Transport Assessment to assess the impact of the scale and distribution of development detailed in the emerging Replacement LDP.
Transport Assessment to assess the impact of the scale and distribution of development detailed in the emerging Local Development Plan.
Transport Assessment. 1.3.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), states in paragraph 32 that all developments that generate significant amounts of movements should be supported by a Transport Assessment (TA). This should be prepared and submitted with a planning application for the development. A TA is the comprehensive and systematic process that sets out transport issues relating to a proposed development. Further policy context is provided in Chapter 2 of this PTA.
1.3.2 The proposed scheme qualifies as a development that requires the production of a TA, given that the development has the potential for likely significant transport impacts upon its surrounding highway network. Therefore, this document forms the PTA for the proposed scheme and a final TA will accompany the DCO application in due course.