Drainage ▪ Prevent silt bearing road surface and ditch runoff from delivering sediment to any streams or wetlands. ▪ Maintain rolling dips and drivable waterbars as needed to keep them functioning as intended. ▪ Maintain headwalls to the road shoulder level with material that will resist erosion. ▪ Maintain energy dissipaters at culvert outlets with non-erodible material or rock. ▪ Keep ditches, culverts, and other drainage structures clear of obstructions and functioning as intended. ▪ Inspect and clean culverts at least monthly, with additional inspections during storms and periods of high runoff. This shall be done even during periods of inactivity. ▪ Perform preventative maintenance work to safeguard against storm damage, such as blading to ensure correct runoff, ditch and culvert cleaning, and waterbar maintenance.
Topographic Survey The Professional shall obtain a topographic and utility survey as described below. 4.1.1. The Professional shall tie in all existing surface topographic features and structures within the survey limits shown in Figure 1. This survey shall include: tops of curbs, edges of pavement, pavement materials, driveways, sidewalks, retaining walls, drainage structures (top, edges and flow line), channels and drainage ways (tops, toes and flow line), manholes (rim, flow lines and diameters of pipes, type of material and photographs of the inside of manholes and drainage structures), including the same survey data for upstream and downstream manholes and structures that are outside of the survey limits for all gravity wastewater and drainage lines within the survey limits. Visible valves, meters, clean-outs, slabs, utility signs, utility poles and structures, fences, landscaping features, shrubbery, trees (including the approximate drip-line), tree canopies, buildings (edges within the survey limits) mailboxes, etc. Trees shall be tagged and tabulated by size and species specific in compliance with the City of New Braunfels Tree Preservation ordinance as defined in the City of New Braunfels Zoning Ordinance Chapter 5.3- 5i. The survey limits shall extend approximately 100 feet on intersecting streets. The Professional shall provide sufficient ground shots to create one (1) foot contours for the Project. 4.1.2. The Professional shall conduct a utility survey and locate existing utilities within the Project boundary in Figure 1. The Professional shall contact all utility service providers by calling Texas 811 and the NBU Project Manager to coordinate flagging of existing franchise utilities. The Professional shall request drawings of existing agency and municipal owned utilities and shall include locations of these utilities in the survey. The Professional shall tie in the locations of the discovered utilities on the survey. The Professional shall bear all costs for the Services associated with utility locates. 4.1.3. The Professional shall locate up to ten (10) geotechnical borings and tie them in to the Project survey. 4.1.4. The Professional shall set and install control points and/or benchmarks as required for the survey work (minimum 1-foot intervals). The Professional shall provide horizontal and vertical coordinates of the benchmarks in the required coordinate system and datum and show the benchmarks on the survey drawing. 4.1.5. The Professional shall research and review adjoining plats and deeds along the survey corridor. The Professional shall locate property corners and identify existing right of way (“ROW”), along the survey corridor, based on found monuments and record documents.
Groundwater Any water, except capillary moisture, beneath the land surface or beneath the bed of any stream, lake, reservoir or other body of surface water within the boundaries of this state, whatever may be the geologic formation or structure in which such water stands, flows, percolates, or otherwise moves.
Drainage Systems (1) Clear culvert inlets, outlets, and sediment catching basins. (2) Maintain waterbars, drainage dips, and other water diversion measures. (3) During active use, patrol and maintain functional drainage. (4) Repair damaged culvert ends.
Irrigation An irrigation reduced pressure zone (hereinafter referred to as “RPZ”) is required for any irrigation systems and must be installed by the Developer and/or eventual lot owner and tested in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Health Guidelines for Designing Backflow Prevention Assembly Installations (hereinafter referred to as “Guidelines”). The initial test results and certification shall be submitted to the City of Maple Grove Public Works Department. Subsequently, the RPZ must be tested, per the Guidelines, at least annually by a certified tester with the results reported to the City of Maple Grove Building Department and the RPZ must be rebuilt as needed in accordance with the Guidelines. Test/rebuilt reports shall be mailed or faxed to the City of Maple Grove Building Department at (000) 000-0000. The irrigation system shall be designed and the Plans shall be modified accordingly, prior to the issuance of any permits for the development of the Property, to accommodate a 1-inch water meter and a maximum flow of 50 gallons per minute.
Electrical connections Equipment requiring electrical connections for operation shall either be hard wired to the Authorized User's provided connections or the Contractor shall be responsible for a male electrical union. All connections shall be made by the Contractor and accomplished in accordance with National Electrical Code requirements. Electrically operated equipment shall be available in the following volts and phases: 208 volt 1 or 3 phase, 60 HZ 220 volt 1 or 3 phase, 60 HZ 440 volt 1 or 3 phase, 60 HZ
SPRINKLER SYSTEM If there now is or shall be installed in the Building a "sprinkler system", and such system or any of its appliances shall be damaged or injured or not in proper working order by reason of any act or omission of Tenant, Tenant's agents, servants, employees, licensees or visitors, Tenant shall forthwith restore the same to good working condition at its own expense; and if the New York Board of Fire Underwriters or the New York Fire Insurance Rating Organization or any bureau, department or official of the state or city government, shall require or recommend that any changes, modifications, alterations or additional sprinkler heads or other equipment be made or supplied by reason of Tenant's business, or the location of the partitions, trade fixtures, or other contents of the Premises, Tenant shall, at Tenant's expense, promptly make and supply such changes, modifications, alterations, additional sprinkler heads or other equipment.
Electrical Provide drawings for the following systems: .1 Lighting including circuiting and luminaire identification and switching. Also provide illuminance computer printout for all indoor typical indoor spaces and parking lots. .2 Convenience outlets and circuiting, special outlets and circuiting, television outlets, and power systems and equipment. Provide riser diagrams for all electrical systems including master clock, intercom, fire alarm, ITV, computer networking/telephone. Also, provide for emergency and normal power distribution. Provide luminaire schedule. .3 Panel schedule may be in preliminary form but circuitry must be included. .4 Applicable installation details. .5 General legend and list of abbreviations. .6 Voltage drop computation for all main feeders. .7 Short circuit analysis .8 Provide 1/2" scale floor plan and wall elevations for all electrical rooms.
Underground Tanks If underground or other storage tanks storing Hazardous Materials located on the Premises or the Project are used by Tenant or are hereafter placed on the Premises or the Project by Tenant, Tenant shall install, use, monitor, operate, maintain, upgrade and manage such storage tanks, maintain appropriate records, obtain and maintain appropriate insurance, implement reporting procedures, properly close any underground storage tanks, and take or cause to be taken all other actions necessary or required under applicable state and federal Legal Requirements, as such now exists or may hereafter be adopted or amended in connection with the installation, use, maintenance, management, operation, upgrading and closure of such storage tanks.
Structures Airport facilities such as bridges; culverts; catch basins, inlets, retaining walls, cribbing; storm and sanitary sewer lines; water lines; underdrains; electrical ducts, manholes, handholes, lighting fixtures and bases; transformers; flexible and rigid pavements; navigational aids; buildings; vaults; and, other manmade features of the airport that may be encountered in the work and not otherwise classified herein. 10-50 SUBGRADE. The soil which forms the pavement foundation.