Total Wellbeing Luton Sample Clauses

Total Wellbeing Luton. The former CCG and LBC entered into a joint commissioning arrangement in 2017/18, to provide a holistic health and wellbeing service comprising Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT, a CCG commissioned service), social prescription (funded via Public Health grant and Better Care Fund) and healthy lifestyles services (commissioned by LBC, funded by PH grant). The former CCG as the lead commissioner contracted Turning Point to provide the service, for five years and extended the contract for a further plus two years (2018-2023 or 2024/5). For the purposes of this S.75 Agreement, funding from both the ICB and LBC for this contract is aligned. The contract is a block contract, and no risk share is required. A contract review group / meeting oversees the delivery and is the governance mechanism for the overall contract.

Related to Total Wellbeing Luton

  • Summer Session A. All ASEs employed in the Summer Session shall receive the same general range adjustment as ASEs received in the preceding Fall term. B. The following articles apply to ASEs who are employed in the summer session: Recognition, Wages (range adjustment only), DCP, Travel, Health and Safety, Leaves, Holidays, Duration, Workspace and Instructional Support, Parking, Grievance and Arbitration, Waiver, Management and Academic Rights, No Strikes, Non-Discrimination, Union Access and Rights, Union Security, Discipline and Dismissal, Emergency Layoff, Employment Files and Evaluations, Definitions, Severability, Labor-Management Meetings, and Classifications. C. The remainder of the articles in the agreement does not apply to ASEs who are employed in the summer session. D. The topic of Summer Session, and effects of changes on terms and conditions of employment for ASEs employed in Summer Session, shall be reopened for bargaining commencing no later than January 2, 2001.

  • Substantial Completion Date Substantial Completion of the Work as defined in Article 6.1.2 of the General Conditions to the Continuing Contract for Construction Management shall be achieved by July 31, 2022.

  • Completion of Concrete Pours and Emergency Work (a) Except as provided in this sub-clause an Employee shall nor work or be required to work in the rain. (b) Employees shall not be required to start a concrete pour in Inclement Weather. (c) Where a concrete pour has been commenced prior to the commencement of a period of Inclement Weather Employees may be required to complete such concrete pour to a practical stage and for such work shall be paid at the rate of double time calculated to the next hour, and in the case of wet weather shall be provided with adequate wet weather gear. (d) If an Employee’s clothes become wet as a result of working in the rain during a concrete pour the Employee shall, unless the Employee has a change of dry working clothes available, be allowed to go home without loss of pay. (e) The provisions of clauses 32.7(c) and 32.7(d) hereof shall also apply in the case of emergency work where the Employees concerned and their delegates agree that the work is of an emergency nature and can start and/or proceed.

  • CFR 200 328. Failure to submit such required Performance Reports may cause a delay or suspension of funding. 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq.

  • Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United States E.O. 13043, amended by E.O. 13652, requires Recipients to encourage employees and contractors to enforce on-the-job seat belt policies and programs when operating company- owned, rented or personally-owned vehicle.

  • Completion Date The Work under this Contract shall be completed by midnight of the date required in the Contract as the Material Completion and Occupancy Date unless extended by approved requests for extension of time.

  • Wet Weather In the event of wet weather, work in the open will continue until the particular work in hand can no longer be done safely and efficiently. Whilst it is raining, employees will be required to: Continue to work under cover or relocate to alternative work under cover, on site. Obtain materials and services for employees working under cover where there is only minimal exposure to inclement weather. When required, perform emergency and safety work. In addition, work on unexpected breakdowns, which can be corrected in limited time duration. Should a portion of the project be affected by wet weather, all other employees not so affected shall continue working in accordance with award conditions, regardless that some employees may be entitled to cease work due to wet weather. If a halt to productive work occurs due to inclement weather, the parties agree that employees may be relocated to other unaffected sites. Where the above steps are not possible, affected employees may be required to attend tool box meetings, work planning sessions or skills development activities, all of which will count as productive time for payment purposes.

  • Project Number The project number has been assigned by the Commission as the unique identifier for your project, and it cannot be changed. The project number should appear on each page of the grant agreement preparation documents to prevent errors during its handling.

  • Commercial Operation Date 6.4.1 The SPV shall ensure that the Project Commercial Operation Date is achieved on or prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date. The SPV shall provide a written notice to MSEDCL at least 30 (thirty) days in advance intimating MSEDCL of the proposed date on which the Commercial Operation Date of a Unit or the Project is proposed to be achieved. 6.4.2 If the Commercial Operation Date for the Units having a capacity equivalent to at least 75% (seventy five percent) of the Contracted Capacity is achieved before the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, then all Units in respect of which the Commercial Operation Date has been achieved prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date would be eligible for incentives as follows: (a) the Unit(s) injecting energy at 11 kV /22 kV shall be given an incentive of Rs. 0.25/ kWh; and (b) the Unit(s) injecting energy at 33 kV shall be given an incentive of Rs. 0.15/ kWh, for the power sold to MSEDCL for the first 3 (three) years from the Commercial Operation Date. To receive such incentives from MSAPL, which shall be over and above the Tariff, the SPV shall follow the process agreed to by the SPV under the Implementation Agreement. 6.4.3 It is hereby clarified that the aforementioned incentive shall not be available: (i) in respect of any Unit if the Commercial Operation Date for such Unit has not been achieved prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date; and (ii) if the aggregate capacity of the Units for which the Commercial Operation Date has been achieved prior to Scheduled Commercial Operation Date is less than 75% (seventy five percent) of the Contracted Capacity. 6.4.4 In the event that Commercial Operation Date for any of the Units is achieved after the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, the SPV shall be liable to pay Liquidated Damages as per the provisions set out below. 6.4.5 Without prejudice to any other rights of MSEDCL under this PPA, in case one or more Units of the SPV are unable to achieve Commercial Operation Date within a period of 2 (two) months from the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, the capacity of such Units shall be annulled, and the Contracted Capacity shall be reduced to that extent. For Illustration: The Project has a Contracted Capacity of 100 MW and comprises of 10 Units of 10 MW each. If at the end of the aforementioned period of 14 (fourteen) months from the Effective Date, the SPV has achieved Commissioning for only 8 out of 10 Units, then the Contracted Capacity of the Project will stand reduced for the capacity of the 2 Units which have not been Commissioned, i.e. the Contracted Capacity will be 80 (100 (original Contracted Capacity)) – 10 (capacity of each Unit)*2 (number of Units not Commissioned).

  • Christmas Closedown 15.1 It is agreed that whenever annual leave is taken in conjunction with the Christmas/New Year period (as per Calendar in sub-clause 2.11), it is to be taken in accordance with the following procedure. 15.2 Employees who have not accrued sufficient pro rata annual leave prior to commencement of the Christmas/New Year period, may be granted leave without pay by their Employer to give that employee at least the minimum leave of absence required. 15.3 Where the Employer decides to close a site over the Christmas/New Year period for any period in excess of the agreed minimum closedown, up to and including 20 Annual Leave days, then the Employer shall give at least 2 months’ notice to employees as per the relevant Award. Employees who have no, or insufficient, accrued annual leave equal to the period of the closure, may be granted leave without pay for that period. 15.4 Notwithstanding anything elsewhere contained in this Agreement, the Employer may require any employee to work in unforeseen or emergency circumstances during the Christmas period. 15.5 Where an employee requests that annual leave be allowed in one continuous period at Christmas, such a request shall not be unreasonably refused. 15.6 It is a breach of this Agreement and the Award for an employee to be paid his/her full accrual, or part thereof, of annual leave at Christmas or any other time, unless that employee takes such annual leave or his/her employment is terminated. Employment is not to be terminated for reasons of avoidance of this clause.