VCR Sample Clauses

VCR. The VCR program enables a sponsor of a Qualified Plan to voluntarily disclose to the Service Operational Failures it has discovered in its plans and to pay a fixed fee to the Service. The provisions of VCR are modified to: • grant, in appropriate cases, a waiver of the excise tax under §4974 for minimum required distribution failures that are corrected by the Plan Sponsor under VCR; • amplify the permissible correction methods under the Standardized VCR Program (SVP) (see Appendix A and Appendix B of this revenue procedure); and • clarify that sponsors may use Walk-in CAP for interrelated VCR and Walk-in CAP failures.
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Related to VCR

  • Construction Management Plan Contractor shall prepare and furnish to the Owner a thorough and complete plan for the management of the Project from issuance of the Proceed Order through the issuance of the Design Professional's Certificate of Material Completion. Such plan shall include, without limitation, an estimate of the manpower requirements for each trade and the anticipated availability of such manpower, a schedule prepared using the critical path method that will amplify and support the schedule required in Article 2.1.5 below, and the Submittal Schedule as required in Article 2.2.3. The Contractor shall include in his plan the names and resumés of the Project Superintendent, Project Manager and the person in charge of Safety.

  • Dark Fiber Loop Dark Fiber Loop is an unused optical transmission facility, without attached signal regeneration, multiplexing, aggregation or other electronics, from the demarcation point at an End User’s premises to the End User’s serving wire center. Dark Fiber Loops may be strands of optical fiber existing in aerial or underground structure. BellSouth will not provide line terminating elements, regeneration or other electronics necessary for AFN to utilize Dark Fiber Loops.

  • Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.

  • Cloud storage DSHS Confidential Information requires protections equal to or greater than those specified elsewhere within this exhibit. Cloud storage of Data is problematic as neither DSHS nor the Contractor has control of the environment in which the Data is stored. For this reason:

  • Vyšší moc The performance by either Party of any obligation on its part to be performed hereunder shall be excused by floods, fires or any other Act of God, accidents, wars, riots, embargoes, delay of carriers, inability to obtain materials, failure of power or natural sources of supply, acts, injunctions, or restraints of government or other force majeure preventing such performance, whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing, beyond the reasonable control of the Party bound by such obligation, provided, however, that the Party affected shall exert its reasonable efforts to eliminate or cure or overcome any of such causes and to resume performance of its obligations with all possible speed. Splnění jakékoli povinnosti kteroukoli ze Stran, jež má být takovou Stranou splněna na základě podmínek této Smlouvy, bude prominuto v důsledku záplav, požárů či jiných projevů Vyšší moci, nehod, válek, nepokojů, embarg, prodlení dopravců, nemožnosti opatřit příslušné materiály, nebude-li dodána elektrická energie či jiné přírodní zdroje, v důsledku rozhodnutí, zákazů či omezení státního/správního úřadu či jiného prvku vyšší moci, který zabrání splnění takové povinnosti, bez ohledu na to, zda je shodný či odlišný od shora uvedeného, a který stojí mimo možnost ovlivnění příslušné Strany, která je takovou povinností vázána, to však za podmínky, že takto dotčená Strana vyvine odpovídají úsilí za účelem odstranění či nápravy či překonání jakéhokoli takového důvodu či příčiny a bude pokračovat v plnění svých povinností x xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.

  • Provisioning of High Frequency Spectrum and Splitter Space 3.2.1 BellSouth will provide <<customer_name>> with access to the High Frequency Spectrum as follows:

  • Project Management Plan 1 3.4.1 Developer is responsible for all quality assurance and quality control 2 activities necessary to manage the Work, including the Utility Adjustment Work.

  • SSA agrees to establish a means of secondary verification (including updating SSA records as may be necessary) for employees who contest SSA tentative nonconfirmations that is designed to provide final confirmation or nonconfirmation of the employees' employment eligibility within 10 Federal Government work days of the date of referral to SSA, unless it determines that more than 10 days may be necessary. In such cases, SSA will provide additional verification instructions.

  • TOOL STORAGE 1. A company shall provide on all construction jobs in towns and cities, and elsewhere where reasonably necessary and practicable (or if requested buy the employee), a suitable and secure waterproof lock-up solely for the purpose of storing employees’ tools, and on multi-storey and major projects the company shall provide, where possible, a suitable lock-up for employees’ tools within a reasonable distance of the work area of large groups of employees.

  • Traditional Medicine Cooperation 1. The aims of Traditional Medicine cooperation will be: (a) to build on existing agreements or arrangements already in place for Traditional Medicine cooperation; and (b) to promote information exchanges on Traditional Medicine between the Parties. 2. In pursuit of the objectives in Article 149 (Objectives), the Parties will encourage and facilitate, as appropriate, the following activities, including, but not limited to: (a) encouraging dialogue on Traditional Medicine policies and promotion of respective Traditional Medicine; (b) raising awareness of active effects of Traditional Medicine; (c) encouraging exchange of experience in conservation and restoration of Traditional Medicine; (d) encouraging exchange of experience on management, research and development for Traditional Medicine; (e) encouraging cooperation in the Traditional Medicine education field, mainly through training programs and means of communication; (f) having a consultation mechanism between the Parties' Traditional Medicine authorities; (g) encouraging cooperation in Traditional Medicine therapeutic services and products manufacturing; and (h) encouraging cooperation in research in the fields of Traditional Medicine in order to contribute in efficacy and safety assessments of natural resources and products used in health care.

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