Terms and acronyms. EC European Commission GA Grant Agreement CA Consortium Agreement SB Steering Board TB Technical Board PC Project Coordinator WP Work Package WPL Work Package Leader MO Management Office PM Project Manager PMP Project Management Plan
Terms and acronyms. Any terms not defined in these Port Terminal Services Protocols have the same meaning as those defined in the GrainCorp Bulk Wheat Port Terminal Services Agreement and / or the Bulk Grain Port Terminal Services Agreement (Non–Wheat) and / or the Long Term Port Terminal Services Agreement for the relevant season. Acknowledgement of Acceptance (AOA). GrainCorp will forward an AOA to a customer following receipt and approval of a CNA. By sending an AOA to a customer, GrainCorp is making an ‘offer’ to confirm the booking of Elevation Capacity at a particular terminal during a particular Elevation Period. By accepting an AOA, the customer is agreeing to pay the relevant Booking Fee and assuming responsibility for advising GrainCorp of the manner in which Elevation Capacity is to be supplied. Assigned Load Date (ALD). This is the date allocated by GrainCorp following receipt of advice from a customer of a vessel ETA, and which determines the order in which vessels will be loaded within a Confirmed Elevation Period.
Terms and acronyms. GA Grant Agreement DIY Do It Yourself DiDIY Digital Do It Yourself ABC Atoms-Bits Convergence KF Knowledge Framework
Terms and acronyms. GA Grant Agreement WP Work Package CMS (Web) Content Management System LMS (Web) Learning Management System OER Open Educational Resources
Terms and acronyms. EC European Commission GA Grant Agreement CA Consortium Agreement SB Steering Board PC Project Coordinator PO Project Officer WP Work Package WPL Work Package Leader MO Management Office PLSIGN Project Legal Signatory MGA Model Grant Agreement AMGA Annotated Model Grant Agreement ABACUS AB.ACUS SRL – Member FKI STICHTING FREE KNOWLEDGE INSTITUTE – Member AC AMERIKANIKO KOLLEGIO ANATOLIA – Member POLIMI POLITECNICO DI MILANO – Member MMU THE MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY – Member UoW THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER LBG – Member LIUC UNIVERSITA’ XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX – Coordinator
Terms and acronyms. XXXX Free/Open Source Software CC Creative Commons GPL GNU General Public License CA Consortium Agreement SB Steering Board TB Technical Board PC Project Coordinator WP Work Package WPL Work Package Leader
Terms and acronyms. The following defined terms are in addition to those defined in the Agreement and shall apply to work performed by the Supplier under this SOW.
Terms and acronyms. Any termss not defined in these Port Terminal Services Protocols for GrainCorp Exempt Ports have the same meaning as those corresponding terms defined in the following agreements: GrainCorp Bulk Wheat Port Terminal Services Agreement, and / or the Bulk Grain (Non–Wheat) Port Terminal Services Agreement, ExportDirect Services Agreement (Non–Wheat)and the Country Storage and Handling Agreement, each for the relevant season. Acknowledgement of Acceptance (AOA). The acknowledgment issued by GrainCorp will forward an AOA to a Customer following receipt and approval of a CNAcan which constitutes . By sending an AOA to a Customer, GrainCorp is making an ‘offer’ by GrainCorp to confirm the booking of Elevation Capacity at the applicable Exempt Port Ta particular terminal during a particularthe Confirmed Elevation Period. By accepting an AOA, the Customer is agreeing liable to pay the relevant Booking Fee and is assuming responsibility for advising GrainCorp of the manner in by which Elevation Capacity is to be supplied. Assigned Load Date (ALD). This is the date allocated by GrainCorp following receipt of advice from a Customer of a vessel ETA, and which determines the order in which vessels will be loaded within a Confirmed Elevation Period.
Terms and acronyms. ABC Atoms-Bits Convergence DIY Do-It-Yourself DIYer individual or organisation (formal or informal) that engages in DIY DiDIY Digital Do It Yourself DiDIYer DIYer that engage in DiDIY Fab Lab makerspace structured according to a specific model of DIY, as proposed by the MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms Makerspace community-operated physical place that affords sharing of tools, resources and knowledge motivated by maker culture, revealing specific ways of creation, collaboration and learning DiDIY codesign process process in which users or other stakeholders are invited to actively contribute with their experience to the design process considering the fundamental elements of DiDIY Note 1 – Co-design builds on a tradition of user-centered design, participatory design, critical design, and ethnography. It is growing and being fertilized by many other disciplines. It is about users, or more generally, people imagining and planning with issues that are not-yet- existing and utilizing the skills that are in the core of professional design competence. Co-design is a method and a mindset characterized by the belief that all people are creative. Note 2 – Co-design sessions are defined as “workshops for sketching and trying out possibilities” (Binder 2010) and “temporary spaces for experimentations and collaborative learning” that are “open-ended, collaborative and creative” (Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 2010). During the sessions “a set of creative techniques whose aim is to inspire the design process” (Xxxxx 2010) might be used. Note 3 – Co-design toolkit is intended as the way that specific techniques and tools are used to unlock people’s creativity helping them to work collaboratively. Each toolkit is designed to serve a specific purpose. DiDIY design model design and creativity based model that is able to generate innovation through the use of DiDIY Note – A DiDIY design model will include the development of tools that facilitate the involvement of people in the design process. It has a strong social connotation and people’s creativity and self-improvement through the development of new skills and knowledge are key elements. DiDIY platform (1) set of hardware and/or software components, designed from scratch or deliberately assembled, to be the basis for design and/or manufacturing of a DiDIY product, or family of products (2) website explicitly designed to enable any combination of (co)development, manufacturing, sale, or distribution of DiDIY products or DiDIY desi...
Terms and acronyms. WP Work Package SME Small/Medium Enterprise DIY Do It Yourself DiDIY Digital Do It Yourself ABC Atoms-Bits Convergence