Stormwater Notwithstanding any other provisions or terms of this Agreement, Company acknowledges that certain properties within the Premises or on Authority-owned land are subject to stormwater rules and regulations. Company agrees to observe and abide by such stormwater rules and regulations as may be applicable to the Premises, and, if applicable, Company hereby expressly covenants, warrants, and represents to Authority, in connection with Company’s operations on the Premises, the following: A. Company is required to submit a Notice of Intent to use the State of Florida Multi-Sector Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity. Authority and Company both acknowledge that close cooperation is necessary to ensure compliance with any stormwater discharge permit terms and conditions, as well as to ensure safety and to minimize the cost of compliance. Company acknowledges further that it may be necessary to undertake actions to minimize the exposure of stormwater to “significant materials” (as such term may be defined by applicable stormwater rules and regulations) generated, stored, handled, or otherwise used by Company by implementing and maintaining “best management practices” (BMPs) (as such term may be defined in applicable stormwater rules and regulations). Company will establish a BMP plan for the Premises and submit a copy to Authority. B. Company will be knowledgeable of any stormwater discharge permit requirements applicable to Company and with which Company will be obligated to comply. The submittal of a Notice of Intent will be made by Company to the FDEP, and a copy will be submitted to Authority. Company is required to comply with the following requirements including, but not limited to, certification of non-stormwater discharges; collection of stormwater samples; preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or similar plans; implementation of BMPs; and maintenance and submittal of necessary records. In complying with such requirements, Company will observe applicable deadlines set by the regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over the permit. Company agrees to undertake, at its sole expense, those stormwater permit requirements for which it has received written notice from the regulatory agency and that apply to the Premises, and Company agrees that it will hold harmless and indemnify Authority for any violations or non-compliance with any such permit requirements.
Stormwater Management a) The Owner AGREES to implement the requirements incorporated in the Draft Plan Conditions attached as Schedule “F” and any reports submitted to Kawartha Region Conservation Authority and the City pertaining to: i) pre and post development run-off flows and water balance calculations, and the intended means of conveying stormwater flow from each Lot, Block and the entire proposed Plan of Subdivision; ii) the anticipated impact of the Plan of Subdivision on water quality and phosphorus control, as it relates to fish and fish habitat once adequate protective measures have been taken; iii) the means whereby erosion and sedimentation and their effects will be minimized on the site during and after construction; iv) the site soil conditions, including grain size distribution profiles; v) a site grading plan. b) The Owner AGREES to erect and maintain all stormwater management and erosion and sedimentation control structures operating and in good repair during the construction period, in a manner satisfactory to Kawartha Region Conservation Authority and the City. c) Prior to the execution of this Agreement, the Owner AGREES to confirm to the City that Conservation Authority has reviewed and approved the stormwater management report and plan, erosion and sedimentation plan, and final Lot Grading Plans as required under this Section. a) UPGRADES TO EXISTING STORM SEWER b) UPGRADES TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER
Dewatering (a) Where the whole of a site is so affected by surface water following a period of rain that all productive work is suspended by agreement of the Parties, then dewatering shall proceed as above with Employees so engaged being paid at penalty rates as is the case for safety rectification work. This work is typically performed by Employees engaged within CW1, CW2 or CW3 classifications. When other Employees are undertaking productive work in an area or areas not so affected then dewatering will only attract single time rates. (b) Where a part of a site is affected by surface water following a period of rain, thus rendering some areas unsafe for productive work, consistent with the Employer’s obligations under the OH&S Act, appropriate Employees shall assist in the tidying up of their own work site or area if it is so affected. Where required, appropriate Employees will be provided with the appropriate PPE. Such work to be paid at single time rates. Productive work will continue in areas not so affected. (c) To avoid any confusion any ‘dewatering’ time which prevents an Employee from being engaged in their normal productive work is not included in any calculation for the purposes of determining whether an Employee is entitled to go home due to wet weather (refer clauses 32.4 and 32.5)
Wastewater investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that supports wastewater and storm water collection, treatment, and management systems. Note: Investments in health infrastructure (e.g., hospitals, long-term care facilities, convalescent centres, and senior centres) are not eligible. Eligible Expenditures will be limited to the following: 1. Infrastructure investments – expenditures associated with acquiring, planning, designing, constructing, or renovating a tangible capital asset and any related debt financing charges specifically identified with that asset. 2. Capacity-building costs – for projects eligible under the capacity-building category only, expenditures associated with the development and implementation of: • Capital investment plans, integrated community sustainability plans, integrated regional plans, housing needs assessments, or asset management plans; • Studies, strategies, systems, software, third-party assessments, plans, or training related to asset management; • Studies, strategies, systems, or plans related to housing or land use; • Studies, strategies, or plans related to the long-term management of infrastructure; and • Other initiatives that strengthen the Recipient’s ability to improve local and regional planning. 3. Joint communications and signage costs – expenditures directly associated with joint federal communication activities and with federal project signage.
Access to Project Site City will make available, no later than the commencement date designated in the current construction Schedule accepted by City, the lands and facilities upon which the Work is to be performed, including such access and other lands and facilities designated in the Contract Documents, for use by Contractor.
Operating Environment Per specifications given in Ref. [1]
Water Rights Water rights and/or water shares used in connection with the Property;
Working Environment The Parties agree that a safe and clean working environment is essential in order to carry out work assignments in a satisfactory manner. It will be the Employer's responsibility to ensure that all working areas and Employer-owned vehicles are maintained in a safe and clean condition.
Access; Utilities; Separate Tax Lots Each Mortgaged Property (a) is located on or adjacent to a public road and has direct legal access to such road, or has access via an irrevocable easement or irrevocable right of way permitting ingress and egress to/from a public road, (b) is served by or has uninhibited access rights to public or private water and sewer (or well and septic) and all required utilities, all of which are appropriate for the current use of the Mortgaged Property, and (c) constitutes one or more separate tax parcels which do not include any property which is not part of the Mortgaged Property or is subject to an endorsement under the related Title Policy insuring the Mortgaged Property, or in certain cases, an application has been, or will be, made to the applicable governing authority for creation of separate tax lots, in which case the Mortgage Loan requires the Mortgagor to escrow an amount sufficient to pay taxes for the existing tax parcel of which the Mortgaged Property is a part until the separate tax lots are created.
No Light, Air or View Easement Any diminution or shutting off of light, air or view by any structure which may be erected on lands adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Building shall in no way affect this Lease or impose any liability on Landlord.