System for Award Management (XXX) Requirement Alongside a signed copy of this Agreement, Grantee will provide Florida Housing with a proof of registration and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number. Grantee will continue to maintain an active XXX registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award under this Agreement.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Restrictions/Market Abuse Laws The Participant acknowledges that, depending on his or her country, the broker’s country, or the country in which the Shares are listed, the Participant may be subject to xxxxxxx xxxxxxx restrictions and/or market abuse laws in applicable jurisdictions, which may affect his or her ability to accept, acquire, sell, or attempt to sell or otherwise dispose of Shares or rights to Shares (e.g., Restricted Share Units), or rights linked to the value of Shares, during such times as he or she is considered to have “inside information” regarding the Company (as defined by applicable laws or regulations in the applicable jurisdictions, including the United States and the Participant’s country). Local xxxxxxx xxxxxxx laws and regulations may prohibit the cancellation or amendment of orders the Participant placed before possessing inside information. Furthermore, the Participant may be prohibited from (i) disclosing the inside information to any third party, including fellow employees (other than on a “need to know” basis) and (ii) “tipping” third parties or causing them to otherwise buy or sell securities. Any restrictions under these laws or regulations are separate from and in addition to any restrictions that may be imposed under any applicable Company xxxxxxx xxxxxxx policy. The Participant acknowledges that it is his or her responsibility to comply with any applicable restrictions, and the Participant should consult his or her personal advisor on this matter.
Human and Financial Resources to Implement Safeguards Requirements The Borrower shall make available necessary budgetary and human resources to fully implement the EMP and the RP.
COMMERCIAL REUSE OF SERVICES The member or user herein agrees not to replicate, duplicate, copy, trade, sell, resell nor exploit for any commercial reason any part, use of, or access to 's sites.
Industrial Relations Training Leave Union Delegate/Employee Representative shall have access to industrial relations training in accordance with Appendix E hereof.
ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING This Contract incorporates by reference Article 9 of the Arlington County Purchasing Resolution, as well as all state and federal laws related to ethics, conflicts of interest or bribery, including the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (Code of Virginia § 2.2-3100 et seq.), the Virginia Governmental Frauds Act (Code of Virginia § 18.2-498.1 et seq.) and Articles 2 and 3 of Chapter 10 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, as amended (§ 18.2-438 et seq.). The Contractor certifies that its proposal was made without collusion or fraud; that it has not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror, supplier, manufacturer or subcontractor; and that it has not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged.
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 34.01 The parties recognize the need for a safe and healthy workplace. The Employer shall be responsible for providing safe and healthy working conditions. The Employer and Employees will take all reasonable steps to eliminate, reduce or minimize all workplace safety hazards. Occupational health and safety education, training and instruction provided by the Employer, shall be paid at the Basic Rate of Pay, to fulfill the requirements for training, instruction or education set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation or Code. (a) There shall be an Occupational Health and Safety Committee (Committee), which shall be composed of representatives of the Employer and representatives of the Local and may include others representing recognized functional bargaining units. This Committee shall meet once a month, and in addition shall meet within 10 days of receiving a written complaint regarding occupational health or safety. An Employee shall be paid the Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay for attendance at Committee meetings. A request to establish separate committees for each site or grouping of sites shall not be unreasonably denied. The Employer shall provide training at no cost to all Employees on the Committee to assist them in performing their duties on the Committee. Training shall be paid at the Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay. (b) Minutes of each meeting shall be taken and shall be approved by the Employer, the Local, and other bargaining groups, referred to in (a), prior to circulation. (c) The purpose of the Committee is to consider such matters as occupational health and safety and the Local may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard. (d) If an issue arises regarding occupational health or safety, the Employee or the Local shall first seek to resolve the issue through discussion with the applicable immediate supervisor in an excluded management position. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, it may then be forwarded in writing to the Committee. (e) The Committee shall also consider measures necessary to ensure the security of each Employee on the Employer’s premises and the Local may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard. (f) (i) Should an issue not be resolved by the Committee, the issue shall be referred to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A resolution meeting between the Local and the CEO, or designate(s), shall take place within 21 calendar days of the issue being referred to the CEO. The CEO or designate(s) shall reply in writing to the Local within seven (7) calendar days of the resolution meeting.
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (a) It is a mutual interest of the parties to promote health and safety in workplaces and to prevent and reduce the occurrence of workplace injuries and occupational diseases. The parties agree that health and safety is of the utmost importance and agree to promote health and safety and wellness throughout the organization. The employer shall provide orientation and training in health and safety to new and current employees on an ongoing basis, and employees shall attend required health and safety training sessions. Accordingly, the parties fully endorse the responsibilities of employer and employee under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, making particular reference to the following:
Employee Safety A. All incidents of workplace violence, unsafe equipment or job conditions shall be brought to the attention of the immediate supervisor, or in their absence, the next higher level of supervision. Should the unsafe condition not be corrected within a reasonable time, the equipment or job practice shall be brought to the attention of the Safety Committee. Additionally, employees shall report any exposure to known or suspected carcinogens in writing on a separate form. A copy of the form shall be sent to the Local Safety Committee. Employees have the right to file complaints with the State Department of Labor and Industry OSHA Division. B. Any protective equipment or clothing, e.g., safety glasses or other types of eye protection (including prescription lenses and frames when required), safety helmets, safety vests, welding gloves and aprons, safety shoes, ear protection, protective gloves, etc., shall be provided and maintained by the Appointing Authority whenever such equipment is required as a condition of employment either by the Appointing Authority, by OSHA, or by the Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration. The employee shall have the responsibility to use all such provided protective equipment (see Article 20, Section 11). C. All employees who are injured or who are involved in an accident during the course of their employment shall file a first report of injury and/or an accident report, on forms furnished by the Appointing Authority, no matter how slight the incident. A summary of the first report of injury and/or accident report shall be furnished to the Safety Committee. All such injuries shall be reported to the employee's immediate supervisor and any necessary medical attention, including transportation if required, shall be arranged. The Appointing Authority shall provide assistance to employees in filling out all necessary Workers' Compensation forms, when requested. D. Any medical examination required by the Appointing Authority shall be at no cost to the employee and the Appointing Authority shall receive a copy of the medical report. Upon request, the employee shall receive a copy of the medical report. E. During every four (4) hour period in which an employee spends all their time on a computer, the employee will be given a five (5) minute alternative work assignment or if this is not practicable, a five (5) minute rest period scheduled to interrupt continuous operation of the machine. This five (5) minute rest period is in addition to the formal rest period provided in Article 5, is not cumulative, and cannot be used at the beginning or end of a shift, formal rest breaks, or a lunch period. F. Any pregnant employee assigned to work with Department of Corrections' inmates, may request reassignment to alternate work within her seniority unit. The Appointing Authority will attempt to accommodate such a request. Such reassignment shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 12, Section 4. In the event that such reassignment is not practicable, the employee shall have the right to request an unpaid leave of absence, pursuant to Article 10, Section 0X.
Central Committee on Violence in the Workplace The Central parties agree to create a Central Committee to review and develop best practice recommendations related to Violence in the Workplace. The Committee will take into consideration recent provincial reports related to violence in the workplace issues. The best practice recommendations will be distributed to the Joint Health and Safety Committees at each individual Home to be recommended for implementation. The best practice recommendations will include but will not be limited to: Review/modify: the processes, procedures, measures and follow through on: