Transmission Control. DocuSign Envelope ID: CCF1FB4B-34E5-43F8-9502-A0796D702BCD In-transit: We require HTTPS encryption (also referred to as SSL or TLS) on all login interfaces and for free on every customer site hosted on the HubSpot products. Our HTTPS implementation uses industry standard algorithms and certificates. At-rest: We store user passwords following policies that follow industry standard practices for security. We have implemented technologies to ensure that stored data is encrypted at rest.
Appears in 2 contracts
Transmission Control. DocuSign Envelope ID: CCF1FB4B-34E536823DEF-43F8A160-95024E2B-89F3-A0796D702BCD F08620F47810 In-transit: We require HTTPS encryption (also referred to as SSL or TLS) on all login interfaces and for free on every customer site hosted on the HubSpot products. Our HTTPS implementation uses industry standard algorithms and certificates. At-rest: We store user passwords following policies that follow industry standard practices for security. We have implemented technologies to ensure that stored data is encrypted at rest.
Appears in 1 contract
Transmission Control. DocuSign Envelope ID: CCF1FB4B-34E5A78763C4-43F8C8BA-450C-9502B722-A0796D702BCD DA1C620E9415 In-transit: We require HTTPS encryption (also referred to as SSL or TLS) on all login interfaces and for free on every customer site hosted on the HubSpot products. Our HTTPS implementation uses industry standard algorithms and certificates. At-rest: We store user passwords following policies that follow industry standard practices for security. We have implemented technologies to ensure that stored data is encrypted at rest.
Appears in 1 contract
Transmission Control. DocuSign Envelope ID: CCF1FB4B-34E5F7C6C8CE-43F8C2D3-95024C77-A0796D702BCD 8537-9EAA155EDB9A In-transit: We require HTTPS encryption (also referred to as SSL or TLS) on all login interfaces and for free on every customer site hosted on the HubSpot products. Our HTTPS implementation uses industry standard algorithms and certificates. At-rest: We store user passwords following policies that follow industry standard practices for security. We have implemented technologies to ensure that stored data is encrypted at rest.
Appears in 1 contract
Transmission Control. DocuSign Envelope ID: CCF1FB4B-34E50BD26021-43F891CB-402B-9502A98F-A0796D702BCD F0AF7413357D In-transit: We require HTTPS encryption (also referred to as SSL or TLS) on all login interfaces and for free on every customer site hosted on the HubSpot products. Our HTTPS implementation uses industry standard algorithms and certificates. At-rest: We store user passwords following policies that follow industry standard practices for security. We have implemented technologies to ensure that stored data is encrypted at rest.
Appears in 1 contract