Drainage Sample Clauses
Drainage. ▪ Prevent silt bearing road surface and ditch runoff from delivering sediment to any streams or wetlands. ▪ Maintain rolling dips and drivable waterbars as needed to keep them functioning as intended. ▪ Maintain headwalls to the road shoulder level with material that will resist erosion. ▪ Maintain energy dissipaters at culvert outlets with non-erodible material or rock. ▪ Keep ditches, culverts, and other drainage structures clear of obstructions and functioning as intended. ▪ Inspect and clean culverts at least monthly, with additional inspections during storms and periods of high runoff. This shall be done even during periods of inactivity. ▪ Perform preventative maintenance work to safeguard against storm damage, such as blading to ensure correct runoff, ditch and culvert cleaning, and waterbar maintenance.
Drainage. Prevent silt bearing road surface and ditch runoff from delivering sediment to any streams or wetlands. Maintain rolling dips and drivable waterbars as needed to keep them functioning as intended. Maintain headwalls to the road shoulder level with material that will resist erosion. Maintain energy dissipaters at culvert outlets with non-erodible material or rock. Keep ditches, culverts, and other drainage structures clear of obstructions and functioning as intended. Inspect and clean culverts at least monthly, with additional inspections during storms and periods of high runoff. This shall be done even during periods of inactivity. Perform preventative maintenance work to safeguard against storm damage, such as blading to ensure correct runoff, ditch and culvert cleaning, and waterbar maintenance.
Drainage. Provide existing hydraulic and hydrologic studies associated with the project and project area if available. Provide areas of wetlands delineation to be surveyed by the Engineer. Provide data, if available, including “as-built plans”, existing cross sections, existing channel and drainage easement data. Furnish traffic signal justification warrants, if applicable. Available traffic counts, traffic projects and accident data, if available. Provide example estimates, district general notes and standards, sample specification lists and related hard copy documentation for the Engineer's use in preparing the preliminary estimate, general notes and specifications. Provide a maximum project cost to be used in the preparation of the preliminary design. Furnish tabulation of current applicable bid process, if applicable. DocuSign Envelope ID: 981599F8-5D6E-41E6-ADFA-1DA0DC55F35E Negotiate with each project utility company for relocation agreements or required relocation as applicable. Review, approve and update Project Design Criteria. Prompt Review of Deliverables. Provide copies of preferred District Details to be used. Provide copies of preferred District Standards to be used. Prepare final General Notes and final Specification Data Sheets. Furnish as-built plans of existing structures, National Bridge Inventory (NBI), and applicable Brinsap report. Review and provide written approval of each preliminary bridge layout before bridge design work begins. Shop drawings and related submittals received from the contractor or fabricators. Request for applicable change order plan modifications that are based on changed conditions or a request by the State to modify the design based on field conditions or applicable updates to the State’s standards and criteria. Provide design criteria for roadway, structures, drainage, and hydraulics. Interface with local, regional, State and Federal agencies or other entities on behalf of Engineer. Coordinate and notify in writing with Emergency Medical Services (EMS), school system, United State (U.S.) Mail, etc. for any detour routes and roadway closures. Upon request by the State, the Engineer shall prepare the necessary exhibits. Provide the Engineer with timely reviews in accordance with Exhibit C, “Work Schedule” of the Work Authorization and decisions to enable the Engineer to maintain the project schedule as approved by the State. Provide paper prints or electronic copies of design ...
Drainage adequately drain the Pinjarra refinery site and related facilities and dispose of such drainage in accordance with plans and specifications to be submitted by the Company and approved by the State; Forests.
Drainage. The maintenance, repair, and replacement of the drainage system shall be the responsibility of the homeowners association(s).
Drainage. Local drainage may need to be reviewed relative to maintenance and safety. Hydraulics and Hydrology may also need to be reviewed and checked. A-E may be required to review submittals to see if all required parts constituting a complete bid package are provided. Typical items to be reviewed include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Detail sheets: Review plans for adequacy, clarity and completeness; particular attention should be paid to details known to cause hydraulic, structural, serviceability or maintenance problems.
b. Calculations: Review design criteria, method of analysis, use of COUNTY and/or DISTRICT standards.
c. Review Structural Design: Review design criteria, method of analysis, use of COUNTY and/or DISTRICT standards.
d. Review materials specified for conformance to current practices and appropriateness use.
Drainage. The Engineer shall use data from as-built plans and FEMA maps to locate drainage out fall(s) and to determine existing storm sewer and culvert sizes, design flows, and water surface elevations for use in the design of roadway geometry. The Engineer shall conduct a Preliminary Drainage Study to determine and evaluate the adequacy of the ROW needed to accommodate the proposed roadway and drainage system. The drainage study shall identify the impacts to abutting properties and the 100-year floodplain due to proposed highway improvements, identify the water surface elevations for the 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 year storm events, identify and locate outfalls, drainage outfall descriptions, provide overall drainage area map, sub-drainage area map, storm water detention facilities, and provide a drainage study report identifying the results of the study. The drainage report, signed and sealed by a professional engineer, shall include applicable hydrologic and hydraulic models such as HEC-1 and HEC-2, HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, XP-SWMM, and other applicable models. If requested, the Engineer shall prepare a Final Drainage Study in accordance with the State’s Hydraulic Design Manual, District criteria, and any specific guidance provided by the State. The Engineer shall not evaluate the adequacy of the existing drainage structures, unless directed by the State.
Drainage. The Political Body, at the Political Body's own expense, shall provide and maintain suitable facilities for draining the Roadway and its appurtenances, and shall not suffer or permit drainage water therefrom to flow or collect upon property of the Railroad. The Political Body, at the Political Body's own expense, shall provide adequate passageway for the waters of any streams, bodies of water and drainage facilities (either natural or artificial, and including water from the Railroad's culvert and drainage facilities), so that said waters may not, because of any facilities or work of the Political Body, be impeded, obstructed, diverted or caused to back up, overflow or damage the property of the Railroad or any part thereof, or property of others. The Political Body shall not obstruct or interfere with existing ditches or drainage facilities.
Drainage. All storm water within the subdivision shall be drained by way of surface drain- age, subject to further agreement or permit.
Drainage. Concurrently with development of the Property or portions thereof, the Applicant will provide drainage in accordance with St. Xxxxx River Water Management District rules and in accordance with local government development orders that have been and will be issued for development of the Property from time to time, as well as other improvements in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and the respective responsibilities of the parties.