Using Your Card You understand that the use of your credit card or credit card account will constitute acknowledgement of receipt and agreement to the terms of the Credit Card Agreement and Credit Card Account Opening Disclosure (Disclosure). You may use your card to make purchases from merchants and others who accept your card. The credit union is not responsible for the refusal of any merchant or financial institution to honor your card. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. In addition, you may obtain cash advances from the Credit Union, from other financial institutions that accept your card, and from some automated teller machines (ATMs). (Not all ATMs accept your card.) If the credit union authorizes ATM transactions with your card, it will issue you a personal identification number (PIN). To obtain cash advances from an ATM, you must use the PIN issued to you for use with your card. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Even if you use your card for an illegal transaction, you will be responsible for all amounts and charges incurred in connection with the transaction. If you are permitted to obtain cash advances on your account, you may also use your card to purchase instruments and engage in transactions that we consider the equivalent of cash. Such transactions will be posted to your account as cash advances and include, but are not limited to, wire transfers, money orders, bets, lottery tickets, and casino gaming chips, as applicable. This paragraph shall not be interpreted as permitting or authorizing any transaction that is illegal.
COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE If performance involves acquisition of existing computer software, the following Company Exhibit is incorporated by reference: CCS Commercial Computer Software License (Company – July 2010).
COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 161.0085(c), Contractor certifies that it does not require its customers to provide any documentation certifying the customer’s COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery on entry to, to gain access to, or to receive service from the Contractor’s business. Contractor acknowledges that such a vaccine or recovery requirement would make Contractor ineligible for a state-funded contract.
Gross Beta Flags A = Result acceptable, Bias <= +/- 50% with a statistically positive result at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty > 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, does not include zero). N = Result not acceptable, Bias > +/- 50% or the reported result is not statistically positive at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty <= 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, includes zero).
Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning Supplier will scan its internal environments (e.g., servers, network devices, etc.) related to Deliverables monthly and external environments related to Deliverables weekly. Supplier will have a defined process to address any findings but will ensure that any high-risk vulnerabilities are addressed within 30 days.
Diagnostic procedures to aid the Provider in determining required dental treatment.
Outpatient Dental Anesthesia Services This plan covers anesthesia services received in connection with a dental service when provided in a hospital or freestanding ambulatory surgical center and: • the use of this is medically necessary; and • the setting in which the service is received is determined to be appropriate. This plan also covers facility fees associated with these services. This plan covers dental care for members until the last day of the month in which they turn nineteen (19). This plan covers services only if they meet all of the following requirements: • listed as a covered dental care service in this section. The fact that a provider has prescribed or recommended a service, or that it is the only available treatment for an illness or injury does not mean it is a covered dental care service under this plan. • dentally necessary, consistent with our dental policies and related guidelines at the time the services are provided. • not listed in Exclusions section. • received while a member is enrolled in the plan. • consistent with applicable state or federal law. • services are provided by a network provider.
Conhecimento da Lingua O Contratado, pelo presente instrumento, declara expressamente que tem pleno conhecimento da língua inglesa e que leu, compreendeu e livremente aceitou e concordou com os termos e condições estabelecidas no Plano e no Acordo de Atribuição (“Agreement” xx xxxxxx).
Financial Management System Subrecipient shall establish and maintain a sound financial management system, based upon generally accepted accounting principles. Contractor’s system shall provide fiscal control and accounting procedures that will include the following: i. Information pertaining to tuition rates, payments, and educational assistance payments; and
Therapies Acupuncture and acupuncturist services, including x-ray and laboratory services. • Biofeedback, biofeedback training, and biofeedback by any other modality for any condition. • Recreational therapy services and programs, including wilderness programs. • Services provided in any covered program that are recreational therapy services, including wilderness programs, educational services, complimentary services, non- medical self-care, self-help programs, or non-clinical services. Examples include, but are not limited to, Tai Chi, yoga, personal training, meditation. • Computer/internet/social media based services and/or programs. • Recreational therapy. • Aqua therapy unless provided by a physical therapist. • Maintenance therapy services unless it is a habilitative service that helps a person keep, learn or improve skills and functioning for daily living. • Aromatherapy. • Hippotherapy. • Massage therapy rendered by a massage therapist. • Therapies, procedures, and services for the purpose of relieving stress. • Physical, occupational, speech, or respiratory therapy provided in your home, unless through a home care program. • Pelvic floor electrical and magnetic stimulation, and pelvic floor exercises. • Educational classes and services for speech impairments that are self-correcting. • Speech therapy services related to food aversion or texture disorders. • Exercise therapy. • Naturopathic, homeopathic, and Christian Science services, regardless of who orders or provides the services. • Eye exercises and visual training services. • Lenses and/or frames and contact lenses for members aged nineteen (19) and older. • Vision hardware purchased from a non-network provider. • Non-collection vision hardware. • Lenses and/or frames and contact lenses unless specifically listed as a covered healthcare service.