Business Purposes The Loan is solely for the business purpose of Borrower, and is not for personal, family, household, or agricultural purposes.
Business Purpose The Company may conduct any and all lawful business appropriate in carrying out the Company’s objectives, as permitted under Section 00-00-000 of the Act.
Certain Agreements Related to Deposits Subject to Section 2.2, the Assuming Institution agrees to honor the terms and conditions of any written escrow or mortgage servicing agreement or other similar agreement relating to a Deposit liability assumed by the Assuming Institution pursuant to this Agreement.
Availability of Funds The County may terminate this Agreement or a portion of the services referenced in the Attachments and Exhibits based upon unavailability of Federal, State, or County funds, by providing written notice to Contractor as soon as is reasonably possible after the County learns of said unavailability of outside funding.
Geographic Area and Sector Specific Allowances, Conditions and Exceptions The following allowances and conditions shall apply where relevant. Where the Employer does work which falls under the following headings, the Employer agrees to pay and observe the relevant respective conditions and/or exceptions set out below in each case.
Conditions to Initial Extensions of Credit The agreement of each Lender to make the initial extension of credit requested to be made by it is subject to the satisfaction, immediately prior to or concurrently with the making of such extension of credit on the Closing Date, of the following conditions precedent:
Conditions to Financial Assistance and its Disbursement The Grantor's obligations hereunder, including its obligation to make financial assistance available to the Recipient pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, are contingent upon compliance by the Recipient with the following conditions: A. Recipient's acquisition and commitment of the Local Subdivision Contribution necessary for the completion of the Project, its compliance with all other provisions of this Agreement, and its compliance with the provisions of Chapter 164 of the Revised Code and Chapter 164-1 of the Administrative Code. The Recipient shall set forth in Appendix D of this Agreement a description of the manner or mechanisms of providing its local share of Project funds pursuant to division (D) of Section 164.05 of the Revised Code and Rule 164-1-21 (B)(6) of the Administrative Code. B. Recipient shall execute any and all other documents and certificates as deemed necessary by the Director, subject to the opinion of counsel to the Director, as well as any required by changes in State or Federal Law, on the date hereof or at any time hereafter in connection with the financial assistance and disbursement of moneys pursuant to this Agreement, including any amendments to this Agreement.
Permitted and Required Uses/Disclosures of PHI 3.1 Except as limited in this Agreement, Business Associate may use or disclose PHI to perform Services, as specified in the underlying grant or contract with Covered Entity. The uses and disclosures of Business Associate are limited to the minimum necessary, to complete the tasks or to provide the services associated with the terms of the underlying agreement. Business Associate shall not use or disclose PHI in any manner that would constitute a violation of the Privacy Rule if used or disclosed by Covered Entity in that manner. Business Associate may not use or disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by this Agreement or as Required by Law. 3.2 Business Associate may make PHI available to its employees who need access to perform Services provided that Business Associate makes such employees aware of the use and disclosure restrictions in this Agreement and binds them to comply with such restrictions. Business Associate may only disclose PHI for the purposes authorized by this Agreement: (a) to its agents and Subcontractors in accordance with Sections 9 and 17 or, (b) as otherwise permitted by Section 3. 3.3 Business Associate shall be directly liable under HIPAA for impermissible uses and disclosures of the PHI it handles on behalf of Covered Entity, and for impermissible uses and disclosures, by Business Associate’s Subcontractor(s), of the PHI that Business Associate handles on behalf of Covered Entity and that it passes on to Subcontractors.
AVAILABILITY OF AGREEMENT The employer must ensure that copies of this Agreement and the NES are available to all employees to whom they apply, such as on a notice board which is conveniently located at or near the workplace or through electronic means, whichever makes them more accessible.
Availability of Services CBT agrees not to discontinue or refuse to provide any service provided or required hereunder other than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, or unless required by the Commission.