UNINTERRUPTED INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES. Article XXIII 60 Appendix A: Compensation Page Associate Academic Employees – Appendix A Article II 3A Exceptional Faculty Award Program – Appendix A Article VIII 7A Extended Contract Days – Appendix A Article VI 6A Full-Time Academic Employees – Appendix A Article I 1A Mentors – Appendix A Article III 4A Professional Growth – Appendix A Article VII 6A Student & Instruction Related Activities – Appendix A Article IV 5A Summer Quarter – Appendix A Article V 6A Appendix B: Definitions Page Definitions 1B – 4B INDEX BY SUBJECT SUBJECT PAGE Academic Calendar(s) 4 7 Academic Employee Defined (see “Faculty Appointment” defined) 6 17 2B Academic Employee Peer (Appointment Review Committee) 18 1B Academic Freedom Implementation (Article VI) 5 Additional Certification (Reduction in Force) 29 Administrative Appointment (definition) 17 1B Advising 9 11 1B 58 Club 5A Stipends 5A Affiliate Academic Employee 6 56 1B Affiliate, Specific Workload Conditions 12 Affiliate Status (Article XXI) 56 Agency Shop 1 Alternative Work Year 7 Annual Contracts 13 Appointing Authority (definition) 17 1B Definition 17 1B Duties and Responsibilities 19 Purpose of the Committee and Selection of Membership 18 Assignment of Load 7 - 11 Contact Hours 10 Flexibility 7 Associate Academic Employee Annual Contract (definition) 6 1B Associate Academic Employee Appointment (definition) 6 1B 3A Benefits 16 Dismissal 13 Arbitration, Grievance 42 Areas Needing Improvement 22 51 Benefits 13 15 16 Affiliate Academic Employees 16 All Academic Employees 13 Associate Academic Employee 16 Compensation (See Appendix A) 8 General Benefits 13 Specific Benefits 15 Calendar, Academic 7 Cancellation, Associate Assignment 12 Candidate (definition) 17 1B Class Schedule 8 Classroom Observations 20 23 Classroom Standards 14 Club Advisor 5A Coaching, Pay Schedule 5A Cognizance 43 1B College (definition) 17 1B College Governance (Article XIV) 43 Committee & Governance Assignments 11 Compensation & Benefits (See Appendix A) 60 1A 3A Conditions (definition) 54 2B SUBJECT PAGE Confidentiality (definition) 2B Contact Hours (Teaching Load) 9 10 Contractual Work Day 7 9 Copies of Agreement 3 Copyrights, Patents, and eLearning 14 Corrective Action (Article XII) 13 36 Counseling 36 Course Capacity 10 Day (definition) 9 60 Definitions 1B Discipline (see Corrective Action) 36 2B Dismissal of Academic Employees (Article IX; Article XI) 24 30 Academic Employee Categories Covered 24 Affiliate 13 Appeal 36 Associate 13 Board, Final Decision of 35 Dismissal Review Committee 30 32 Effective Date 35 Hearing Officer 33 Notice 31 Procedures Relating to 24 Procedural Rights 32 Publicity 35 Reasons for Dismissal 24 Review Committee 30 32 Suspension 35 Distance Learning (see eLearning) 53 Dues (Article II) 1 Duration (Article XXVI) 61 eLearning (Article XX) 53 Compensation, Course Development 55 Course Assignment Process 54 Course Development Approval Process 54 Course Evaluation 55 Definitions 53 54 Office Supplies 55 Purpose 53 Types of Courses 53 54 Workload 10 55 Eligibility for Tenure 18 Employer (definition) 1 Employment Categories 6 Employment, Terms and Conditions of (Article VII) 6 Equipment (Technology 14 Equipment, Use of, for Federation 2 Evaluations (Article XVIII) 46 Affiliate/Associate/Temporary Full-Time/Soft Money Faculty Evaluation 49 SUBJECT PAGE Evaluation Team (E-Team) 47 Evaluee Not Endorsed, Procedure 51 Faculty Evaluation Plan (FEP) Team 47 Post-Tenure Faculty Evaluation 47 Evaluation Criteria (for Tenure) 20 Exceptional Faculty Award Program 7A Excess Workload 10 Exclusive Representative 1 Explanatory Letter (while on Recall) 30 Extended Contract Day 6A Extension of Probationary Period for Tenure Review) 18 Faculty Appointment (definition) 17 2B Fairness (definition) 43 2B Faculty Evaluation Plan (FEP) 46 Family Leave 41 Federation (defined) 1 Equipment, Use of 2 Federation Business 2 Information 3 List of Academic Employees 3 Meeting Rooms 2 Membership, Academic Employees 1 Membership, Associate Employees 1 Office Space 3 Official Federation Representative to the Employer 3 Posting of Federation Notices 3 President Release Time 4 Release Time 4 Representative to the Employer 3 Rights 2 FEP (Faculty Evaluation Plan) Team 47 FERPA 5 Financial Emergency 25 Fully Online Course 53 2B Full Time (defined) 18 2B Academic Employee Union Membership 2 Governance (Article XIV) 43 Grievance Procedure (Article XV) 43 Arbitration 45 Definitions 43 Hold Harmless Agreement 2 Hourly Rate 2A 4A Hybrid Course (definition) 54 3B Informal Mediation (definition) 43 3B Immediate Family (definition) 41 Improvement Plan (Tenure Track) 20 22 In-Service Day 7A SUBJECT PAGE Insurance Benefits (while on Recall) 30 Instructional Employee (Full-Time) 9 Intellectual Property 14 54 3B Interactive Television Course 54 3B Joint Union Management Committee (JUMC) 3 4 JUMC 3 4 Jury Duty/Subpoena (Leave) 42 Labor Management Committee (JUMC) 3 4 Leave (Article XIII) 38 Absence Without Pay 41 Birth/Adoption 41 42 Compensable 41 Disability 41 Emergency 43 Family 41 Jury Duty/Subpoena 42 Medical (Illness, Injury, Disability) See “Personal Leave” 41 Military 42 Non-compensable 41 Personal 41 Professional/Other 41 Request/Approval/Reporting 41 42 43 Sabbatical 14 38 Letter of Intent 12 Load, Reduction 10 Mail, Posting of Federation Notices 3 Management Rights (Recognition of Rights/Functions of Employer) (XVII) 46 Mediation 44 Meeting Rooms 2 Membership 1 Mentors 4A “Moonlight” Employee 10 Neutrality (definition) 43 3B New Hire Bar 29 Non-association 1 Nondiscrimination (Article IV) 4 Non-instructional Employee 11 Non-renewal 18 3B Notices, Posting of Federation 3 OASI (Social Security) 13 Office Hours 9 Office Space 3 14 15 Online Course (definition) 54 3B Online Course Development Approval/Compensation 54 55 Opening Week 7 Open Meeting Law 3 Parent Education Cooperatives 13 SUBJECT PAGE Parking 13 Part-Time 11 Patents 14 Pay Dates 8 Pay Rates 1A 3A Associate 3A Full-Time 1A General Hourly 2A 4A Substitute 2A 4A Peer, Academic Employee (definition), Faculty Peer (Evaluation) 18 47 1B 2B Personal Leave 13 41 Personnel Files (Article XIX) 51 Accessibility 51 Administrative Unit Files 52 Contents 52 53 Human Resources Office Files 52 Maintenance 51 Plan of Action (Tenure) 18 22 Post Tenure Evaluation 47 Posting of Federation Notices 3 President (definition) 17 3B Principles (definition) 3B Privacy (definition) 54 3B Probationer (definition) 4B Probationary Academic Employee Appointment (definition) 17 3B Probationary Appointment (definition) 6 17 4B Probationary Period 18 Professional Development Funds 6A 7A Professional Development Report 2A 4A Professional Growth 6A Professional Improvement Plan (Tenure) 18 19 20 Professionalism 8 Professional Work Week 7 Pro Rata Academic Assignment (definition) 6 12 4B Pro Rata Contracts 12 Public Information Request, Notice of 5 Public Records Request (notification) 5 Recall Lists, Order 29 Receipt/Notification (definition) 43 4B Recognition (Article III) 1 2 Reduction in Force (Article X) 25 Reductions in Teaching Load 11 Release Time, Federation President and Members 4 Response Time 29 Retention of Benefits 30 Retirement 15 RIF 25 Designation of Remaining Steps 27 SUBJECT PAGE Implementation of RIF 26 Notification 26 Rights of Laid Off Academic Employees 28 Reasons 25 Seniority 28 Special Provisions 30 RIF Units 27 28 Right of First Refusal 29 Right of Notice of Public Information Request (Article V) 5 Rights of Employees in the Federation 2 Rights of Laid Off Academic Employees 28 Rights and Functions of Management 48 Sabbatical Leave 38 Applicant Procedures 40 Committee/Presidential Procedures 40 Conditions and Terms 39 Criteria for Selection 40 Purpose 39 Selection Committee 40 Salary 1A 3A Advancement 2A 4A Associate Academic Employee 3A Full-Time Academic Employee 1A Future Modification 3A 4A General Hourly Rate of Pay 2A 4A Placement 1A 4A Schedule, Salary 1A Substitute 2A 4A Summer 6A Savings Clause (Article XVI) 46 Scope of Agreement 60 Seniority 28 Seven Hour Span 10 Sick Leave Buy Out 13 Signature Page 62 Slowdowns 60 Smoking 9 Stipends 5A 14 Advising 5A Coaching 5A Strike 60 Student Evaluations, Tenure Candidate 20 Student and Instructional Related Activities 5A Subpoena 5 33 42 Substitute Academic Employee 7 4B Sufficient Cause (for Dismissal) 24 31 Summer Quarter 6A Suspension (during Dismissal Review) 35 SUBJECT PAGE Teaching Assignment 9 10 11 Teaching Load (Contact Hours) (See Workload) 9 Technology 14 Telecourse 54 4B Temporary Academic Employee Appointment (definition) 6 4B Tenure (Article VIII) 16 Appointment Review Committee 18 19 Board Decisions Regarding Tenure 23 Communication of Evaluation Results 21 Defined 17 Decision 23 Eligibility 18 Extensions 18 Evaluation of the Candidate 20 Rights & Reasonable Expectations of Candidate 23 Purpose 17 Report 21 22 Tenured Appointment (definition) 6 1B Terms & Conditions of Employment (Article VII) 6 Time Computation 60 Travel Reimbursement (approved) 13 Union Membership (Article II) 1

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UNINTERRUPTED INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES. Article XXIII 60 Appendix A: Compensation Page Associate Academic Employees – Appendix A Article II 3A Exceptional Faculty Award Program – Appendix A Article VIII 7A 8A Extended Contract Days – Appendix A Article VI 6A Full-Time Academic Employees – Appendix A Article I 1A Mentors – Appendix A Article III 4A Professional Growth – Appendix A Article VII 6A Student & Instruction Related Activities – Appendix A Article IV 5A Summer Quarter – Appendix A Article V 6A Appendix B: Definitions Page Definitions 1B – 4B INDEX BY SUBJECT SUBJECT PAGE Academic Calendar(s) 4 7 Academic Employee Defined (see “Faculty Appointment” defined) 6 17 2B Academic Employee Peer (Appointment Review Committee) 18 1B Academic Freedom Implementation (Article VI) 5 Additional Certification (Reduction in Force) 29 Administrative Appointment (definition) 17 1B Advising 9 11 1B 58 Club 5A Stipends 5A Affiliate Academic Employee 6 56 1B Affiliate, Specific Workload Conditions 12 Affiliate Status (Article XXI) 56 Agency Shop 1 Alternative Work Year 7 Annual Contracts 13 Appointing Authority (definition) 17 1B Definition 17 1B Duties and Responsibilities 19 Purpose of the Committee and Selection of Membership 18 Assignment of Load 7 - 11 Contact Hours 10 Flexibility 7 Associate Academic Employee Annual Contract (definition) 6 1B Associate Academic Employee Appointment (definition) 6 1B 3A Benefits 16 Dismissal 13 Arbitration, Grievance 42 Areas Needing Improvement 22 51 Benefits 13 15 16 Affiliate Academic Employees 16 All Academic Employees 13 Associate Academic Employee 16 Compensation (See Appendix A) 8 General Benefits 13 Specific Benefits 15 Calendar, Academic 7 Cancellation, Associate Assignment 12 Candidate (definition) 17 1B Class Schedule 8 Classroom Observations 20 23 Classroom Standards 14 Club Advisor 5A Coaching, Pay Schedule 5A Cognizance 43 1B College (definition) 17 1B College Governance (Article XIV) 43 Committee & Governance Assignments 11 Compensation & Benefits (See Appendix A) 60 1A 3A Conditions (definition) 54 2B SUBJECT PAGE Confidentiality (definition) 2B Contact Hours (Teaching Load) 9 10 Contractual Work Day 7 9 Copies of Agreement 3 Copyrights, Patents, and eLearning 14 Corrective Action (Article XII) 13 36 Counseling 36 Course Capacity 10 Day (definition) 9 60 Definitions 1B Discipline (see Corrective Action) 36 2B Dismissal of Academic Employees (Article IX; Article XI) 24 30 Academic Employee Categories Covered 24 Affiliate 13 Appeal 36 Associate 13 Board, Final Decision of 35 Dismissal Review Committee 30 32 Effective Date 35 Hearing Officer 33 Notice 31 Procedures Relating to 24 Procedural Rights 32 Publicity 35 Reasons for Dismissal 24 Review Committee 30 32 Suspension 35 Distance Learning (see eLearning) 53 Dues (Article II) 1 Duration (Article XXVI) 61 eLearning (Article XX) 53 Compensation, Course Development 55 Course Assignment Process 54 Course Development Approval Process 54 Course Evaluation 55 Definitions 53 54 Office Supplies 55 Purpose 53 Types of Courses 53 54 Workload 10 55 Eligibility for Tenure 18 Employer (definition) 1 Employment Categories 6 Employment, Terms and Conditions of (Article VII) 6 Equipment (Technology 14 Equipment, Use of, for Federation 2 Evaluations (Article XVIII) 46 Affiliate/Associate/Temporary Full-Time/Soft Money Faculty Evaluation 49 SUBJECT PAGE Evaluation Team (E-Team) 47 Evaluee Not Endorsed, Procedure 51 Faculty Evaluation Plan (FEP) Team 47 Post-Tenure Faculty Evaluation 47 Evaluation Criteria (for Tenure) 20 Exceptional Faculty Award Program 7A Excess Workload 10 Exclusive Representative 1 Explanatory Letter (while on Recall) 30 Extended Contract Day 6A Extension of Probationary Period for Tenure Review) 18 Faculty Appointment (definition) 17 2B Fairness (definition) 43 2B Faculty Evaluation Plan (FEP) 46 Family Leave 41 Federation (defined) 1 Equipment, Use of 2 Federation Business 2 Information 3 List of Academic Employees 3 Meeting Rooms 2 Membership, Academic Employees 1 Membership, Associate Employees 1 Office Space 3 Official Federation Representative to the Employer 3 Posting of Federation Notices 3 President Release Time 4 Release Time 4 Representative to the Employer 3 Rights 2 FEP (Faculty Evaluation Plan) Team 47 FERPA 5 Financial Emergency 25 Fully Online Course 53 2B Full Time (defined) 18 2B Academic Employee Union Membership 2 Governance (Article XIV) 43 Grievance Procedure (Article XV) 43 Arbitration 45 Definitions 43 Hold Harmless Agreement 2 Hourly Rate 2A 4A Hybrid Course (definition) 54 3B Informal Mediation (definition) 43 3B Immediate Family (definition) 41 Improvement Plan (Tenure Track) 20 22 In-Service Day 7A SUBJECT PAGE Insurance Benefits (while on Recall) 30 Instructional Employee (Full-Time) 9 Intellectual Property 14 54 3B Interactive Television Course 54 3B Joint Union Management Committee (JUMC) 3 4 JUMC 3 4 Jury Duty/Subpoena (Leave) 42 Labor Management Committee (JUMC) 3 4 Leave (Article XIII) 38 Absence Without Pay 41 Birth/Adoption 41 42 Compensable 41 Disability 41 Emergency 43 Family 41 Jury Duty/Subpoena 42 Medical (Illness, Injury, Disability) See “Personal Leave” 41 Military 42 Non-compensable 41 Personal 41 Professional/Other 41 Request/Approval/Reporting 41 42 43 Sabbatical 14 38 Letter of Intent 12 Load, Reduction 10 Mail, Posting of Federation Notices 3 Management Rights (Recognition of Rights/Functions of Employer) (XVII) 46 Mediation 44 Meeting Rooms 2 Membership 1 Mentors 4A “Moonlight” Employee 10 Neutrality (definition) 43 3B New Hire Bar 29 Non-association 1 Nondiscrimination (Article IV) 4 Non-instructional Employee 11 Non-renewal 18 3B Notices, Posting of Federation 3 OASI (Social Security) 13 Office Hours 9 Office Space 3 14 15 Online Course (definition) 54 3B Online Course Development Approval/Compensation 54 55 Opening Week 7 Open Meeting Law 3 Parent Education Cooperatives 13 SUBJECT PAGE Parking 13 Part-Time 11 Patents 14 Pay Dates 8 Pay Rates 1A 3A Associate 3A Full-Time 1A General Hourly 2A 4A Substitute 2A 4A Peer, Academic Employee (definition), Faculty Peer (Evaluation) 18 47 1B 2B Personal Leave 13 41 Personnel Files (Article XIX) 51 Accessibility 51 Administrative Unit Files 52 Contents 52 53 Human Resources Office Files 52 Maintenance 51 Plan of Action (Tenure) 18 22 Post Tenure Evaluation 47 Posting of Federation Notices 3 President (definition) 17 3B Principles (definition) 3B Privacy (definition) 54 3B Probationer (definition) 4B Probationary Academic Employee Appointment (definition) 17 3B Probationary Appointment (definition) 6 17 4B Probationary Period 18 Professional Development Funds 6A 7A Professional Development Report 2A 4A Professional Growth 6A Professional Improvement Plan (Tenure) 18 19 20 Professionalism 8 Professional Work Week 7 Pro Rata Academic Assignment (definition) 6 12 4B Pro Rata Contracts 12 Public Information Request, Notice of 5 Public Records Request (notification) 5 Recall Lists, Order 29 Receipt/Notification (definition) 43 4B Recognition (Article III) 1 2 Reduction in Force (Article X) 25 Reductions in Teaching Load 11 Release Time, Federation President and Members 4 Response Time 29 Retention of Benefits 30 Retirement 15 RIF 25 Designation of Remaining Steps 27 SUBJECT PAGE Implementation of RIF 26 Notification 26 Rights of Laid Off Academic Employees 28 Reasons 25 Seniority 28 Special Provisions 30 RIF Units 27 28 Right of First Refusal 29 Right of Notice of Public Information Request (Article V) 5 Rights of Employees in the Federation 2 Rights of Laid Off Academic Employees 28 Rights and Functions of Management 48 Sabbatical Leave 38 Applicant Procedures 40 Committee/Presidential Procedures 40 Conditions and Terms 39 Criteria for Selection 40 Purpose 39 Selection Committee 40 Salary 1A 3A Advancement 2A 4A Associate Academic Employee 3A Full-Time Academic Employee 1A Future Modification 3A 4A General Hourly Rate of Pay 2A 4A Placement 1A 4A Schedule, Salary 1A Substitute 2A 4A Summer 6A Savings Clause (Article XVI) 46 Scope of Agreement 60 Seniority 28 Seven Hour Span 10 Sick Leave Buy Out 13 Signature Page 62 Slowdowns 60 Smoking 9 Stipends 5A 14 Advising 5A Coaching 5A Strike 60 Student Evaluations, Tenure Candidate 20 Student and Instructional Related Activities 5A Subpoena 5 33 42 Substitute Academic Employee 7 4B Sufficient Cause (for Dismissal) 24 31 Summer Quarter 6A Suspension (during Dismissal Review) 35 SUBJECT PAGE Teaching Assignment 9 10 11 Teaching Load (Contact Hours) (See Workload) 9 Technology 14 Telecourse 54 4B Temporary Academic Employee Appointment (definition) 6 4B Tenure (Article VIII) 16 Appointment Review Committee 18 19 Board Decisions Regarding Tenure 23 Communication of Evaluation Results 21 Defined 17 Decision 23 Eligibility 18 Extensions 18 Evaluation of the Candidate 20 Rights & Reasonable Expectations of Candidate 23 Purchase of 15 Purpose 17 Report 21 22 Tenured Appointment (definition) 6 1B Terms & Conditions of Employment (Article VII) 6 Time Computation 60 Travel Reimbursement (approved) 13 Union Membership (Article II) 11 Unpaid Leave 41 Work Day 9 Instructional Academic Employees 9 Non-instructional Academic Employees 11 Workload 7 8 9 10 Affiliate 57 Annual Contract 13 Appeal 8 Calculation of 8 Conditions 8 Contact Hours 9 10 Expectations 7 10 eLearning 10 55 Full-Time Workload 9 Instructional, Full-Time 9 Non-Instructional 11 Pro-Rata Contracts 12 Reduction 10 Workplace Stability 13

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UNINTERRUPTED INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES. Article XXIII 60 56 Appendix A: Compensation Page Associate Academic Employees – Appendix A Article II 3A Exceptional Faculty Award Program – Appendix A Article VIII 7A Extended Contract Days – Appendix A Article VI 6A Full-Time Academic Employees – Appendix A Article I 1A Mentors – Appendix A Article III 4A Professional Growth – Appendix A Article VII 6A Student & Instruction Related Activities – Appendix A Article IV 5A Summer Quarter – Appendix A Article V 6A Appendix B: Definitions Page Definitions 1B – 4B Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Page INDEX BY SUBJECT SUBJECT PAGE Academic Calendar(s) 4 7 Academic Employee Defined (see “Faculty Appointment” defined) 6 17 2B Academic Employee Peer (Appointment Review Committee) 18 17 1B Academic Freedom Implementation (Article VI) 5 Additional Certification (Reduction in Force) 29 28 Administrative Appointment (definition) 17 1B Advising 9 11 1B 58 Club 5A Stipends 5A Affiliate Academic Employee 52 6 56 1B Affiliate, Specific Workload Conditions 12 Affiliate Status (Article XXI) 56 52 Agency Shop 1 Alternative Work Year 7 Annual Contracts 13 12 Appointing Authority (definition) 17 16 1B Appointment Review Committee (ARC) 18 - 23 Definition 17 1B Duties and Responsibilities 19 Purpose of the Committee and Selection of Membership 18 Assignment of Load 7 - 11 Contact Hours 9 10 Flexibility 7 Associate Academic Employee Annual Contract (definition) 6 1B Associate Academic Employee Appointment (definition) 6 1B 3A Benefits 16 15 Dismissal 13 Arbitration, Grievance 42 Areas Needing Improvement 20 - 22 51 Benefits 13 15 16 14 Affiliate Academic Employees 16 15 All Academic Employees 13 Associate Academic Employee 16 14 15 Compensation (See Appendix A) 8 General Benefits 13 Specific Benefits 15 14 Calendar, Academic 7 Cancellation, Associate Assignment 12 Candidate (definition) 17 1B Class Schedule 8 Classroom Observations 20 23 22 Classroom Standards 14 13 Club Advisor 5A Coaching, Pay Schedule 5A Cognizance 43 40 1B College (definition) 17 1B College Governance (Article XIV) 43 40 Committee & Governance Assignments 11 Compensation & Benefits (See Appendix A) 60 56 1A 3A Conditions (definition) 54 2B 50 1B SUBJECT PAGE Confidentiality (definition) 2B Contact Hours (Teaching Load) 9 10 Contractual Work Day 7 9 Copies of Agreement 3 Copyrights, Patents, and eLearning 14 Corrective Action (Article XII) 13 36 35 Counseling 36 Course Capacity 10 Day (definition) 9 60 57 Definitions 1B 2B Discipline (see Corrective Action) 36 2B 35 Dismissal of Academic Employees (Article IX; Article XI) 24 30 23 29 Academic Employee Categories Covered 24 23 Affiliate 13 Appeal 36 35 Associate 13 Board, Final Decision of 35 34 Dismissal Review Committee 30 29 32 Effective Date 35 Hearing Officer 33 32 Notice 31 30 Procedures Relating to 24 Procedural Rights 32 31 Publicity 35 34 Reasons for Dismissal 24 Review Committee 30 29 32 Suspension 35 Distance Learning (see eLearning) 53 50 Dues (Article II) 1 Duration (Article XXVI) 61 57 eLearning (Article XX) 53 50 Compensation, Course Development 55 51 Course Assignment Process 54 51 Course Development Approval Process 54 51 Course Evaluation 55 52 Definitions 53 54 50 Office Supplies 55 52 Purpose 53 50 Types of Courses 53 54 50 Workload 10 55 52 Eligibility for Tenure 18 17 Employer (definition) 1 Employment Categories 6 Employment, Terms and Conditions of (Article VII) 6 Equipment (Technology 14 13 Equipment, Use of, for Federation 2 Evaluations (Article XVIII) 46 43 Affiliate/Associate/Temporary Full-Time/Soft Money Faculty Evaluation 49 45 SUBJECT PAGE Evaluation Team (E-Team) 47 43 Evaluee Not Endorsed, Procedure 51 47 Faculty Evaluation Plan (FEP) Team 47 43 Post-Tenure Faculty Evaluation 47 44 Evaluation Criteria (for Tenure) 20 Exceptional Faculty Award Program 7A Excess Workload 10 Exclusive Representative 1 Explanatory Letter (while on Recall) 30 29 Extended Contract Day 6A 49 Extension of Probationary Period for Tenure Review) 18 Faculty Appointment (definition) 17 2B Fairness (definition) 43 40 2B Faculty Evaluation Plan (FEP) 46 43 Family Leave 41 38 Federation (defined) 1 Equipment, Use of 2 Federation Business 2 Information 3 List of Academic Employees 3 Meeting Rooms 2 Membership, Academic Employees 1 Membership, Associate Employees 1 Office Space 3 Official Federation Representative to the Employer 3 Posting of Federation Notices 3 President Release Time 4 Release Time 4 Representative to the Employer 3 Rights 2 FEP (Faculty Evaluation Plan) Team 47 43 FERPA 5 Financial Emergency 25 Fully Online Course 53 50 2B Full Time (defined) 18 17 2B Academic Employee Union Membership 2 Governance (Article XIV) 43 40 Grievance Procedure (Article XV) 43 40 Arbitration 45 42 Definitions 43 40 Hold Harmless Agreement 2 Hourly Rate 2A 4A Hybrid Course (definition) 54 3B 50 2B Informal Mediation (definition) 43 3B 40 2B Immediate Family (definition) 41 38 Improvement Plan (Tenure Track) 20 22 19 21 In-Service Day 7A SUBJECT PAGE Insurance Benefits (while on Recall) 30 29 Instructional Employee (Full-Time) 9 Intellectual Property 14 54 3B 50 2B Interactive Television Course 54 3B 50 2B Joint Union Management Committee (JUMC) 3 4 JUMC 3 4 Jury Duty/Subpoena (Leave) 42 39 Labor Management Committee (JUMC) 3 4 Leave (Article XIII) 38 35 Absence Without Pay 41 38 Birth/Adoption 41 42 37 38 Compensable 41 37 Disability 41 38 Leave (continued) Emergency 43 37 Family 41 38 Jury Duty/Subpoena 42 39 Medical (Illness, Injury, Disability) See “Personal Leave” 41 37 Military 42 39 Non-compensable 41 38 Personal 41 37 Professional/Other 41 38 Request/Approval/Reporting 41 42 43 39 Sabbatical 14 38 35 Letter of Intent 12 11 Load, Reduction 10 Mail, Posting of Federation Notices 3 Management Rights (Recognition of Rights/Functions of Employer) (XVII) 46 43 Mediation 44 40 41 Meeting Rooms 2 Membership 1 Mentors 4A “Moonlight” Employee 10 Neutrality (definition) 43 3B 40 2B New Hire Bar 29 28 Non-association 1 Nondiscrimination (Article IV) 4 Non-instructional Employee 11 Non-renewal 18 3B 17 2B Notices, Posting of Federation 3 OASI (Social Security) 13 Office Hours 9 Office Space 3 14 13 15 Online Course (definition) 54 50 3B Online Course Development Approval/Compensation 54 55 51 Opening Week 7 Open Meeting Law 3 Parent Education Cooperatives 13 12 SUBJECT PAGE Parking 13 Part-Time 11 Patents 14 Pay Dates 8 Pay Rates 1A 3A Associate 3A Full-Time 1A General Hourly 2A 4A Substitute 2A 4A Peer, Academic Employee (definition), Faculty Peer (Evaluation) 18 47 17 1B 2B Personal Leave 13 41 37 Personnel Files (Article XIX) 51 48 Accessibility 51 48 Administrative Unit Files 52 49 Contents 52 53 48 49 Human Resources Office Files 52 48 Maintenance 51 48 Plan of Action (Tenure) 18 22 Post Tenure Evaluation 47 44 Posting of Federation Notices 3 President (definition) 17 3B Principles (definition) 3B Privacy (definition) 54 50 3B Probationer (definition) 4B 3B Probationary Academic Employee Appointment (definition) 17 6 3B Probationary Appointment (definition) 6 Period 17 4B Probationary Period 18 19 Professional Development Funds 6A 7A Professional Development Report 2A 4A Professional Growth 6A Professional Improvement Plan (Tenure) 18 19 20 Professionalism 8 Professional Work Week 7 Pro Rata Academic Assignment (definition) 12 3B 6 12 4B Pro Rata Contracts 12 Public Information Request, Notice of 5 Public Records Request (notification) 5 Recall Lists, Order 29 28 Receipt/Notification (definition) 43 4B 40 3B Recognition (Article III) 1 2 Reduction in Force (Article X) 25 Reductions in Teaching Load 11 10 Release Time, Federation President and Members 4 Response Time 29 28 Retention of Benefits 30 29 Retirement 15 14 RIF 25 Designation of Remaining Steps 27 SUBJECT PAGE Implementation of RIF 26 Notification 26 25 Rights of Laid Off Academic Employees 28 Reasons 25 Seniority 28 Special Provisions 30 29 RIF Units 27 28 Right of First Refusal 29 Right of Notice of Public Information Request (Article V) 5 Rights of Employees in the Federation 2 Rights of Laid Off Academic Employees 28 Rights and Functions of Management 48 43 Sabbatical Leave 38 35 Applicant Procedures 40 37 Committee/Presidential Procedures 40 37 Conditions and Terms 39 35 Criteria for Selection 40 37 Purpose 39 36 Selection Committee 40 36 Salary 1A 3A Advancement 2A 4A Associate Academic Employee 3A Full-Time Academic Employee 1A Future Modification 3A 4A General Hourly Rate of Pay 2A 4A Placement 1A 4A Schedule, Salary 1A Substitute 2A 4A Summer 6A Savings Clause (Article XVI) 46 42 Scope of Agreement 60 37 Seniority 28 Seven Hour Span 10 11 Sick Leave Buy Out 13 Signature Page 62 58 Slowdowns 60 56 Smoking 9 Stipends 5A 14 Advising 5A Coaching 5A Strike 60 56 Student Evaluations, Tenure Candidate 20 Student and Instructional Related Activities 5A Subpoena 5 33 42 32 39 Substitute Academic Employee 7 4B Sufficient Cause (for Dismissal) 24 31 30 Summer Quarter 6A Suspension (during Dismissal Review) 35 SUBJECT PAGE Teaching Assignment 9 10 11 Teaching Load (Contact Hours) (See Workload) 9 Technology 14 13 Telecourse 54 50 4B Temporary Academic Employee Appointment (definition) 6 4B Tenure (Article VIII) 16 Appointment Review Committee 18 19 Board Decisions Regarding Tenure 23 Communication of Evaluation Results 21 Defined 17 15 Decision 23 Eligibility 18 17 Extensions 18 Evaluation of the Candidate 20 Rights & Reasonable Expectations of Candidate 23 22 Purchase of 15 Purpose 17 16 Report 20 21 22 Tenured Appointment (definition) 6 1B Terms & Conditions of Employment (Article VII) 6 Time Computation 60 57 Travel Reimbursement (approved) 13 Union Membership (Article II) 1

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