opinion of the Developer and/or Association or Facility Management Company are issues or subject matters of common interest, the Allottee undertakes not to oppose the decisions taken by the Developer and/or Association or Facility Management Compa...
THE ALLOTTEE SHALL. 1. The Allottee(s) shall execute the necessary declaration for submission of the Project to the provisions of the West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act to enable the formation of the association of Allottee(s) either by the Allottee(s) or through a power of attorney holder when called upon by to do so by the Owner as the case may be. 2. The Allottee(s) shall co-operate with the other co-buyers and co-occupiers of the constructed spaces/units within the Project, the Owner and/or the Association, as the case may be, in the management and maintenance of the Apartment, building and the Project and shall abide by the directions and decisions of the Owner and/or the Association, as the case may be, as may be made from time to time in the best interest of the Flat and/or the Project; 3. The Allottee(s) shall pay to the Owner or the Association, as the case may be, damages and/or compensation for damage or destruction to any common fixtures and fittings, utilities and/or equipment of the Project, that has been caused by the negligence and/or wilful act of the Buye(s) and/or any occupier of the Flat and/or family members, guests or servants of the Buye(s) or such other occupiers of the Flat; 4. The Allottee(s) shall not throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown from the said Flat in the compound or any portion of the Said Premises and the building in which the Flat is situated, other than in the area earmarked for the such purpose; 5. The Allottee(s) shall notify the Owner or the Association, as the case may be, in case the Buye(s) lets out the Flat, of the tenant’s/transferee’s details, including address, email- id and telephone number; 6. The Allottee(s) shall not sub-divide the Flat and/or any part or portion thereof; 7. The Allottee(s) shall not do or permit to be done any new window, doorways, path, passage, drain or other encroachment or easement to be made in the Flat; 8. The Allottee(s) shall not to do anything or prevent the Owner from making further or additional legal constructions within 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. within any working day notwithstanding any temporary disruption in the Buye(s)(s) enjoyment of the Apartment. 9. The Allottee(s) shall not to do or cause anything to be done in or around the Apartment which may cause or tend to cause or tantamount to cause or effect any damage to any flooring or ceiling of the Apartment or any apartment adjacent to the Apartment or in any manner interfere with the use and rights an...
THE ALLOTTEE SHALL a) Maintain the Complex in general where its Apartment is situated for the purposes, with the intent and object for which the same is constructed. b) Assist the Promoter to form the Association of Allottees, if the Promoter so desires and strictly abide by all the Rules and Regulations of the Association so formed. c) Co-operate and assist in all manner with the Promoter or the Association, as the case may be, in carrying out its day to day activities and obligations and, in particular, abide by, observe and/or perform all the relevant laws, terms, conditions, rules and regulations regarding usage and/or operation of water, electricity, drainage, sewerage, lifts, tubewells, generator and/or other installations and/or amenities in the Building, the Complex and shall indemnify and keep the Promoter or the Association, as the case may be, saved, harmless and indemnified from and against all losses, damages, costs, claims,demands,actionsand/orproceedingsthatthePromoterortheAsso ciation,asthecase may be, may suffer or incur due to any non- abidance, non-observance, non- performance, default or negligence on the part of the concerned Allottee. d) Not to carry any heavy goods and materials in the passenger lifts e) Maintain, at their own costs, their respective Apartments in the same good condition, state and order in which the same will be delivered to them, normal wear and tear accepted. f) Abide by and/or comply with all statutory laws, bye-laws, rules, regulations and/or restrictions that are to be abided by or complied with by the owners and occupiers of multi storied buildings in the State of West Bengal. g) Pay the charges for electricity only relating to the Apartment and proportionately relating to the Building and the Complex Common Portions, Common Areas, Utilities and Facilities. h) Pay proportionate charges for electricity, including those for loss of transmission, till such time a separate meter is not installed for the Apartment and after such installation, timely pay all charges and/or deposits to ensure that none of the other Allottee or the Promoter or the Association, as the case may be, is hindered in any manner for any non or untimely payment. i) Pay the proportionate rates, charges and fees of the municipality/local authority concerned till such time the Apartment is not mutated and separately assessed by such municipality/local authority and thereafter timely pay all rates and taxes of municipality/local authority to ensure that none of the...
THE ALLOTTEE SHALL. (in case of Plot) 1. not sub-divide the Plot and/or any part or portion thereof; 2. not make any excavation in the Plot SAVE to the extent required for the beneficial enjoyment of the Plot. 3. Not make any changes to the Plot, outdoor space, semi opened spaces, etc. 1. not close or permit the closing of verandahs, exclusive terrace, if any, or lounges or balconies or lobbies and common parts or portions; 2. not do or permit to be done any new window, doorways, path, passage, drain or other encroachment or easement to be made in the Farm House; 3. install grills, the design of which has not been suggested and/or approved by the Promoter or in any other manner do any other act which would affect or detract from the uniformity and aesthetics of the exterior of the Farm House; 4. not use the Farm House or permit the same to be used for any purpose save and except exclusively for residential purpose and use or permit the same to be used for any purpose which may cause or is likely to cause nuisance or annoyance or cause damage or inconvenience to allottees/occupiers of other farm houses in the Project; 5. not keep in the garage space anything other than cars or two-xxxxxxx or use the same for any purpose other than parking of cars or two wheelers or raise any kucha or pacca construction, grilled wall/ enclosures thereon or any part thereof or permit any person to stay/ dwell or store article therein; 6. not shift or alter the position of either the kitchen or the toilets which would affect the drainage system of the Farm House in any manner whatsoever; 7. not misuse or permit to be misused the water supply to the Farm House;
THE ALLOTTEE SHALL. 1. co-operate with the other co-buyers and co-occupiers of the constructed spaces/units within the Project, the Promoter and/or the Association and /or nominated agency of the Promoter (“Facility Management Entity”), as the case may be, in the management and maintenance of the Apartment, building and the Project and shall abide by the directions and decisions of the Promoter and/or the Association and /or Facility Management Entity, as the case may be, as may be made from time to time in the best interest of the Apartment, Building and/or the Project; 2. pay to the Promoter or the Association, as the case may be, damages and/or compensation for damage or destruction to any common fixtures and fittings, utilities and/or equipment of the Building and/or the Project, that has been caused by the negligence and/or willful act of the Allottee and/or any occupier of the Identified Flat and/or family members, guests or servants of the Allottee or such other occupiers of the Identified Flat; 3. not do or permit to be done any act or thing which may render void or voidable any insurance of the Said Premises and the Building in which the Identified Flat is situated or any part thereof or whereby any increased premium shall become payable in respect of the insurance;
THE ALLOTTEE SHALL. 1. cooperate with the other co-buyers and co-occupiers of the constructed spaces/units within the Project, the Developer and/or the association of allottees and/or nominate agency (Facility Management Entity), as the case may be, in the management and maintenance of the Apartment, building and the Project and shall abide by the directions and decisions of the Developer and/or the association of allottees, as the case may be, as may be made from time to time in the best interest of the Flat, Building and/or the Project; 2. pay to the Developer or the association of allottees and/or nominate agency, as the case may be, damages and/or compensation for damage or destruction to any common fixtures and fittings, utilities and/or equipment of the Building and/or the Project, that has been caused by the negligence and/or willful act of the Allottee and/or any occupier of the Flat and/or family members, guests or servants of the Allottee or such other occupiers of the Flat; 3. use only the allotted slot of the parking as would be earmarked in due course by the Developer for exclusive use of the Allottee and not to use or park vehicles in any other slot within the Project. 4. not throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown from the said Flat in the compound or any portion of the Said Premises and the Building in which the Flat is situated, other than in the area earmarked for the such purpose; 5. notify the Developer or the association of allottees and/or nominate agency , as the case may be, in case the Allottee lets out the Flat, of the tenant‟s/transferee‟s details, including address, email-id and telephone number;
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THE ALLOTTEE SHALL. 2.1 Maintain the Project in general and the Building where the Flat is situate for the purposes, with the intent and object for which the same is constructed. 2.2 Assist the Developer to form the Association/Association of Flat Acquirers, if the Developer so desires and strictly abide by all the Rules and Regulations of the Association so formed. 2.3 Co-operate and assist in all manner with the Developer/FMC/Association, as the case may be, in carrying out its day to day activities and obligations and, in particular, abide by, observe and/or perform all the relevant laws, terms, conditions, rules and regulations regarding usage and/or operation of water, electricity, drainage, sewerage, lifts, tube xxxxx, generator and/or other installations and/or amenities in the Building, Project and its service zone including without limitation those under the West Bengal Fire Service Act, 1974 and/or the rules made thereunder, and shall indemnify and keep the Developer/FMC/Association, as the case may be, saved, harmless and indemnified from and against all losses, damages, costs, claims, demands, actions and/or proceedings that the Developer/FMC/Association, as the case may be, may suffer or incur due to any non-abidance, non-observance, non- performance, default or negligence on the part of the Allottee. 2.4 Maintain, at their own costs, the Flat in the same good condition, state and order in which the same is be delivered to him/her/it, normal wear and tear accepted.


  • EMPLOYER AND UNION SHALL ACQUAINT NEW EMPLOYEES The Employer agrees to acquaint new employees with the fact that a Collective Agreement is in effect and with the conditions of employment set out in the Articles dealing with Union Security and Dues Check-off. The Employer agrees to provide the name, worksite phone number, and location of the new employee's xxxxxxx in the letter of hiring. Whenever the xxxxxxx is employed in the same work area as the new employee, the employee's immediate supervisor will introduce her to her xxxxxxx. The Employer agrees that a Union xxxxxxx will be given an opportunity to interview each new employee within regular working hours, without loss of pay, for thirty (30) minutes sometime during the first thirty (30) days of employment for the purpose of acquainting the new employee with the benefits and duties of Union membership and the employee's responsibilities and obligations to the Employer and the Union.

  • Programs to Keep You Healthy Many health problems can be prevented by making positive changes to your lifestyle, including exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and not smoking. As a member, you can take advantage of our wellness programs at no additional cost. We offer wellness programs to our members from time to time. These programs include, but are not limited to: • online and in-person educational programs; • health assessments; • coaching; • biometric screenings, such as cholesterol or body mass index; • discounts We may provide incentives for you to participate in these programs. These incentives may include credits toward premium, and a reduction or waiver of deductible and/or copayments for certain covered healthcare services, as permitted by applicable state and federal law. For the subscriber of the plan, wellness incentives may also include rewards, which may take the form of cash or cash equivalents such as gift cards, discounts, and others. These rewards may be taxable income. Additional information is available on our website. Your participation in a wellness program may make your employer eligible for a group wellness incentive award. Your participation in our wellness programs is voluntary. We reserve the right to end wellness programs at any time. From time to time, we may offer you coupons, discounts, or other incentives as part of our member incentives program. These coupons, discounts and incentives are not benefits and do not change or affect your benefits under this plan. You must be a member to be eligible for member incentives. Restrictions may apply to these incentives, and we reserve the right to change or stop providing member incentives at any time. Care coordination gives you access to dedicated BCBSRI healthcare professionals, including nurses, dietitians, behavioral health providers, and community resources specialists. These care coordinators can help you set and meet your health goals. You can receive support for many health issues, including, but not limited to: • making the most of your physician’s visits; • navigating through the healthcare system; • managing medications or addressing side effects; • better understanding new or pre-existing medical conditions; • completing preventive screenings; • losing weight. Care Coordination is a personalized service that is part of your existing healthcare coverage and is available at no additional cost to you. For more information, please call (000) 000-XXXX (2273) or visit our website. If you have a chronic condition such as asthma, coronary heart disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, we’re here to help. Our tools and information can help you manage your condition and improve your health. You may also be eligible to receive help through our care coordination program. This voluntary program is available at no additional cost you. To learn more about disease management, please call (000) 000-0000 or 0-000-000-0000. Our entire contract with you consists of this agreement and our contract with your employer. Your ID card will identify you as a member when you receive the healthcare services covered under this agreement. By presenting your ID card to receive covered healthcare services, you are agreeing to abide by the rules and obligations of this agreement. Your eligibility for benefits is determined under the provisions of this agreement. Your right to appeal and take action is described in Appeals in Section 5. This agreement describes the benefits, exclusions, conditions and limitations provided under your plan. It shall be construed under and shall be governed by the applicable laws and regulations of the State of Rhode Island and federal law as amended from time to time. It replaces any agreement previously issued to you. If this agreement changes, an amendment or new agreement will be provided.

  • Discriminatory Vendors An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity.

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