Teaching and Librarianship. 8.3.1. Nine-month tenure track faculty A full-time nine-month tenure track faculty member’s teaching load is normally defined as 24 credit hours per academic year. These credit hours will include any course/credit release. Nine-month contract year responsibilities Nine-month faculty contracts begin two weeks before the start of the fall semester and end the Friday after Spring Commencement. Between the end of the fall semester and the start of the spring semester, Bargaining Unit Members will not be required to teach. However, Bargaining Unit Members must be generally available to participate in service including committee work. Bargaining Unit Members can teach courses during summer and/or Winterim on a voluntary basis and will be compensated for this work. Faculty members may in-load courses in summer and/or winterim if this meets the faculty member’s approval, meets the needs of the program/university; and is approved by the program/discipline coordinator. Bargaining Unit Members will be compensated for PSU service needs scheduled by the administration outside of contract time (such as June Orientation and Advising). This item does not limit the compensated summer work of Chairs. 8.3.2. Twelve-month tenure track faculty A twelve-month teaching faculty member’s workload is defined as 30-32 credit hours. These credit hours will include any course/credit release. 8.3.3. Library Faculty Library faculty, in the performance of their duties, shall work on a continuous year-round basis, scheduled for an average of 40 hours/week. The parties recognize that, as professional employees, the location and number of hours worked by full-time librarians needed to fulfill their assigned responsibilities may vary from week to week, provided such variation is consistent with the staffing needs of the library as determined by the discipline coordinator. A library faculty member’s schedule shall be based on library needs as determined by the discipline coordinator in consultation with the members of the library faculty, understanding that a normal work week is no more than five (5) consecutive days in any seven (7)-day period, with two (2) consecutive days off for each period of five (5) consecutive days worked. No librarian shall be involuntarily assigned to work on consecutive weekends or on more than one (1) night a week. With the approval of the discipline coordinator, qualified library faculty may be permitted to teach courses. The librarian may decide, in consultation with the discipline coordinator, whether such teaching is compensated on an overload basis, or whether release time is appropriate. If compensated, the faculty member must meet the average 40 hour/week of assigned work as librarian. 8.3.4. Teaching time and credit allocation New bargaining unit faculty will receive a course release each semester (3-4 credit) of their first year to allow them to manage new course preparations and establish their scholarship. No bargaining unit faculty shall be assigned more than 30 advisees without that faculty member’s permission. In cases where a Bargaining Unit member agrees to take on more than 30 advisees, the faculty member may renegotiate their service or scholarship requirements. The number of teaching credits counted for Bargaining Unit Members is, in part, a function of class size. Bargaining Unit Members will work in consultation with program/discipline coordinators to recommend to the Xxxxxxx appropriate maximum class sizes for specific courses in their disciplines, based on each course's level, appropriate pedagogy, and disciplinary standards. The Xxxxxxx reserves the right to make final determination on maximum class size. To achieve time or room efficiency, disciplines can offer combined sections of courses for corresponding credits based on previously determined caps on single courses, with the approval of the Xxxxxxx. Unless otherwise specified by accreditation standards, credit for supervision, and laboratories, will be allocated in the following manner: ● Science labs will be assigned one (1) teaching credit per contact hour,* this does not apply when only supervising GA or TL who is actually teaching the lab. * For these purposes, 50-75 minutes is considered 1 hour = 1 cr 1:30 – 1:45 = 1.5 cr 2:00- 2:15 = 2 cr 2:30- 2:45= 2.5 cr Each additional 15 minutes = .5 CR. ● Fine Art, Performance Studios, dance, music instrumental instruction, and non-major PE activities will be assigned one (1) teaching credit per 1.5 contact hours. ● Several MTD specialty courses (ensembles, MT company, chorale etc.) will be compensated at 2.5 credits ● Supervising full time/full semester student teaching for students placed in a school or childcare facility that involves 3 or more observations and evaluations by supervisor will be assigned one (1) credit hour per student. ● Chairing dissertation committees will be compensated as the equivalent of one (1) individual enrollment credit per dissertation. Serving (not as Chair) on dissertation committees will be compensated $500 per student once the dissertation is completed. Supervising individual enrollment will be compensated in accordance with Article 15 Salary. Supervising undergraduate research and independent study is voluntary and will not be compensated. 8.3.5. Overload With the approval of the chair/discipline coordinator, Bargaining Unit Members may teach overloads and earn overload compensation at PSU. While required overload assignments will not be typical, the administration reserves the right to assign an overload in the interest of student needs. However, no Bargaining Unit Member can be assigned an overload course in consecutive semesters without their permission. If a Bargaining Unit Member accepts an overload for a course scheduled within two weeks before the start of the term, then the Bargaining Unit Member shall receive additional compensation beyond that indicated in Article 15.4 on page 54. In the case of an overload, individual faculty, in consultation with the supervisor/evaluator, can choose to receive either compensation or they can “bank” the credits towards future semesters. Credits may be banked to a maximum of 4 credits, beyond which they must be taken as release-time or paid out at the discretion of the Bargaining Unit Member. Faculty must gain advance approval from the Xxxxxxx to accept a teaching assignment at another institution or any other employment that significantly interferes with established responsibilities at Plymouth State.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Teaching and Librarianship. 8.3.1. Nine-month tenure track faculty A full-time nine-month tenure track faculty member’s teaching load is normally defined as 24 credit hours per academic contract year. These credit hours will include any course/credit release. Nine-month contract year responsibilities Nine-month faculty contracts begin two weeks one week before the start of the fall semester and end the Friday two weeks after Spring Commencement. Between the end of the fall semester and the start of the spring semester, Bargaining Unit Members will not be required to teach. However, Bargaining Unit Members must respond to email within a reasonable amount of time and be generally available to participate in service including committee work. Bargaining Unit Members can teach courses during summer and/or Winterim Early Spring on a voluntary basis and will be compensated for this work. Faculty members may in-load courses in summer and/or winterim Early Spring if this meets the faculty member’s approval, meets the needs of the program/university; meets minimum enrollments; and is approved by the program/discipline coordinatorcoordinator and Xxxxxxx or their designee. Bargaining Unit Members will shall be compensated for PSU service needs scheduled by the administration outside of contract time (such as June summer Orientation and Advising). This item does not limit the compensated summer work of ChairsAcademic Unit/program coordinators.
8.3.2. Twelve-month tenure track faculty A twelve-month teaching faculty member’s workload is defined as 30-32 credit hourscredits depending on whether they teach in a primarily three- or four- credit-based curriculum, respectively. These credit hours will shall include any course/credit release.
8.3.3. Library Faculty Library faculty, in the performance of their duties, shall work on a continuous year-round basis, scheduled for an average of 40 hours/week. The parties recognize that, as professional employees, the location and number of hours worked by full-time librarians needed to fulfill their assigned responsibilities may vary from week to week, provided such variation is consistent with the staffing needs of the library as determined by the discipline coordinator. A library faculty member’s schedule shall be based on library needs as determined by the discipline coordinator in consultation with the members of the library faculty, understanding that a normal work week is no more than five (5) consecutive days in any seven (7)-day period, with two (2) consecutive days off for each period of five (5) consecutive days worked. No librarian shall be involuntarily assigned to work on consecutive weekends or on more than one (1) night a week. With the approval of the discipline coordinatorcoordinator and Xxxxxxx or their designee, qualified library faculty may be permitted to teach coursescourses as long as they do not interfere with their normal duties. The librarian may decide, in consultation with the discipline coordinator, whether such Such teaching is compensated on an overload basis. Should a librarian wish to teach inload, prior approval shall be obtained from both the Library Coordinator and the Xxxxxxx or whether release time is appropriate. If compensated, the faculty member must meet the average 40 hour/week of assigned work as librariantheir designee.
8.3.4. Teaching time and credit allocation New bargaining unit faculty will receive a course release each semester (3-4 credit) of their first year to allow them to manage new course preparations and establish their scholarship. No bargaining unit faculty shall be assigned more than 30 advisees (with the exception of transitioning first-year advisees at the end of the Spring semester) without that faculty member’s permission. In cases where a Bargaining Unit member agrees to take on more than 30 advisees, the faculty member may shall, at their discretion, renegotiate their service or scholarship requirementsrequirements or receive additional compensation commensurate with the advising load. The number of teaching credits counted for Bargaining Unit Members is, in part, a function of class size. Bargaining Unit Members will work in consultation with program/discipline coordinators to recommend to the Xxxxxxx or their designee appropriate maximum class sizes for specific courses in their disciplines, based on each course's ’s level, appropriate pedagogy, and disciplinary standards. The Xxxxxxx reserves the right to make final determination on maximum class size. To achieve time or room efficiency, disciplines can offer combined sections of courses for corresponding credits based on previously determined caps on single courses, with the approval of the XxxxxxxXxxxxxx or their designee. Low enrollments: The PSU-AAUP and Administration recognize that classes with enrollments consistently lower than the minimum class size as determined by the administration, represent a financial burden for the university and, if taught in overload as individual enrollments, potentially cause undue workload increases for faculty and therefore should be avoided when possible. For purposes of courses with low enrollments at the upper course or graduate level only, such courses may be occasionally offered, in consultation with the Academic Unit or Program Coordinators, so long as the overall enrollment across courses for that faculty member minimally offset the low enrollment. Unless otherwise specified by accreditation standards, credit for supervision, and laboratories, will be allocated in the following manner: ● Science labs will be assigned one (1) teaching credit per contact hour,* this does not apply when only supervising GA or TL who is actually teaching the lab. * For these purposes, 50-75 minutes is considered 1 hour = 1 cr 1:30 – 1:45 = 1.5 cr 2:00- 2:15 = 2 cr 2:30- 2:45= 2.5 cr Each additional 15 minutes = .5 CR. ● Fine Art, Performance Studios, dance, music instrumental instruction, and non-major PE activities will be assigned one (1) teaching credit per 1.5 contact hours. ● Several MTD specialty courses (ensembles, MT company, chorale etc.) will be compensated at 2.5 credits ● Supervising full time/full semester student teaching for students placed in a school or childcare facility that involves 3 or more observations and evaluations by supervisor will be assigned one
(1) credit hour per student. ● Chairing dissertation committees will be compensated as the equivalent of one (1) individual enrollment credit per dissertation. Serving (not as Chair) on dissertation committees will be compensated $500 per student once the dissertation is completed. Supervising individual enrollment will be compensated in accordance with Article 15 Salary. Supervising undergraduate research and independent study is voluntary and will not be compensated.
8.3.5. Overload With the approval of the chair/discipline coordinator, Bargaining Unit Members may teach overloads and earn overload compensation at PSU. While required overload assignments will not be typical, the administration reserves the right to assign an overload in the interest of student needs. However, no Bargaining Unit Member can be assigned an overload course in consecutive semesters without their permission. If a Bargaining Unit Member accepts an overload for a course scheduled within two weeks before the start of the term, then the Bargaining Unit Member shall receive additional compensation beyond that indicated in Article 15.4 on page 54. In the case of an overload, individual faculty, in consultation with the supervisor/evaluator, can choose to receive either compensation or they can “bank” the credits towards future semesters. Credits may be banked to a maximum of 4 credits, beyond which they must be taken as release-time or paid out at the discretion of the Bargaining Unit Member. Faculty must gain advance approval from the Xxxxxxx to accept a teaching assignment at another institution or any other employment that significantly interferes with established responsibilities at Plymouth State.cr
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement