Loading on Annual Leave During a period of annual leave an employee will receive a loading calculated on the rate of wage prescribed by subclause 7.1.3. The loading shall be as follows:
Holiday Falling on a Day of Rest (a) When a paid holiday falls on an employee's day of rest, the employee shall be entitled to a day off with pay in lieu.
Holiday Falling on a Scheduled Workday A team member who works on a designated holiday which is a scheduled workday shall be compensated at the rate of double-time for hours worked, plus a day off in lieu of the holiday; except for Christmas and New Year's when the compensation shall be at the rate of double-time and one-half for hours worked, plus a day off in lieu of the holiday. The scheduling of the lieu day shall be in accordance with Appendix 4.
TRADING HOURS In accordance with the valid customs for trading Crypto Assets, there are no restrictions on trading hours in the Crypto Transactions at Trade Republic, except for blocking periods due to maintenance work. During the respective periods of maintenance work, trading of Crypto Assets is not possible. The maintenance periods are shown in the Application. Therefore, the Customer must be aware that trading cannot be guaranteed continuously. The trading hours with Crypto Assets have no influence on the trading hours of other asset classes at Trade Republic, which can be retrieved on the Trade Republic Website or in the Application.
Open Market Purchases Failure of the Contractor to Perform within the time specified in the Contract, or failure to replace rejected or substandard Goods or fulfill unperformed Services when so requested and as the Contract provides or allows, constitutes a breach of the Contract and as a remedy for such breach, such failure shall constitute authority for DAS, if it deems it to be necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion, to Terminate the Contract and/or to purchase on the open market, Goods or Services to replace those which have been rejected, not delivered, or not Performed. The Client Agency shall invoice the Contractor for all such purchases to the extent that they exceed the costs and expenses in Exhibit B and the Contractor shall pay the Client Agency’s invoice immediately after receiving the invoice. If DAS does not Terminate the Contract, the Client Agency will deduct such open market purchases from the Contract quantities. However, if the Client Agency deems it to be in the best interest of the State, the Client Agency may accept and use the Goods or Services delivered which are substandard in quality, subject to an adjustment in price to be determined by the Client Agency.
Holiday Falling on a Scheduled Workday An employee who works on a designated holiday which is a scheduled workday shall be compensated at the rate of double-time for hours worked, plus a day off in lieu of the holiday; except for Christmas and New Year's when the compensation shall be at the rate of double-time and one-half for hours worked, plus a day off in lieu of the holiday.
Working on a Holiday An employee who is required to work on a holiday shall be paid at the rate of straight time plus time and one-half (1 1/2).
Holiday Falling on Saturday or Sunday For an employee whose normal workweek is from Monday to Friday and when any of the above-noted holidays falls on a Saturday and is not proclaimed as being observed on another day, the following Monday will be deemed to be the holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday and it is not proclaimed as being observed on another day, the following Monday (or Tuesday, where the preceding section already applies), will be deemed to be the holiday for the purpose of this agreement.
Trading With respect to the securities and other investments to be purchased or sold for the Fund, Subadviser shall place orders with or through such persons, brokers, dealers, or futures commission merchants (including, but not limited to, broker-dealers that are affiliated with AEFC or Subadviser) selected by Subadviser; provided, however, that such orders shall be consistent with the brokerage policy set forth in the Fund's Prospectus and SAI, or approved by the Board; conform with federal securities laws; and be consistent with securing the most favorable price and efficient execution. Within the framework of this policy, Subadviser may consider the research, investment information, and other services provided by, and the financial responsibility of, brokers, dealers, or futures commission merchants who may effect, or be a party to, any such transaction or other transactions to which Subadviser's other clients may be a party.
Settlement Period (a) For recording time worked, there shall be a settlement period of four weeks.