Common use of Time off for trade union activities Clause in Contracts

Time off for trade union activities. 5.1 Where the member is a lead branch officer or trade union workplace representative of a recognised trade union, recognised activities include:  Attendance at local workplace meetings with management  Attendance at departmental consultation meetings and relevant trade union workplace representative meetings, in accordance with the constitution/terms of reference  Attendance at the corporate Joint Consultative Group (JCG) and Hampshire Unions & Associations Group (HUAG) meetings, in accordance with the constitution/terms of reference  Attendance at Branch Committee meetings  Reasonable time off to attend ad hoc meetings to deal with complex issues or major changes that affect employees  Facilitating information sessions  Contribution to HCC policies, documents and budget information where required  Organisation and running of the union branch, which may include attendance at regional and national meetings. 5.2 The trade union branch secretary will notify line management and the Head of HR Operations/EPS of delegates that have been elected to attend union national conferences. Line management will notify trade unions of agreement to attend. Requests will be made and responses will be received in a timely manner. In exceptional circumstances, if there are any difficulties with agreeing the request, the Head of HR Operations/EPS will work closely with the lead branch officer and line management to resolve the issues. 5.3 Requests for time off to attend other conferences must be submitted to line management using the time off request form in appendix 1. Consideration will be given to the reasonableness of the request and approval will be subject to the needs of the service. 5.4 Trade union workplace representatives may be requested to attend a consultation meeting to consider selection criteria where they themselves may be in the pool of staff to be selected for redundancy. In most cases it will be appropriate for the trade union workplace representative to attend such a meeting as they will have relevant knowledge of the particular department/ service. However, if there are concerns of a conflict of interest (for example the trade union workplace representative being in a position to influence the selection criteria to their advantage), the concern should be raised with the lead branch officer in the first instance. Further advice can be obtained from HR Operations/EPS.

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Samples: Facilities Agreement

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Time off for trade union activities. 5.1 Where ‌ 12.1 To operate effectively and democratically, Trade Unions need the member is a lead branch officer or active participation of members. To ensure that workplace meetings are fully represented, where possible, paid time off for trade union representatives and members will be permitted for the following activities: • Attending workplace representative meetings to discuss and vote on the outcome of a recognised trade union, recognised negotiations; • Meeting all full-time Union officials to discuss issues relevant to the workplace; • Voting in Union elections. • Separate arrangements will apply within schools. 12.2 The Organisation and the Unions also recognise that it is in the interests of effective and democratic operation of Unions that representatives or officials participate in other activities of the Trade Union. Reasonable paid time off during working hours will be granted for these purposes which may include:  Attendance at local workplace meetings with management  Attendance at departmental consultation meetings and relevant trade union workplace representative meetings• Participation, as a representative, in accordance with meetings of official policy making and consultative bodies of the constitution/terms Union such asannual conferences or regional meetings; • Representing the Union on external bodies such as committees or working parties within the official Union structure; • Holding office on official bodies of reference  Attendance the Union; 12.3 The Union will notify the Organisation at the corporate Joint Consultative Group (JCG) beginning of each year of the anticipated calendar of such events wherever possible and Hampshire Unions & Associations Group (HUAG) meetings, in accordance with the constitution/terms thelikely number of reference  Attendance at Branch Committee meetings  Reasonable representatives who will be required to attend. 12.4 There is no right to time off for Trade Union activities which themselves consist of industrial action. Such activities do not attract paid timeoff. 12.5 Branch Officials will, if necessary, be allowed reasonable time off with pay to attend ad hoc meetings to deal with complex issues or major changes that affect employees  Facilitating information sessions  Contribution to HCC policiesnational and Special Local Government Conference, documents National and budget information where required  Organisation Regional meetings. If and running of the union branchwhen is appropriate, which may include attendance at regional suitable and national meetings. 5.2 The trade union branch secretary reasonable time off facilities will notify line management and agreed between the Head of Service/Head Teacher, Head of Strategic HR Operations/EPS and the Union. The Council would require a minimum of delegates that have been elected to attend union national conferences3 weeks notice for approval purposes (where practical). Line management will The Regional Trade Union Officer or the Branch Secretary should notify trade unions of agreement to attend. Requests will be made and responses will be received in a timely manner. In exceptional circumstances, if there are any difficulties with agreeing the request, seek authorisation from the Head of HR Operations/EPS will work closely with the lead branch officer and line management to resolve the issues. 5.3 Requests Personnel for such absences. The time off provisions do not extend to attend other conferences must be submitted to line management using the time off request form in appendix 1. Consideration will be given to the reasonableness of the request attendance at Trade Councils and approval will be subject to the needs of the servicerelated activities or matters concerning political affiliations or campaigns. 5.4 Trade union workplace representatives may be requested to attend a consultation meeting to consider selection criteria where they themselves may be in the pool of staff to be selected for redundancy. In most cases it will be appropriate for the trade union workplace representative to attend such a meeting as they will have relevant knowledge of the particular department/ service. However, if there are concerns of a conflict of interest (for example the trade union workplace representative being in a position to influence the selection criteria to their advantage), the concern should be raised with the lead branch officer in the first instance. Further advice can be obtained from HR Operations/EPS.

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Samples: Policy – Time Off and Facilities Agreement

Time off for trade union activities. 5.1 Where 12.1 There is no statutory right to paid time off for Union activities for either members or accredited Representatives. However, the College may consider payment in certain circumstances. 12.2 Any employee who is an elected representative member of EIS is a lead branch officer to be permitted reasonable time off during working hours, to take part in any Trade Union activity, subject to an agreed cap on total facility time for EIS as detailed in Clause 14. Time off will normally only be authorised where it would not adversely affect the needs of the service. It will be for the College to provide resources to cover work not able to be undertaken by EIS representatives on facility time or trade union workplace representative EIS-approved training. 12.3 There is no time off for Trade Union activities which themselves consist of a recognised trade union, recognised industrial action. 12.4 Examples of Trade Union activities includefor accredited Representatives:  Attendance at local Taking part in local/FE Committee meetings where EIS business is under discussion.  Union meetings, such as Annual Conferences/the AGM of the Scottish FE Committee.  Meetings with full-time Officer(s) to discuss issues relevant to the workplace. 12.5 Examples of Trade Union activities for members:  Attending workplace meetings with management  Attendance at departmental consultation meetings to discuss and relevant trade union workplace representative meetings, in accordance vote on the outcome of negotiations with the constitution/terms of reference College representatives. Attendance at Meeting full-time Officers to discuss issues relevant to the corporate Joint Consultative Group (JCG) and Hampshire Unions & Associations Group (HUAG) meetings, workplace.  Voting in accordance with the constitution/terms of reference  Attendance at Branch Committee meetings  Reasonable EIS elections. 12.6 Accredited Representatives who are elected to Regional or National Office will be granted time off with pay to attend ad hoc the scheduled annual meetings provided:  EIS notifies the Principal in writing of those who have been elected, and the dates of the meetings to deal with complex issues or major changes that affect employees  Facilitating information sessions  Contribution which they are to HCC policies, documents and budget information where required  Organisation and running of be convened for the union branch, which may include attendance at regional and national meetingsnext twelve months. 5.2 The trade union branch secretary 12.7 Those holding National Office will notify line management and the Head of HR Operations/EPS of delegates that have been elected be granted, as well, paid leave to attend union national conferencesemergency meetings provided:  as much notice as possible is given in writing. Line management will notify trade unions of agreement to attend. Requests will be made and responses will be received in a timely manner. In exceptional circumstances, if there are any difficulties with agreeing the request, the Head of HR Operations/EPS will work closely with the lead branch officer and line management to resolve the issues. 5.3 Requests for time off to attend other conferences must be submitted to line management using the time off request form in appendix 1. Consideration will be given to the reasonableness of the request and approval will be subject to  it would not adversely affect the needs of the service. 5.4 Trade union workplace representatives may be requested to attend a consultation meeting to consider selection criteria where they themselves may be in the pool of staff to be selected for redundancy. In most cases it will be appropriate for the trade union workplace representative to attend such a meeting as they will have relevant knowledge of the particular department/ service. However, if there are concerns of a conflict of interest (for example the trade union workplace representative being in a position to influence the selection criteria to their advantage), the concern should be raised with the lead branch officer in the first instance. Further advice can be obtained from HR Operations/EPS.

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Samples: Local Recognition and Procedure Agreement

Time off for trade union activities. 5.1 Where the member is a lead branch officer or trade union workplace representative of a recognised trade union, recognised activities include:  Attendance at local workplace meetings with management  Attendance at departmental consultation meetings and relevant trade union workplace representative meetings, in accordance with the constitutionTrade Union representatives/terms of reference  Attendance at the corporate Joint Consultative Group (JCG) and Hampshire Unions & Associations Group (HUAG) meetings, in accordance with the constitution/terms of reference  Attendance at Branch Committee meetings  Reasonable stewards shall be granted reasonable time off to attend ad hoc take part in trade union activities. The University will facilitate:-  Four meetings of Branch Officers over a twelve-month period. The scheduling of these meeting over the year will be subject to deal with complex issues annual agreement and will take place between 12 noon and 2.00pm and will include the individual Officers taking their lunch break during this period.  Six meetings of the Branch Executive, two per term, of two hours duration, commencing at 9.00am and finishing at 11.00am. Trade Union activities shall also include : -  branch, area, regional or major changes that affect employees  Facilitating information sessions  Contribution to HCC policies, documents and budget information national meetings where required  Organisation and running the business of the union branch, which may include is under consideration.  meetings of official policy making bodies such as executive committees  attendance at regional and national meetings. 5.2 The trade union branch secretary workplace meetings to vote on the outcome of negotiations Such time off shall, normally, be unpaid. However the university will notify line management and the Head of HR Operations/EPS of provide paid time off for four delegates that have been elected to attend union national conferencesthe UNISON National Higher Education Sector Conference. Line management (1 day) In the event that this facility time is not used due to the timing of the Sector conference the University will notify trade unions of agreement allow the time to attendbe utilised by delegates attending the UNISON Annual Conference. Requests In addition, time off with pay will be made and responses provided for delegates attending the National Higher Education Service Group Executive where the current pay offer/claim is an agenda item. The arrangements for the UNISON Annual General Meeting will be received in a timely mannerdiscussed and agreed annually. In exceptional circumstancesThe discussions will include the amount of time off, if there are any difficulties with agreeing paid or unpaid, to be provided to Trade Union Officers, representatives/stewards and UNISON members to attend the request, the Head of HR Operations/EPS will work closely with the lead branch officer and line management to resolve the issues. 5.3 meeting. Requests for time off to attend other conferences must for all trade union activities including attendance at external meetings regional or national should be submitted to line management using the Employee Relations Manager as far as practicable in advance so that the time off request form in appendix 1implications may be considered. Consideration All such requests will be given to the reasonableness of the request and approval will be subject to the needs of the serviceconsidered on their merits. 5.4 Trade union workplace representatives may be requested to attend a consultation meeting to consider selection criteria where they themselves may be in the pool of staff to be selected for redundancy. In most cases it will be appropriate for the trade union workplace representative to attend such a meeting as they will have relevant knowledge of the particular department/ service. However, if there are concerns of a conflict of interest (for example the trade union workplace representative being in a position to influence the selection criteria to their advantage), the concern should be raised with the lead branch officer in the first instance. Further advice can be obtained from HR Operations/EPS.

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Samples: Memorandum of Agreement

Time off for trade union activities. 5.1 Where 12.1 To operate effectively and democratically, Trade Unions need the member is a lead branch officer or active participation of members. To ensure that workplace meetings are fully represented, where possible, paid time off for trade union representatives and members will be permitted for the following activities:  Attending workplace representative meetings to discuss and vote on the outcome of a recognised trade union, recognised negotiations;  Meeting all full-time Union officials to discuss issues relevant to the workplace;  Voting in Union elections.  Separate arrangements will apply within schools. 12.2 The Organisation and the Unions also recognise that it is in the interests of effective and democratic operation of Unions that representatives or officials participate in other activities of the Trade Union. Reasonable paid time off during working hours will be granted for these purposes which may include:  Attendance at local workplace meetings with management  Attendance at departmental consultation meetings and relevant trade union workplace representative meetings Participation, as a representative, in accordance with meetings of official policy making and consultative bodies of the constitution/terms Union such as annual conferences or regional meetings;  Representing the Union on external bodies such as committees or working parties within the official Union structure;  Holding office on official bodies of reference  Attendance the Union; 12.3 The Union will notify the Organisation at the corporate Joint Consultative Group (JCG) beginning of each year of the anticipated calendar of such events wherever possible and Hampshire Unions & Associations Group (HUAG) meetings, in accordance with the constitution/terms likely number of reference  Attendance at Branch Committee meetings  Reasonable representatives who will be required to attend. 12.4 There is no right to time off for Trade Union activities which themselves consist of industrial action. Such activities do not attract paid time off. 12.5 Branch Officials will, if necessary, be allowed reasonable time off with pay to attend ad hoc meetings to deal with complex issues or major changes that affect employees  Facilitating information sessions  Contribution to HCC policiesnational and Special Local Government Conference, documents National and budget information where required  Organisation Regional meetings. If and running of the union branchwhen is appropriate , which may include attendance at regional suitable and national meetings. 5.2 The trade union branch secretary reasonable time off facilities will notify line management and agreed between the Head of Service/Head Teacher, Head of Strategic HR Operations/EPS and the Union. The Council would require a minimum of delegates that have been elected to attend union national conferences3 weeks notice for approval purposes (where practical). Line management will The Regional Trade Union Officer or the Branch Secretary should notify trade unions of agreement to attend. Requests will be made and responses will be received in a timely manner. In exceptional circumstances, if there are any difficulties with agreeing the request, seek authorisation from the Head of HR Operations/EPS will work closely with the lead branch officer and line management to resolve the issues. 5.3 Requests Personnel for such absences. The time off provisions do not extend to attend other conferences must be submitted to line management using the time off request form in appendix 1. Consideration will be given to the reasonableness of the request attendance at Trade Councils and approval will be subject to the needs of the servicerelated activities or matters concerning political affiliations or campaigns. 5.4 Trade union workplace representatives may be requested to attend a consultation meeting to consider selection criteria where they themselves may be in the pool of staff to be selected for redundancy. In most cases it will be appropriate for the trade union workplace representative to attend such a meeting as they will have relevant knowledge of the particular department/ service. However, if there are concerns of a conflict of interest (for example the trade union workplace representative being in a position to influence the selection criteria to their advantage), the concern should be raised with the lead branch officer in the first instance. Further advice can be obtained from HR Operations/EPS.

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Samples: Time Off and Facilities Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Time off for trade union activities. 5.1 Where Employees who are members of the member is a lead branch officer or Union are entitled to take reasonable time off during working hours to take part in trade union workplace representative activity and to take reasonable time off during working hours for the purposes of accessing the services of a recognised Union Learning Representative. Requests for time off will not be unreasonably refused and subject to approval of the relevant line manager. In normal circumstances time off taken will be unpaid. However, in circumstances where the active participation of members may be in both the employers’ and trade unionunions interest, recognised activities includee.g.:  Attendance attendance at local workplace meetings to discuss and vote on the outcome of negotiations; and meetings with management  Attendance at departmental consultation meetings management, payment for time off may be made, subject to the prior agreement of the employer. The Organisation and relevant trade union workplace representative meetings, Union also recognise that it is in accordance with the constitution/terms interests of reference  Attendance at the corporate Joint Consultative Group (JCG) effective and Hampshire Unions & Associations Group (HUAG) meetings, democratic operation of the Union that representatives or officials are able to participate in accordance with other activities of the constitution/terms of reference  Attendance at Branch Committee meetings  Trade Union. Reasonable time off during working hours may be granted for these purposes, which could include: • Participation, as a representative, in meetings of official policy making and consultative bodies of the Trade Unions such as annual conferences or regional meetings (the Council will allow paid time off for the delegate appointed by the branch to attend ad hoc meetings to deal with complex issues the UNISON annual conference); • Representing the Union on external bodies such as committees or major changes that affect employees  Facilitating information sessions  Contribution to HCC policies, documents and budget information where required  Organisation and running working parties within the official Trade Union structure; • Holding office on official bodies of the union branch, which may include attendance at regional and national meetings. 5.2 Trade Union; • The trade union branch secretary Union will notify line management the Organisation at the beginning of each year of the anticipated calendar of such events wherever possible and the Head likely number of HR Operations/EPS of delegates that have been elected to attend union national conferences. Line management representatives who will notify trade unions of agreement be required to attend. Requests will be made and responses will be received in a timely manner. In exceptional circumstances, if there are any difficulties with agreeing the request, the Head of HR Operations/EPS will work closely with the lead branch officer and line management to resolve the issues. 5.3 Requests for time off will not be unreasonably refused and subject to attend other conferences must be submitted to line management using the time off request form in appendix 1. Consideration will be given to the reasonableness approval of the request and approval will be subject to the needs of the servicerelevant line manager. 5.4 Trade union workplace representatives may be requested to attend a consultation meeting to consider selection criteria where they themselves may be in the pool of staff to be selected for redundancy. In most cases it will be appropriate for the trade union workplace representative to attend such a meeting as they will have relevant knowledge of the particular department/ service. However, if there are concerns of a conflict of interest (for example the trade union workplace representative being in a position to influence the selection criteria to their advantage), the concern should be raised with the lead branch officer in the first instance. Further advice can be obtained from HR Operations/EPS.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Accreditation, Facilities and Time Off Agreement

Time off for trade union activities. 5.1 Where Employees who are members of the member is a lead branch officer or Union are entitled to take reasonable time off during working hours to take part in trade union workplace representative activity and to take reasonable time off during working hours for the purposes of accessing the services of a recognised Union Learning Representative. Requests for time off will not be unreasonably refused and subject to approval of the relevant line manager. In normal circumstances time off taken will be unpaid. However, in circumstances where the active participation of members may be in both the employers’ and trade unionunions interest, recognised e.g.: attendance at workplace meetings to discuss and vote on the outcome of negotiations; and meetings with management, payment for time off may be made, subject to the prior agreement of the employer. The Organisation and Union also recognise that it is in the interests of the effective and democratic operation of the Union that representatives or officials are able to participate in other activities of the Trade Union. Reasonable time off during working hours may be granted for these purposes, which could include:  Attendance at local workplace meetings with management  Attendance at departmental consultation meetings and relevant trade union workplace representative meetingsParticipation, as a representative, in accordance with meetings of official policy making and consultative bodies of the constitution/terms Trade Unions such as annual conferences or regional meetings (the Council will allow paid time off for the delegate appointed by the branch to attend the UNISON annual conference);  Representing the Union on external bodies such as committees or working parties within the official Trade Union structure;  Holding office on official bodies of reference the Trade Union; Attendance The Union will notify the Organisation at the corporate Joint Consultative Group (JCG) and Hampshire Unions & Associations Group (HUAG) meetings, in accordance with the constitution/terms beginning of reference  Attendance at Branch Committee meetings  Reasonable time off to attend ad hoc meetings to deal with complex issues or major changes that affect employees  Facilitating information sessions  Contribution to HCC policies, documents and budget information where required  Organisation and running each year of the union branch, which may include attendance at regional and national meetings. 5.2 The trade union branch secretary will notify line management anticipated calendar of such events wherever possible and the Head likely number of HR Operations/EPS of delegates that have been elected to attend union national conferences. Line management representatives who will notify trade unions of agreement be required to attend. Requests will be made and responses will be received in a timely manner. In exceptional circumstances, if there are any difficulties with agreeing the request, the Head of HR Operations/EPS will work closely with the lead branch officer and line management to resolve the issues. 5.3 Requests for time off will not be unreasonably refused and subject to attend other conferences must be submitted to line management using the time off request form in appendix 1. Consideration will be given to the reasonableness approval of the request and approval will be subject to the needs of the servicerelevant line manager. 5.4 Trade union workplace representatives may be requested to attend a consultation meeting to consider selection criteria where they themselves may be in the pool of staff to be selected for redundancy. In most cases it will be appropriate for the trade union workplace representative to attend such a meeting as they will have relevant knowledge of the particular department/ service. However, if there are concerns of a conflict of interest (for example the trade union workplace representative being in a position to influence the selection criteria to their advantage), the concern should be raised with the lead branch officer in the first instance. Further advice can be obtained from HR Operations/EPS.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Accreditation, Facilities and Time Off Agreement

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