Trade Union Training Leave. Subject to all qualifications in this clause, an employee appointed or elected as an accredited representative of the union to which he/she belongs will, upon application in writing to the Enterprise, be granted up to 5 days leave with pay each calendar year non-cumulative to attend courses conducted or approved by the Union.
Trade Union Training Leave. 7.4.1 Subject to the Employer’s convenience and the provisions of this clause:
a) the Employer shall grant paid leave of absence to Employees who are nominated by the Union to attend short courses relevant to the public sector or the role of Union workplace representative, conducted by the Union or its nominated provider.
b) the Employer shall grant paid leave of absence to attend similar courses or seminars as from time to time approved by agreement between the PTA and the Union.
7.4.2 An Employee shall be granted up to a maximum of five (5) days paid leave per calendar year for trade union training or similar courses or seminars as approved. However, leave of absence in excess of five (5) days and up to 10 days may be granted in any one calendar year provided that the total leave being granted in that year and in the subsequent year does not exceed 10 days.
7.4.3 Leave of absence will be granted at the ordinary rate of pay and shall not include shift allowances, penalty rates or overtime.
7.4.4 Where a Public Holiday or rostered day off falls during the duration of a course, a day off in lieu of that day will not be granted.
7.4.5 Subject to paragraph 7.4.3, shift workers attending a course shall be deemed to have worked the shifts they would have worked had leave not been taken to attend the course.
7.4.6 Part time Employees shall receive the same entitlement as full time Employees, but payment shall only be made for those hours that would normally have been worked but for the leave.
7.4.7 Any application by an Employee shall be submitted to the Employer for approval at least four (4) weeks before the commencement of the course unless the Employer agrees otherwise.
7.4.8 All applications for leave shall be accompanied by a statement from the Union indicating that the Employee has been nominated for the course. The application shall provide details as to the subject, commencement date, length of course, venue and the authority that is conducting the course.
7.4.9 A qualifying period of 12 months service shall be served before an Employee is eligible to attend courses or seminars of more than a half-day duration. The Employer may, where special circumstances exist, approve an application to attend a course or seminar where an Employee has less than 12 months service.
7.4.10 The Employer shall not be liable for any expenses associated with an Employee’s attendance at trade union training courses.
7.4.11 Leave of absence granted under this clause shall incl...
Trade Union Training Leave. 15.1 The parties to this award recognise that the provision of training for employees and members of the site Consultative Committees and Union Delegates may be appropriate to further the objectives of a sound industrial relations environment.
15.2 Subject to sub-clause 15.3 the Union delegate or the elected work place representative with more than six months continuous service, with approval of the Union and upon application in writing shall be granted up to 5 days leave with pay each calendar year, not cumulative, to attend courses conducted or approved by the Trade Union Training Authority, which are designed to promote good industrial relations and industrial efficiency within the industry.
15.3 The application to the employer must be in writing and include the nature, content and duration of the course to be attended.
15.4 Up to 5 days leave per eligible employee in any calendar year will be provided for training subject to the following limitations:
(a) Where the Union has coverage of more than 3 but not more than 50 employees under this Agreement 2 employees may be granted leave.
(b) Where the Union has coverage of more than 50 but not more than 100 employees under this Agreement 3 employees may be granted leave.
(c) Where the Union has coverage of more than 100 employees under this award Agreement 4 employees may be granted leave.
(d) The granting of leave, pursuant to this clause, shall be subject to the employee or the Union giving not less than 25 working days notice of the intention to attend such course, or such lesser period of notice as may be agreed by Pirelli.
(e) The granting of leave pursuant to this Clause shall be subject to the Process Owner being able to make adequate staffing arrangements amongst current employees during the period of such leave.
(f) Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause shall count as service for all purposes of the relevant Award.
(g) Each employee on leave approved in accordance with this clause shall be paid all ordinary time earnings. For the purpose of this sub-clause, ordinary time earnings" for an employee means the base rate of pay, superannuation and shift loading which otherwise would have been site payable but excludes overtime.
(h) All expenses (such as travel, accommodation and meals) associated with or incurred by the employee attending a training course as provided in this clause shall be the responsibility of the employee or the Union.
(i) An employee may be required to satisfy Pirelli of...
Trade Union Training Leave. 26.1 An employee (who is a member of the Union) shall be allowed leave with pay to attend a recognised Trade Union Training Course subject to the following conditions:
26.1.1 The employee provides at least four (4) weeks notice to the SAMFS about the date of commencement of a training course;
26.1.2 The SAMFS is able to make adequate staffing arrangements during the period of such leave;
26.1.3 That at any one time no more than three (3) employees shall be on leave pursuant to this clause;
26.1.4 That no more than five (5) employees shall be granted leave pursuant to this clause in any one year;
26.1.5 That no more than forty (40) days leave pursuant to this clause shall be granted to all employees in any one year [Leave taken pursuant to this clause shall be counted as continuous service for all purposes of the schedule and for purposes of Long Service Leave entitlements]; and
26.1.6 That an employee shall have completed a period of twelve (12) months service with the SAMFS before proceeding on leave pursuant to this clause.
Trade Union Training Leave. 46.1 Subject to any genuine operational requirements of a relevant work area, a Chief Executive shall approve special leave with pay to union members to attend trade union training courses organised and approved by the ACTU, SA Unions or the relevant registered Association/Union subject to the following conditions:
(a) the employee is nominated for attendance at the course by the recognised organisation of which the employee is a member (a certificate of eligibility must be signed by the Secretary of the recognised organisation or a person nominated by the Secretary); and
(b) the employee can be spared by the employer/agency. In deciding approvals, the work of the employer must be a priority and the privilege may be withdrawn at any time it is considered necessary, however the employee must not be unreasonably refused.
(c) Special leave with pay may be granted to an eligible employee up to a maximum of the equivalent of 10 working days during two calendar years, to be calculated from the date the employee is first granted leave to attend a trade union training course. Special leave with pay in excess of this entitlement may be granted in special circumstances at the discretion of the chief executive, but in no case, will the amount exceed the equivalent of 20 working days during two years.
(d) All other costs related to the attendance at a course will be the responsibility of the nominating responsible organisation.
(e) Where an employee is absent on trade union training on their programmed day off, such day will stand as the programmed day off. The employee is not permitted to substitute another day for the programmed day off. Accordingly, that day is not to be debited as training and the employee may use the day if additional trade union training is sought later in that two-calendar period.
Trade Union Training Leave. A representative of the union (as defined) at each school shall be allowed one day's leave every two years to attend trade union training courses authorised by the union. Approval shall not be unreasonably withheld by the employer (as defined). Leave requested for the purpose of this subclause shall not affect the efficient running of the school.
Trade Union Training Leave. Each delegate covered by this Agreement and nominated by one of the Unions shall be allowed a minimum of 5 days paid leave per annum to attend trade union training courses conducted or approved by Trade Union Training Australian Inc. or one of the Unions.
Trade Union Training Leave. The Company will grant Union Delegates up to 5 days paid leave per annum for the purposes of attending training courses provided by the Union.
Trade Union Training Leave. Trade Union training leave may be accessed in accordance with the relevant Award/s provision/s.
Trade Union Training Leave. 49.1 Subject to the provisions of this clause:
(a) An employee nominated or nominating to attend trade union training will be granted up to five days paid leave per annum, by agreement. Up to ten days may be granted in any one calendar year provided that the total leave being granted in that year and in the subsequent year does not exceed ten days.
(b) A qualifying period of 12 months in Government employment will be served before an employee is eligible to attend courses or seminars of more than a half day duration, unless otherwise agreed.
49.2 Approval of leave requested pursuant to subclause 49.1 will be subject to:
(a) notice of at least four weeks or a lesser period by agreement, being given to the employer;
(b) the request being made in writing detailing the subject, date, duration, venue and authority conducting the course of the leave and being accompanied by Union authorisation; and
(c) the operation of the organisation not being unduly affected nor the convenience of the employer impaired.
49.3 Leave will be granted at ordinary rate of pay and:
(a) will not include shift allowances, penalty rates or overtime but shift workers will be deemed to have worked the shifts they would have worked had they not attended the course for all other purposes of the Agreement.
(b) where a public holiday or rostered day off (including a rostered day off as a result of working a 38 hour week) falls during the duration of a course, a day off in lieu of that day will not be granted.
49.4 The employer is not liable for any expense incurred by the employee when attending trade union training.
49.5 The provisions of this clause will not apply when an employee is absent from work without the approval of the employer.