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Common use of Therapeutic Services Clause in Contracts

Therapeutic Services. 7 1) CONTRACTOR shall provide structured day and evening services seven (7) days a 8 week which will include individual, group therapy, and community meetings amongst the residents and 9 crisis residential staff. 10 2) CONTRACTOR shall provide group counseling sessions at least four (4) times 11 daily to assist residents in developing skills that enable them to progress towards self-sufficiency and to 12 reside in less intensive levels of care. Topics may include, but not be limited to: self-advocacy, personal 13 identity, goal setting, developing hope, coping alternatives, conflict resolution, relationship 14 management, proper nutrition, personal hygiene and grooming, household management, personal safety, 16 therapeutic process groups will be facilitated by a licensed clinician. 17 3) CONTRACTOR shall provide individual therapeutic sessions provided by a 18 licensed clinician at least one time a day to each resident and these sessions will be clearly documented 19 in the chart. 20 4) CONTRACTOR shall support a culture of “recovery” which focuses on personal 21 responsibility for a resident’s behavioral health management and independence, and fosters resident 22 empowerment, hope, and an expectation of recovery from mental illness. Activities and chores shall be 23 encouraged and assigned to each resident on a daily basis to xxxxxx responsibility and learning of 24 independent living skills. These chores will be followed up on by residential staff, in the spirit of 25 learning, who will also assist the resident in learning the new skills and completing the chores as 26 needed. 27 5) CONTRACTOR’s program will be designed to enhance resident motivation to 28 actively participate in the program, provide residents with intensive assistance in accessing community 29 resources, and assist residents developing strategies to maintain independent living in the community 30 and improve their overall quality of life. Therapeutic outings (to local museums, art galleries, nature 31 centers, parks, coffee shops) will be provided for all residents in support of these goals. 32 6) CONTRACTOR shall assist the resident in developing and working on a WRAP 33 throughout their stay at the program and will promote resident recovery on a daily basis via individual 34 and/or group sessions. This will assist residents in monitoring and responding to their symptoms in 35 order to achieve the highest possible level of wellness, stability and quality of life. Topics may include 36 but not be limited to: building a wellness toolbox or resource list, symptom monitoring, triggers and 37 early warning signs of symptoms, identifying a crisis plan, etc. 1 7) CONTRACTOR shall engage both the resident and family/support persons in the 2 program whenever possible. CONTRACTOR shall document contact with family/support persons or 3 document why such contact is not possible or not advisable. 4 8) CONTRACTOR shall support a Dual Disorders Integrated Treatment Model that is 5 non-confrontational, follows behavioral principles, considers interactions between behavioral health 6 disorders and substance abuse and has gradual expectations of abstinence. CONTRACTOR shall 7 provide, on a regularly scheduled basis, education via individual and/or group sessions to residents on 8 the effects of alcohol and other drug abuse, triggers, relapse prevention, and community recovery 9 resources. Twelve (12) step groups and Smart Recovery groups will be encouraged at the facility on a 10 regular basis. 11 9) CONTRACTOR shall support a culture that supports a nonsmoking environment in 12 the facility and on the campus. CONTRACTOR shall provide educational groups regarding tobacco 13 cessation and provide viable alternatives such as tobacco patches and other approved methods that 14 support tobacco use reduction and cessation. 15 10) CONTRACTOR shall assist residents in developing prevocational and vocational 16 plans to achieve gainful employment and/or perform volunteer work if identified as a goal in the service 18 11) CONTRACTOR shall provide crisis intervention and crisis management services 19 designed to enable the resident to cope with the crisis at hand while maintaining his/her functioning 20 status within the community and to prevent further decompensation or hospitalization. 21 12) CONTRACTOR shall provide assessments for involuntary hospitalization when 22 necessary. This service must be available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. 23 13) CONTRACTOR will provide information, support, advocacy education, and 24 assistance with including the resident’s natural support system in treatment and services. 25 14) CONTRACTOR shall sustain a culture that supports Peer Recovery 26 Specialist/Counselors in providing supportive socialization for residents that will assist residents in their 27 recovery, self-sufficiency and in seeking meaningful life activities and relationships. Peers shall be 28 encouraged to share their stories of recovery as much as possible to infiltrate the milieu with the notion 29 that recovery is possible. 30 15) CONTRACTOR shall provide close supervision and be aware of residents’ 31 whereabouts at all times to ensure the safety of all residents. Every clinician and residential counselor 32 will have an assigned caseload and be responsible for the monitoring of the assigned individuals. 33 CONTRACTOR shall provide routine room checks in the evening and document observations. Rounds 34 are completed by staff on regular intervals. 35 16) CONTRACTOR will actively explore, research and present ideas for additional 36 evidence-based practices in order to continually improve and refine aspects of the program.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Crisis Residential Services, Agreement for Provision of Services

Therapeutic Services. 7 1 1) CONTRACTOR shall provide structured day and evening services seven (7) days a 8 2 week which will include individual, group therapy, and community meetings amongst the residents Clients and 9 3 crisis residential staff. 10 4 2) CONTRACTOR shall provide group counseling sessions at least four (4) times 11 5 daily to assist residents Clients in developing skills that enable them to progress towards self-sufficiency and to 12 6 reside in less intensive levels of care. Topics may include, but not be limited to: self-advocacy, personal 13 7 identity, goal setting, developing hope, coping alternatives, processing feelings, conflict resolution, 8 relationship 14 management, proper nutrition, personal hygiene and grooming, household management, 9 personal safety, 16 symptom monitoring, etc. These groups will be clearly documented in the individual’s 10 chart. All therapeutic process groups will be facilitated by a licensed clinician. 17 11 3) CONTRACTOR shall provide individual therapeutic sessions provided by a 18 12 licensed clinician at least one time a day to each resident Client and these sessions will be clearly documented 19 in 13 the chart. 20 14 4) CONTRACTOR shall support a culture of “recovery” which focuses on personal 21 15 responsibility for a residentClient’s behavioral health management and independence, and fosters resident 22 Client 16 empowerment, hope, and an expectation of recovery from mental illness. Activities and chores shall be 23 17 encouraged and assigned to each resident Client on a daily basis to xxxxxx responsibility and learning of 24 18 independent living skills. These chores will be followed up on by residential staff, in the spirit of 25 learning, who will also assist the resident in learning the new skills and completing the chores as 26 needed.of 27 20 5) CONTRACTOR’s program will be designed to enhance resident Client motivation to 28 21 actively participate in the program, provide residents Clients with intensive assistance in accessing community 29 22 resources, and assist residents Clients developing strategies to maintain independent living in the community 30 and 23 improve their overall quality of life. Therapeutic outings (to local museums, art galleries, nature 31 24 centers, parks, coffee shops) will be provided for all residents Clients in support of these goals. 32 25 6) CONTRACTOR shall assist the resident Client in developing and working on a WRAP 33 26 throughout their stay at the program and will promote resident Client recovery on a daily basis via individual 34 27 and/or group sessions. This will assist residents Clients in monitoring and responding to their symptoms in 35 order 28 to achieve the highest possible level of wellness, stability and quality of life. Topics may include 36 but 29 not be limited to: building a wellness toolbox or resource list, symptom monitoring, triggers and 37 early 30 warning signs of symptoms, identifying a crisis plan, etc. 1 31 7) CONTRACTOR shall engage both the resident Client and family/support persons in the 2 32 program whenever possible. CONTRACTOR shall document contact with family/support persons or 3 33 document why such contact is not possible or not advisable. 4 34 8) CONTRACTOR shall support a Dual Disorders Integrated Treatment Model that is 5 35 non-confrontational, follows behavioral principles, considers interactions between behavioral health 6 36 disorders and substance abuse and has gradual expectations of abstinence. CONTRACTOR shall 7 37 provide, on a regularly scheduled basis, education via individual and/or group sessions to residents Clients on 8 the 1 effects of alcohol and other drug abuse, triggers, relapse prevention, and community recovery 9 resources. Twelve (12) step groups and Smart Recovery groups will be encouraged at the facility on a 10 regular basis. 11 9) CONTRACTOR shall support a culture that supports a nonsmoking environment in 12 the facility and on the campus. CONTRACTOR shall provide educational groups regarding tobacco 13 cessation and provide viable alternatives such as tobacco patches and other approved methods that 14 support tobacco use reduction and cessation. 15 10) CONTRACTOR shall assist residents in developing prevocational and vocational 16 plans to achieve gainful employment and/or perform volunteer work if identified as a goal in the service 18 11) CONTRACTOR shall provide crisis intervention and crisis management services 19 designed to enable the resident to cope with the crisis at hand while maintaining his/her functioning 20 status within the community and to prevent further decompensation or hospitalization. 21 12) CONTRACTOR shall provide assessments for involuntary hospitalization when 22 necessary. This service must be available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. 23 13) CONTRACTOR will provide information, support, advocacy education, and 24 assistance with including the resident’s natural support system in treatment and services. 25 14) CONTRACTOR shall sustain a culture that supports Peer Recovery 26 Specialist/Counselors in providing supportive socialization for residents that will assist residents in their 27 recovery, self-sufficiency and in seeking meaningful life activities and relationships. Peers shall be 28 encouraged to share their stories of recovery as much as possible to infiltrate the milieu with the notion 29 that recovery is possible. 30 15) CONTRACTOR shall provide close supervision and be aware of residents’ 31 whereabouts at all times to ensure the safety of all residents. Every clinician and residential counselor 32 will have an assigned caseload and be responsible for the monitoring of the assigned individuals. 33 CONTRACTOR shall provide routine room checks in the evening and document observations. Rounds 34 are completed by staff on regular intervals. 35 16) CONTRACTOR will actively explore, research and present ideas for additional 36 evidence-based practices in order to continually improve and refine aspects of the program.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Contract for Provision of Services

Therapeutic Services. 7 5 1) CONTRACTOR shall provide structured day and evening services seven (7) 6 calendar days a 8 week which will include individual, group therapy, and community meetings amongst 7 the residents Clients and 9 crisis residential staff. 10 8 2) CONTRACTOR shall provide group counseling sessions at least four (4) times 11 9 daily to assist residents Clients in developing skills that enable them to progress towards self-sufficiency and to 12 10 reside in less intensive levels of care. Topics may include, but not be limited to: self-advocacy, personal 13 11 identity, goal setting, developing hope, coping alternatives, processing feelings, conflict resolution, 12 relationship 14 management, proper nutrition, personal hygiene and grooming, household management, 13 personal safety, 16 symptom monitoring, etc. These groups will be clearly documented in the individual’s 14 chart. All therapeutic process groups will be facilitated by a licensed clinician. 17 15 3) CONTRACTOR shall provide individual therapeutic sessions provided by a 18 16 licensed clinician at least one time a day to each resident Client and these sessions will be clearly documented 19 in 17 the chart. 20 18 4) CONTRACTOR shall support a culture of “recovery” which focuses on personal 21 19 responsibility for a residentClient’s behavioral health management and independence, and fosters resident 22 Client 20 empowerment, hope, and an expectation of recovery from mental illness. Activities and chores shall be 23 21 encouraged and assigned to each resident Client on a daily basis to xxxxxx responsibility and learning of 24 22 independent living skills. These chores will be followed up on by residential staff, in the spirit of 25 learning, who will also assist the resident in learning the new skills and completing the chores as 26 needed.of 27 24 5) CONTRACTOR’s program will be designed to enhance resident Client motivation to 28 25 actively participate in the program, provide residents Clients with intensive assistance in accessing community 29 26 resources, and assist residents Clients developing strategies to maintain independent living in the community 30 and 27 improve their overall quality of life. Therapeutic outings (to local museums, art galleries, nature 31 28 centers, parks, coffee shops) will be provided for all residents Clients in support of these goals. 32 29 6) CONTRACTOR shall assist the resident Client in developing and working on a WRAP 33 30 throughout their stay at the program and will promote resident Client recovery on a daily basis via individual 34 31 and/or group sessions. This will assist residents Clients in monitoring and responding to their symptoms in 35 order 32 to achieve the highest possible level of wellness, stability and quality of life. Topics may include 36 but 33 not be limited to: building a wellness toolbox or resource list, symptom monitoring, triggers and 37 early 34 warning signs of symptoms, identifying a crisis plan, etc. 1 35 7) CONTRACTOR shall engage both the resident Client and family/support persons in the 2 36 program whenever possible. CONTRACTOR shall document contact with family/support persons or 3 37 document why such contact is not possible or not advisable. 4 1 8) CONTRACTOR shall support a Dual Disorders Integrated Treatment Model that is 5 2 non-confrontational, follows behavioral principles, considers interactions between behavioral health 6 3 disorders and substance abuse and has gradual expectations of abstinence. CONTRACTOR shall 7 4 provide, on a regularly scheduled basis, education via individual and/or group sessions to residents Clients on 8 the 5 effects of alcohol and other drug abuse, triggers, relapse prevention, and community recovery 9 resources. Twelve (12) step groups and Smart Recovery groups will be encouraged at the facility on a 10 regular basis. 11 9) CONTRACTOR shall support a culture that supports a nonsmoking environment in 12 the facility and on the campus. CONTRACTOR shall provide educational groups regarding tobacco 13 cessation and provide viable alternatives such as tobacco patches and other approved methods that 14 support tobacco use reduction and cessation. 15 10) CONTRACTOR shall assist residents in developing prevocational and vocational 16 plans to achieve gainful employment and/or perform volunteer work if identified as a goal in the service 18 11) CONTRACTOR shall provide crisis intervention and crisis management services 19 designed to enable the resident to cope with the crisis at hand while maintaining his/her functioning 20 status within the community and to prevent further decompensation or hospitalization. 21 12) CONTRACTOR shall provide assessments for involuntary hospitalization when 22 necessary. This service must be available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. 23 13) CONTRACTOR will provide information, support, advocacy education, and 24 assistance with including the resident’s natural support system in treatment and services. 25 14) CONTRACTOR shall sustain a culture that supports Peer Recovery 26 Specialist/Counselors in providing supportive socialization for residents that will assist residents in their 27 recovery, self-sufficiency and in seeking meaningful life activities and relationships. Peers shall be 28 encouraged to share their stories of recovery as much as possible to infiltrate the milieu with the notion 29 that recovery is possible. 30 15) CONTRACTOR shall provide close supervision and be aware of residents’ 31 whereabouts at all times to ensure the safety of all residents. Every clinician and residential counselor 32 will have an assigned caseload and be responsible for the monitoring of the assigned individuals. 33 CONTRACTOR shall provide routine room checks in the evening and document observations. Rounds 34 are completed by staff on regular intervals. 35 16) CONTRACTOR will actively explore, research and present ideas for additional 36 evidence-based practices in order to continually improve and refine aspects of the program.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Services Agreement

Therapeutic Services. 7 20 1) CONTRACTOR shall provide structured day and evening services seven (7) days a 8 21 week which will include individual, group therapy, and community meetings amongst the residents and 9 22 crisis residential staff. 10 23 2) CONTRACTOR shall provide group counseling sessions at least four (4) times 11 24 daily to assist residents in developing skills that enable them to progress towards self-sufficiency and to 12 25 reside in less intensive levels of care. Topics may include, but not be limited to: self-advocacy, personal 13 26 identity, goal setting, developing hope, coping alternatives, conflict resolution, relationship 14 27 management, proper nutrition, personal hygiene and grooming, household management, personal safety, 16 28 symptom monitoring, etc. These groups will be clearly documented in the individual’s chart. All 29 therapeutic process groups will be facilitated by a licensed clinician. 17 30 3) CONTRACTOR shall provide individual therapeutic sessions provided by a 18 31 licensed clinician at least one time a day to each resident and these sessions will be clearly documented 19 32 in the chart. 20 33 4) CONTRACTOR shall support a culture of “recovery” which focuses on personal 21 34 responsibility for a resident’s behavioral health management and independence, and fosters resident 22 35 empowerment, hope, and an expectation of recovery from mental illness. Activities and chores shall be 23 36 encouraged and assigned to each resident on a daily basis to xxxxxx responsibility and learning of 24 37 independent living skills. These chores will be followed up on by residential staff, in the spirit of 25 1 learning, who will also assist the resident in learning the new skills and completing the chores as 26 2 needed. 27 3 5) CONTRACTOR’s program will be designed to enhance resident motivation to 28 4 actively participate in the program, provide residents with intensive assistance in accessing community 29 5 resources, and assist residents developing strategies to maintain independent living in the community 30 6 and improve their overall quality of life. Therapeutic outings (to local museums, art galleries, nature 31 7 centers, parks, coffee shops) will be provided for all residents in support of these goals. 32 8 6) CONTRACTOR shall assist the resident in developing and working on a WRAP 33 9 throughout their stay at the program and will promote resident recovery on a daily basis via individual 34 10 and/or group sessions. This will assist residents in monitoring and responding to their symptoms in 35 11 order to achieve the highest possible level of wellness, stability and quality of life. Topics may include 36 12 but not be limited to: building a wellness toolbox or resource list, symptom monitoring, triggers and 37 13 early warning signs of symptoms, identifying a crisis plan, etc. 1 14 7) CONTRACTOR shall engage both the resident and family/support persons in the 2 15 program whenever possible. CONTRACTOR shall document contact with family/support persons or 3 16 document why such contact is not possible or not advisable. 4 17 8) CONTRACTOR shall support a Dual Disorders Integrated Treatment Model that is 5 18 non-confrontational, follows behavioral principles, considers interactions between behavioral health 6 19 disorders and substance abuse and has gradual expectations of abstinence. CONTRACTOR shall 7 20 provide, on a regularly scheduled basis, education via individual and/or group sessions to residents on 8 21 the effects of alcohol and other drug abuse, triggers, relapse prevention, and community recovery 9 22 resources. Twelve (12) step groups and Smart Recovery groups will be encouraged at the facility on a 10 23 regular basis. 11 24 9) CONTRACTOR shall support a culture that supports a nonsmoking environment in 12 25 the facility and on the campus. CONTRACTOR shall provide educational groups regarding tobacco 13 26 cessation and provide viable alternatives such as tobacco patches and other approved methods that 14 27 support tobacco use reduction and cessation. 15 28 10) CONTRACTOR shall assist residents in developing prevocational and vocational 16 29 plans to achieve gainful employment and/or perform volunteer work if identified as a goal in the serviceservice 30 plan. 18 31 11) CONTRACTOR shall provide crisis intervention and crisis management services 19 32 designed to enable the resident to cope with the crisis at hand while maintaining his/her functioning 20 33 status within the community and to prevent further decompensation or hospitalization. 21 34 12) CONTRACTOR shall provide assessments for involuntary hospitalization when 22 35 necessary. This service must be available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. 23 36 13) CONTRACTOR will provide information, support, advocacy education, and 24 37 assistance with including the resident’s natural support system in treatment and services. 25 1 14) CONTRACTOR shall sustain a culture that supports Peer Recovery 26 2 Specialist/Counselors in providing supportive socialization for residents that will assist residents in their 27 3 recovery, self-sufficiency and in seeking meaningful life activities and relationships. Peers shall be 28 4 encouraged to share their stories of recovery as much as possible to infiltrate the milieu with the notion 29 5 that recovery is possible. 30 6 15) CONTRACTOR shall provide close supervision and be aware of residents’ 31 7 whereabouts at all times to ensure the safety of all residents. Every clinician and residential counselor 32 8 will have an assigned caseload and be responsible for the monitoring of the assigned individuals. 33 9 CONTRACTOR shall provide routine room checks in the evening and document observations. Rounds 34 10 are completed by staff on regular intervals. 35 11 16) CONTRACTOR will actively explore, research and present ideas for additional 36 12 evidence-based practices in order to continually improve and refine aspects of the program.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services