Voting and Reporting. The meeting quorum consists of the full membership of the SPC. Recommendations shall be decided by majority vote of the entire SPC. Reports and recommendations shall be prepared by the majority with the numerical vote recorded therein. If a member of the SPC abstains from voting on a particular application after participating in the consideration of the candidate’s materials, that vote shall be evidence of that member’s inability to support the application and shall be considered a negative vote. The recusal of a committee member from all participation due to a conflict of interest shall not be considered a negative vote. Reports submitted to the Xxxx and the UQC shall be sufficiently detailed and complete so that the basis for the vote is clearly established and shall also include recommendations for teaching, scholarly and service activity in order for the faculty member to be successful in his/her subsequent application in the continuance, tenure, and promotion process. Minority reports may be submitted and shall accompany the majority report.