Common use of Termination and Renewal Clause in Contracts

Termination and Renewal. 3.1 The City may terminate this Agreement if the Organizer breaches any provision of this Agreement and the Organizer fails to correct or act reasonably in seeking to correct such breach within ninety (90) days of receipt of written notice from the City specifying the nature of the breach. 3.2 The City may for any reason terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the Organizer written notice within thirty (30) days following the date that the Organizer is required, under section 2.2 of this Agreement, to submit its post Special Event Report to City Council, and the City shall not be liable to the Organizer for any amount, loss, claim for compensation, or expense if it so elects to terminate this Agreement. 3.3 In the event that: a) the Agreement hereby granted should be taken in execution or attachment by any person, or the Organizer commits an act of bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, or is petitioned into bankruptcy or voluntarily enters into an arrangement with its creditors; or b) the City discovers that the Organizer either in its application for this grant or otherwise has, in the opinion of the City, misrepresented or withheld any fact material to the application; the City, having delivered fourteen (14) days’ written notice to the Organizer, may cancel this Agreement and the rights herein granted. 3.4 The Organizer shall not be entitled to any compensation, whether for damages or otherwise, in respect of a cancellation of this Agreement by the City under this section 3. 3.5 The Organizer may for any reason terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the City at least thirty (30) days’ written notice, and the Organizer shall not be liable to the City for any amount, loss, claim for compensation, or expense based solely on such notice and termination. 3.6 Should either party terminate this Agreement, the Organizer shall repay to the City, within ninety (90) days following the date the notice of termination was delivered, the full amount of any monies granted to the Organizer by the City that have been awarded for the upcoming Special Event. 3.7 On receiving notice from the Organizer at least four (4) months prior to the expiry of the Term, the City will consider a proposal to renew this Agreement; and if acceptable to the City, this Agreement may be renewed, with any changes or modifications proposed and mutually agreed to in writing by both parties.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Grant of Assistance Agreement, Grant of Assistance Agreement

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Termination and Renewal. 3.1 The City may This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from the date it is ratified by both parties until August 31, 2025 and shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter unless either party gives notice, in writing, at least sixty (60) days prior to any expiration date of its desire to terminate or modify such agreement; provided that, in the event the Union serves written notice in accordance with this Agreement if the Organizer breaches Section, any strike or stoppage of work after any expiration date shall not be deemed in violation of any provision of this Agreement Agreement, any other provision to the contrary notwithstanding. EXECUTED in Seattle, Washington this 25th day of July 2023. By By Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx-Xxxxx Business Manager President By Xxxx Xxxxxxx Union Representative By Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Union Representative XxXxxxxx Xxxxx (Jul 25, 2023 15:11 PDT) Xxxxxx Xxxxx Bargaining Committee By Xxxxx Xxxxxx Bargaining Committee By Xxxxxx Xxxxx Bargaining Committee By Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Bargaining Committee By Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Bargaining Committee p:contract/proofed/CORNISH-OPEIU8 2023-2025.doc liuna#242/afl-cio The Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 8, hereinafter known as the “Union,” and Cornish College of the Arts, hereinafter known as the “Employer,” hereby agree to the following: 1. The Employer and the Organizer fails Union recognize that fair and reasonable compensation at Cornish College is in our mutual interest. In the spirit of this shared interest, the parties agree to correct or act reasonably address this concern by working collaboratively in seeking to correct such breach within ninety (90) days of receipt of written notice from assessing the City specifying current pay structure for the nature of the breachbargaining unit. 3.2 The City may for any reason terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the Organizer written notice within thirty (30) days following the date that the Organizer is required2. By February 1, under section 2.2 of this Agreement, to submit its post Special Event Report to City Council, and the City shall not be liable to the Organizer for any amount, loss, claim for compensation, or expense if it so elects to terminate this Agreement. 3.3 In the event that: a) the Agreement hereby granted should be taken in execution or attachment by any person, or the Organizer commits an act of bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, or is petitioned into bankruptcy or voluntarily enters into an arrangement with its creditors; or b) the City discovers that the Organizer either in its application for this grant or otherwise has, in the opinion of the City, misrepresented or withheld any fact material to the application; the City, having delivered fourteen (14) days’ written notice to the Organizer, may cancel this Agreement and the rights herein granted. 3.4 The Organizer shall not be entitled to any compensation, whether for damages or otherwise, in respect of a cancellation of this Agreement by the City under this section 3. 3.5 The Organizer may for any reason terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the City at least thirty (30) days’ written notice, and the Organizer shall not be liable to the City for any amount, loss, claim for compensation, or expense based solely on such notice and termination. 3.6 Should either party terminate this Agreement2024, the Organizer shall repay Employer will establish a committee of bargaining unit members and Employer representatives to the Citydiscuss and recommend a compensation program that includes a wage scale with step increases. The committee will consist of eight people, within ninety (90) days following the date the notice of termination was delivered, the full amount of any monies granted to the Organizer by the City that have been awarded for the upcoming Special Event. 3.7 On receiving notice from the Organizer at least four (4) months prior from the Union and four (4) from the Employer. The committee shall attempt to reach a consensus over a salary schedule that will be recommended for adoption by the expiry of Employer. The recommendation shall be completed for consideration no later than June 1, 2024. Either the TermEmployer or the Union may choose to adopt the recommendation or otherwise negotiate a pay structure for the reopener effective September 1. 2024. The parties will make an effort to bargain in June and July 2024 for wages effective September 1, 2024. 3. Nothing in this side agreement guarantees a particular outcome for the City will consider a proposal to renew this Agreement; and if acceptable to the City, this Agreement may be renewed, with any changes or modifications proposed and mutually agreed to in writing by both partiesreopener bargaining on wages.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

Termination and Renewal. 3.1 The City may terminate this Agreement if 23.1 This agreement shall be binding and continue in effect and shall continue from year to year unless either party gives written notice to the Organizer breaches any provision other party of this Agreement and the Organizer fails its desire to correct or act reasonably in seeking to correct such breach bargain for amendments within ninety (90) days prior to the termination date of February 6, 2013. Upon receipt of written such notice from by one party or the City specifying other, both parties will meet thereafter for the nature purpose of the breachbargaining. 3.2 The City may 23.2 If notice of amendment is given by either party, the other party agrees to meet for any reason terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the Organizer written notice purpose of negotiation within thirty (30) days after the giving of such notice, if requested to do so. For the Union: For the Employer: Hourly Equivalent of One Year of Service CLASSIFICATION EFF. 7-FEB-10 EFF. 7-FEB-11 EFF. 7-FEB-12 Name(s) of Employee(s) Reporting Department Supervisor to whom report is submitted Date/Time Report Submitted Terrace/Work Area of Occurrence Date/Time of Occurrence Provide a concise summary of the occurrence/workload situation: Check one: This is an isolated incident.  This is an ongoing situation  I/WE recommend the following corrective action(s): Supervisor’s Signature: Date: I/WE agree with the date that resolution of my/our concern(s).  I/WE do not agree with the Organizer is required, under section 2.2 resolution of this Agreement, to submit its post Special Event Report to City Council, and my/our concerns for the City shall not be liable to following reason(s):  Employee Signature(s): Date: Date Reviewed Signature of Union Representative Signature of Management Representative For the Organizer for any amount, loss, claim for compensation, or expense if it so elects to terminate this Agreement. 3.3 In Union: For the event that:Employer: LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING (Influenza Vaccinations) a) Employees shall, subject to the Agreement hereby granted should following be taken in execution or attachment by any personrequired to be vaccinated for, or the Organizer commits an act of bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, or is petitioned into bankruptcy or voluntarily enters into an arrangement with its creditors; ortake anti-viral medication for influenza. b) If the City discovers full cost of such medication is not covered by some other source, the Employer will pay the cost for the vaccine and will endeavour to offer vaccinations during an employee’s working hours. In addition, employees will be provided with information, including risks and side effects, regarding the vaccine. c) The Employer recognizes that employees have the Organizer either right to refuse any required vaccination. d) If an employee refuses to take the vaccine and the anti-viral medication required under this provision, she or he may be placed on an unpaid leave of absence during any influenza outbreak in its application for the Residence until such time as the employee is cleared to return to work. If an employee is placed on unpaid leave, she or he can use banked lieu time or vacation credits in order to keep her or his pay whole. e) If an employee refuses to take the vaccine and the anti-viral medication because it is medically contra-indicated, and where a medical certificate is provided to this grant effect, she or otherwise hashe will be reassigned during the outbreak period, unless reassignment is not possible, in which case the opinion employee will be paid. It is further agreed that any such reassignment will not adversely impact the scheduled hours of other employees. f) Unless the Employer has reason to doubt that an employee is sick as a result of a vaccination which reason shall be provided to the Union and the employee applies to WSIB, the Employer will not oppose the claim. g) This clause shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Dated at Xxxxxxxx, Ontario this day of November 2014. The Parties agree that at the first Labour/Management Committee Meeting following ratification or an arbitrated award a draft of the City, misrepresented or withheld any fact material Return to the application; the City, having delivered fourteen (14) days’ written notice to the Organizer, may cancel this Agreement and the rights herein granted. 3.4 The Organizer Work Policy shall not be entitled to any compensation, whether for damages or otherwise, in respect of a cancellation of this Agreement provided by the City under this section Residence for discussion. The Residence will implement the Return to Work Policy no later than three (3. 3.5 The Organizer may for any reason terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the City at least thirty (30) days’ written notice, and the Organizer shall not be liable to the City for any amount, loss, claim for compensation, or expense based solely on such notice and termination. 3.6 Should either party terminate this Agreement, the Organizer shall repay to the City, within ninety (90) days months following the date Labour/Management Meeting. Pending ratification or an arbitration award the notice draft Return to Work policy contained in the Collective Agreement as page 51 to 53 shall govern. Dated at Hamilton, Ontario this day of termination was deliveredNovember 2014. In accordance with legislative requirements, St. Peter’s Residence will make reasonable efforts to accommodate employees who become disabled as the full amount result of any monies granted to the Organizer by the City that have been awarded for the upcoming Special Eventan occupational or non- occupational injury or illness. 3.7 On receiving notice from the Organizer at least four (4) months prior to the expiry of the Term, the City will consider a proposal to renew this Agreement; and if acceptable to the City, this Agreement may be renewed, with any changes or modifications proposed and mutually agreed to in writing by both parties.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Termination and Renewal. 3.1 The City Agreement may terminate this Agreement if be terminated by the Organizer breaches any provision of this Agreement and Connecticut DEEP, the Organizer fails to correct Signatory Authority or act reasonably in seeking to correct such breach within ninety (90) days of receipt of written notice from the City specifying the nature of the breach. 3.2 The City may for any reason terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the Organizer written notice within thirty (30) days following the date that the Organizer is required, under section 2.2 Subscriber. Upon termination of this Agreement, the associated ability to submit its post Special Event Report Electronic Filings through CT DEEP’s electronic filing system will also terminate. This Subscriber Agreement becomes effective upon notification of approval by the Connecticut DEEP to City Councilthe Subscriber and Signatory Authority (which may be either an automated message from the CT DEEP software or a separate notification). The Connecticut DEEP will normally provide notification of the effective date. The Subscriber Agreement will continue until modified by mutual consent or unless terminated with 60 days written notice by either Connecticut DEEP or the Signatory Authority. The Signatory Authority must resubmit this form when responsibility transfers from one person, entity, or organization to another. This Subscriber Agreement should be periodically reviewed and amended or revised when required. The Connecticut DEEP reserves the right to approve or disapprove this Subscriber Agreement. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with chapters 445, 446c, and 446k of the Connecticut General Statutes, and the City regulations promulgated thereunder as well as Connecticut General Statutes sections 1-266 to 1-286 inclusive, other applicable provisions of the laws of the State of Connecticut, and the federal laws of the U.S. SUBSCRIBER AND SIGNATORY AUTHORITY AGREEMENT: As the Subscriber, I understand and agree that it is my responsibility: To protect my account and eSignature from Compromise, not allow anyone else to use my account, and not share my eSignature with any other person, entity or organization; To request to change my eSignature if there is reason to believe it has or will become known to any other person, entity or organization; To promptly report to the Connecticut DEEP any evidence of the loss, theft, or other Compromise of my account or eSignature within one business day of becoming aware of such occurrence; To notify the Connecticut DEEP, in writing, if my employment is terminated, if I am reassigned or if there is any other change that affects my status pursuant to this Agreement or my authorization to submit documents pursuant to this Agreement. Notification shall not occur prior to the time that such a change takes effect. To timely review the e-mail and onscreen acknowledgements and copies of Electronic Filings submitted through my account to the Connecticut DEEP; and To report any discrepancy, or evidence of a discrepancy, between the Electronic Filing as submitted and what the Connecticut DEEP received. The Parties further understand and agree that: In no event will the Connecticut DEEP be liable to the Organizer for any amountRegulated Person, loss, claim for compensation, or expense if it so elects to terminate this Agreement. 3.3 In the event that: a) the Agreement hereby granted should be taken in execution or attachment by any personSubscriber, or the Organizer commits an act Signatory Authority for any special, consequential, indirect or similar damages, including, but not limited to, any lost profits or lost data arising out of bankruptcy, becomes insolventthe use or inability to use the software or of any data supplied therewith even if Connecticut DEEP or anyone else has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or is petitioned into bankruptcy for any claim by any other Person. The Connecticut DEEP disclaims all warranties, express or voluntarily enters into an arrangement implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with its creditors; or b) the City discovers that the Organizer either in its application for this grant or otherwise has, in the opinion of the City, misrepresented or withheld any fact material respect to the application; the City, having delivered fourteen (14) days’ written notice to the Organizer, may cancel this Agreement software and the rights herein grantedaccompanying written materials. 3.4 The Organizer shall not be entitled to any compensation, whether for damages or otherwise, in respect of a cancellation of this Agreement by the City under this section 3. 3.5 The Organizer may for any reason terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the City at least thirty (30) days’ written notice, and the Organizer shall not be liable to the City for any amount, loss, claim for compensation, or expense based solely on such notice and termination. 3.6 Should either party terminate this Agreement, the Organizer shall repay to the City, within ninety (90) days following the date the notice of termination was delivered, the full amount of any monies granted to the Organizer by the City that have been awarded for the upcoming Special Event. 3.7 On receiving notice from the Organizer at least four (4) months prior to the expiry of the Term, the City will consider a proposal to renew this Agreement; and if acceptable to the City, this Agreement may be renewed, with any changes or modifications proposed and mutually agreed to in writing by both parties.

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Samples: Subscriber Agreement

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Termination and Renewal. 3.1 (a) The City may terminate this Agreement if the Organizer breaches any provision initial term of this Agreement and shall be for an 18 month period from the Organizer fails Effective Date (the "Initial Term"). (b) This Agreement may be renewed by the parties for subsequent twelve (12) months periods (each such period is referred to correct or act reasonably as a "Renewal Term"), by an agreement in seeking writing. The Client Company agrees to correct such breach within give the Contractor no less than ninety (90) days notice of receipt of written notice from its intention not to renew the City specifying Agreement for a Renewal Term prior to the nature expiration of the breachInitial Term or a Renewal Term, as the case may be, provided that any failure to provide such notice shall not be deemed an agreement to renew the Agreement for a Renewal Term. If the Client Company does not give the Contractor a notice of its intention not to renew this Agreement as provided for herein, then this Agreement will expire at the end of the Initial Term, or Renewal Term, as the case may be. 3.2 The City (c) This Agreement may for be terminated as follows: (i) during the Initial Term or any reason terminate Renewal Term, by either party if the other party has committed any material breach of the terms of this Agreement at any time by giving the Organizer written notice Agreement, which breach has not been cured within thirty (30) days following from the date that receipt of a notice from the Organizer is required, under section 2.2 of this Agreement, to submit its post Special Event Report to City Council, and other party (a "Termination for Breach"); (ii) by the City shall not be liable to the Organizer for any amount, loss, claim for compensation, or expense if it so elects to terminate this Agreement. 3.3 In Client Company in the event that: athe aggregate of the Net Revenue and Third Party Related Net Revenue (as those terms are defined in Schedule B) of the Agreement hereby granted should be taken Subsidiary and Other Entities in execution or attachment by any personcalendar quarter commencing on July 1, or 2000 is not at least five percent (5%) of the Organizer commits an act of bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, or is petitioned into bankruptcy or voluntarily enters into an arrangement with its creditors; or b) the City discovers that the Organizer either in its application for this grant or otherwise has, Client Company Worldwide Revenue in the opinion of the City, misrepresented or withheld any fact material to the application; the City, having delivered fourteen (14) days’ written notice to the Organizer, may cancel this Agreement and the rights herein granted. 3.4 The Organizer calendar quarter. Client Company shall not be entitled to any compensation, whether for damages or otherwise, in respect of a cancellation of this Agreement by the City under this section 3. 3.5 The Organizer may for any reason terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the City at least provide Contractor no less than thirty (30) days’ written notice, days notice of its intention to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Clause 7(c)(ii). As used herein the term "Client Company Worldwide Revenue" means the aggregate gross revenue of the Client Company and its affiliates (including the Subsidiary and Other Entities) from the sales and/or licenses of the Product and third party products related to the Products and the Organizer shall not be liable to supply of services related thereto invoiced and collected by such entities during the City for any amountrelevant period (net of allowances, losscredits, claim for compensation, discounts (based on volume or expense based solely on otherwise) and net of actual bad debts in respect of invoices issued by such notice and termination. 3.6 Should either party terminate this Agreement, the Organizer shall repay to the City, within ninety (90) days following the date the notice of termination was delivered, the full amount of any monies granted to the Organizer by the City that have been awarded for the upcoming Special Event. 3.7 On receiving notice from the Organizer at least four (4) months prior to the expiry of the Term, the City will consider a proposal to renew this Agreement; and if acceptable to the City, this Agreement may be renewed, with any changes or modifications proposed and mutually agreed to in writing by both parties.entities);

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Samples: Professional Services Agreement (Changepoint Corp)

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