Data Transmission Control Sample Clauses

Data Transmission Control. Except as necessary for the provision of the Cloud Services in accordance with the Agreement, Personal Data must not be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization during transfer. Where data carriers are physically transported, adequate measures are implemented at SAP to provide the agreed-upon service levels (for example, encryption and lead-lined containers).
Data Transmission Control. Personal Data in transfer over SAP internal networks is protected according to SAP Security Policy. • When data is transferred between SAP and its customers, the protection measures for the transferred Personal Data are mutually agreed upon and made part of the relevant agreement. This applies to both physical and network based data transfer. In any case, the Customer assumes responsibility for any data transfer once it is outside of SAP-controlled systems (e.g. data being transmitted outside the firewall of the SAP Data Center).
Data Transmission Control. Except as necessary for the provision of the Cloud Services in accordance with the Agreement, Personal Data must not be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization during transfer. Where data carriers are physically transported, adequate measures are implemented at SAP to provide the agreed-upon service levels (for example, encryption and lead-lined containers). • Personal Data in transfer over SAP internal networks is protected according to SAP Security Policy. • When data is transferred between SAP and its customers, the protection measures for the transferred Personal Data are mutually agreed upon and made part of the relevant agreement. This applies to both physical and network based data transfer. In any case, the Customer assumes responsibility for any data transfer once it is outside of SAP-controlled systems (e.g. data being transmitted outside the firewall of the SAP Data Center).
Data Transmission Control. Except as necessary for the provision of the Cloud Services in accordance with the Agreement, Personal Data must not be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization during transfer. Where data carriers are physically transported, adequate measures are implemented at SAP to provide the agreed-upon service levels (for example, encryption and lead-lined containers). // データ伝送制御 「本契約」に従って「クラウドサービス」の提供に必要な場合を除き、「個人データ」は、転送時に権限なく読み取り、コピー、修正、又は削除を行ってはならない。データ記憶媒体が物理的に輸送される場合は、合意されたサービスレベルを提供するために SAP において十分な対策が導入されている(たとえば、暗号化、鉛ライニングの施されたコンテナなど)。 • Personal Data in transfer over SAP internal networks is protected according to SAP Security Policy. • When data is transferred between SAP and its customers, the protection measures for the transferred Personal Data are mutually agreed upon and made part of the relevant agreement. This applies to both physical and network based data transfer. In any case, the Customer assumes responsibility for any data transfer once it is outside of SAP-controlled systems (e.g. data being transmitted outside the firewall of the SAP Data Center). // データが SAP とその顧客との間で転送される場合は、転送される「個人データ」の保護手段が相互に合意され、関連する「本契約」の一部となる。これは、物理的及びネットワークベースのデータ転送の両方に適用される。いずれの場合も、顧客は、SAP が管理するシステムの外部にデータがある場合は、そのデータ転送に責任を負う(データが、SAP の「データセンター」のファイアウォールの外に伝送される場合など)。
Data Transmission Control. Except as necessary for the provision of the Cloud Services in accordance with the Agreement, Personal Data must not be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization during transfer. Where data carriers are physically transported, adequate measures are implemented at SAP to provide the agreed-upon service levels (for example, encryption and lead-lined containers)./ Kendali Transmisi Data. Kecuali sebagaimana yang diperlukan untuk penyediaan Layanan Cloud sesuai dengan Perjanjian, Data Pribadi tidak boleh dibaca, disalin, dimodifikasi, atau dihapus tanpa pengesahan selama transfer. Jika pembawa data dipindahkan secara fisik, tindakan yang memadai diimplementasikan di SAP untuk menyediakan tingkat layanan yang telah disetujui (sebagai contoh, enkripsi dan kontainer bersegel timah).
Data Transmission Control. Except as necessary for the provision of the Cloud Services in accordance with the Agreement, Personal Data must not be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization during transfer. Where data carriers are physically transported, adequate measures are implemented at SAP to provide the agreed-upon service levels (for example, encryption and lead-lined containers). 데이터 전송 제어. 본 계약에 따른 클라우드 서비스의 제공을 위해 필요한 경우를 제외하고, 개인 정보를 전송하는 동안 이를 승인 없이 읽거나, 복사하거나, 수정하거나, 제거할 수 없습니다. 데이터 매체를 직접 운송하는 경우에는 합의된 서비스 수준을 제공하기 위해 적절한 조치가 SAP 에서 시행됩니다(예: 암호화, 납으로 차폐한 용기 등).
Data Transmission Control. Except as necessary for the provision of the Services in accordance with the relevant service agreement, Personal Data must not be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization during transfer. Where data carriers are physically transported, adequate measures are implemented at SAP to ensure the agreed-upon service levels (for example, encryption and lead-lined containers). • Personal Data transfer over SAP internal networks are protected in the same manner as any other confidential data according to SAP Security Policy. • When data is transferred between SAP and its customers, the protection measures for the transferred Personal Data are mutually agreed upon and made part of the relevant Agreement. This applies to both physical and network based data transfer. In any case, the Customer assumes responsibility for any data transfer once it is outside of SAP-controlled systems (e.g. data being transmitted outside the firewall of the SAP Data Center).
Data Transmission Control. Aim: Define aspects of data transfer, data transport and transmission control. Ensure that data cannot be read, copied, altered or removed without authorization during electronic transfer or transport or while being recorded onto data storage media.
Data Transmission Control. Aim: Define aspects of data transfer, data transport and transmission control. Ensure that data cannot be read, copied, altered or removed without authorization during electronic transfer or transport or while being recorded onto data storage media. Measures: Data that is transferred from the SAP network to other external networks is encrypted. Where data carriers are physically transported, adequate measures must be taken to ensure the agreed service levels (for example, encryption, lead-lined containers, and so on).
Data Transmission Control. Kendali Transmisi Data.