Tattoos Sample Clauses
Tattoos a) The house has the right to refuse entry of anyone with Facial and/or Neck Tattoos.
b) Anyone with a body tattoo that has a threatening image will be refused entry.
Tattoos a. Tattoos (including tattoos on the upper neck and behind the ear) are permitted and may be visible, except that:
i. Tattoos of any kind on the face and head (including partial tattoos that extend beyond the upper neck or behind the ear) are prohibited and must be covered at all times and not visible to the general public when an officer is in uniform; and
ii. Tattoos that are indecent, commonly associated with gangs, extremist, and/or supremacist organizations, or that advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination, as well as tattoos that have a negative impact on TSA’s ability to carry out its mission, are prohibited on all exposed parts of the body and must be covered at all times and not visible to the general public when an officer is in uniform.
b. If a bargaining unit employee cannot cover prohibited tattoos on their arms with a plain, single-colored royal blue acceptable band or royal blue sports sleeve, the officer must wear a long-sleeved shirt.
c. If a bargaining unit employee cannot cover prohibited tattoos on their legs with a plain, single-colored royal blue acceptable band or royal blue sports sleeve, the officer must wear trousers or cargo pants.
d. Consistent with this Article, other approved uniform items, such as turtlenecks and dickies, may be used to cover tattoos prohibited under Section H.5.a of this Article.
e. All determinations on the impermissibility of a tattoo should be made at the lowest level. The employee’s FSD will make the final management determination on any questionable tattoo exposure.
Tattoos. Visible tattoos of any type are not allowed.
Tattoos. The act or practice of marking the skin with indelible designs, forms, figures, art, etc. by making punctures in the skin and inserting pigment.
Tattoos. 1. Tattoos (including tattoos on the upper neck and behind the ear) are permitted and may be visible, except that:
a. Tattoos of any kind on the face and head (including partial tattoos that extend more than an inch beyond the upper neck or behind the ear) are prohibited and must be covered at all times and not visible to the general public when an officer is in uniform; and
b. Tattoos that are indecent, commonly associated with gangs, extremist, and/or supremacist organizations, or that advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination, as well as tattoos that have a negative impact on TSA’s ability to carry out its mission, are prohibited on all exposed parts of the body and must be covered at all times and not visible to the general public when an officer is in uniform.
2. If a bargaining unit employee cannot cover prohibited tattoos on their arms with a plain, single-colored royal blue or black acceptable band, or sports sleeve, the officer must wear a long-sleeved shirt.
3. If a bargaining unit employee cannot cover prohibited tattoos on their legs with a plain, single-colored royal blue or black acceptable band, or sports sleeve, the officer must wear trousers or cargo pants.
4. Consistent with this Article, other approved uniform items, such as turtlenecks and xxxxxx s, may be used to cover tattoos prohibited under Section N.1 of this Article.
5. All determinations on the impermissibility of a tattoo should be made at the lowest level. The bargaining unit employee’s FSD or designee will make the final management determination on any questionable tattoo exposure.
Tattoos. All tattoos must be covered with band aids or tattoo concealer makeup during all clinical experiences.
Tattoos. While on-duty or representing the Department in any official capacity, every reasonable effort should be made to conceal tattoos or other body art. At no time while on-duty or representing the Department in any official capacity, shall any offensive tattoo or offensive body art be visible. Examples of offensive tattoos would include, but not be limited to, those which depict racial, sexual, discriminatory, gang related, or obscene language.
Tattoos. No sworn member of the department shall have any tattoo, scarification, or brand on his/her xxxx, xxxx, and/or hands (fingers). Furthermore, any tattoo, scarification, or brand shall not be extremist, indecent, sexist, or racist.
Tattoos. Tattoos will be considered acceptable as long as they are not considered offensive or inappropriate as determined by the Public Safety Director of his/her designee.
Tattoos. Are not allowed under any circumstances. This includes temporary or washable.