Voucher Number. Insert the appropriate serial number of the voucher. This must be in sequential order beginning with 001 as the number to be used for the first voucher submitted under this agreement.
Voucher Number. Insert the ap'propriate serial number of 'the voucher. This m.ust be in sequential on-der beginning with 001 as the number to be used , for the first voucher submitted under this agreement. . ~ .- - -(c). Date of Voucher. Insert- the datk> the voucher is prepared. .
Voucher Number. Insert the appropriate serial number of the voucher. . , . ', .s / * ' , . *
Voucher Number. Insert the appropriate serial number of the vouche'r. This must be in sequential order be' ginning with 001 as'the number to be used for the first' voucher submitted under this contract. . -