Use of Grant Funds Grantee shall use the Grant Funds only for Eligible Expenses as set forth in Appendix A and for no other purpose. Grantee shall expend the Grant Funds in accordance with the Budget and shall obtain the prior approval of City before transferring expenditures from one line item to another within the Budget.
Use of Recycled Products Consultant shall prepare and submit all reports, written studies and other printed material on recycled paper to the extent it is available at equal or less cost than virgin paper.
USE OF REFERRAL INFORMATION Recipient Broker/Agent shall use Referral information provided by for the sole purpose of providing real estate services. Recipient Broker/Agent agrees that any Referral e-mail and/or other contact information will not be added to any telemarketing or email distribution lists or provided to a third party without the written consent of the Referred Client.
Use of First Samples Drawn For the purposes of all samples (Discovery Sample(s) and Full Sample(s)) discussed in this Appendix, the Paid Claims selected in each first sample shall be used (i.e., it is not permissible to generate more than one list of random samples and then select one for use with the Discovery Sample or Full Sample).
GRANT FUNDS The Provider will not commingle grant funds (payments and reimbursements made under this Agreement) with other personal or business accounts. The U.S. Department of Justice, DOJ Grants Financial Guide does not require physical segregation of cash deposits or the establishment of any eligibility requirements for funds which are provided to a Provider. The Provider’s accounting systems must ensure grant funds are not commingled with funds on either a program-by-program or a project-by-project basis. Grant funds specifically budgeted and received for one project may not be used to support another. Where the Provider's existing accounting system cannot comply with this requirement, the Provider will establish an additional accounting system to provide adequate grant fund accountability for each project. In accordance with the provisions of section 287.0582, Florida Statutes, if the terms of this Agreement and reimbursement contemplated by this Agreement extend beyond the current fiscal year, the OAG's performance and obligation to reimburse under this Agreement are contingent upon an annual appropriation and spending authority by the Florida Legislature. In addition, the OAG’s performance and obligation to reimburse under this Agreement is contingent upon the OAG's Victims of Crime Act award, as funded through the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime formula grant program.
Passwords and Employee Access Provider shall secure usernames, passwords, and any other means of gaining access to the Services or to Student Data, at a level suggested by Article 4.3 of NIST 800-63-3. Provider shall only provide access to Student Data to employees or contractors that are performing the Services. Employees with access to Student Data shall have signed confidentiality agreements regarding said Student Data. All employees with access to Student Records shall pass criminal background checks.
Use of Cookies 5.1 We use cookies to ensure that our website works effectively and to support your trading activities. Cookies are small text files sent from our web server to your computer. Our cookies do not contain any personal data, account numbers, or passwords. 5.2 We may enlist outside organizations to help us manage the website and collect and analyze statistical data. These outside organizations may install and use their own cookies on our behalf.
USE OF EMPLOYER FACILITIES 27.01 Reasonable space on bulletin boards including electronic bulletin boards where available, in convenient locations will be made available to the Institute for the posting of official Institute notices. The Institute shall endeavour to avoid requests for posting of notices that the Employer, acting reasonably, could consider adverse to its interests or to the interests of any of its representatives. Posting of notices or other materials shall require the prior approval of the Employer, except notices of meetings of their members and elections, the names of Institute representatives, and social and recreational events. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 27.02 The Employer will also continue its present practice of making available to the Institute specific locations on its premises for the placement of reasonable quantities of literature of the Institute. 27.03 A duly accredited representative of the Institute may be permitted access to the Employer’s premises to assist in the resolution of a complaint or grievance and to attend meetings called by management. Permission to enter the premises shall, in each case, be obtained from the Employer. 27.04 The Institute shall provide the Employer, a list of such Institute representatives and shall advise promptly of any change made to the list.
Use of Funds Grantee shall expend funds under this Grant Agreement only for approved services and for reasonable and allowable expenses directly related to those services.
Use of websites (a) The Borrower may satisfy its obligation to deliver any public information to the Lenders by posting this information onto an electronic website designated by the Borrower and the Administrative Agent (the “Designated Website”) by notifying the Administrative Agent (i) of the address of the website together with any relevant password specifications and (ii) that such information has been posted on the website; provided, that in any event the Borrower shall supply the Administrative Agent with one copy in paper form of any information which is posted onto the website. (b) The Administrative Agent shall supply each Lender with the address of and any relevant password specifications for the Designated Website following designation of that website by the Borrower and the Administrative Agent. (c) The Borrower shall promptly upon becoming aware of its occurrence notify the Administrative Agent if: (i) the Designated Website cannot be accessed due to technical failure; (ii) the password specifications for the Designated Website change; (iii) any new information which is required to be provided under this Agreement is posted onto the Designated Website; (iv) any existing information which has been provided under this Agreement and posted onto the Designated Website is amended; or (v) the Borrower becomes aware that the Designated Website or any information posted onto the Designated Website is or has been infected by any electronic virus or similar software. If the Borrower notifies the Administrative Agent under Section 5.3(c)(i) or Section 5.3(c)(v) above, all information to be provided by the Borrower under this Agreement after the date of that notice shall be supplied in paper form unless and until the Administrative Agent is satisfied that the circumstances giving rise to the notification are no longer continuing.