Waiver prohibited. No act of a purchaser shall be effective to waive the right to rescind as provided in this section.
Waiver prohibited. No xxxxxx may require any wholesaler to waive compliance with any provision of this chapter. Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit or prohibit good-faith dispute settlements voluntarily entered into by the parties. However, no provision of any written agreement may require the law of any state other than North Dakota to govern the relationship of the parties.
Waiver prohibited. A residential tenant may not waive, and a landlord may not require the residential tenant to waive, the tenant's rights under this section.
Waiver prohibited. Medical Group shall not require or permit a contracted provider to waive any right conferred upon such provider or any obligation imposed on PacifiCare by Sections 1371, 1371.1, 1371.2, 1371.22, 1371.35, 1371.36, 1371.37, 1371.4, and 1371.8 of the California Health and Safety Code and Sections 1300.71, 1300.71,38, 1300.71.4, and 1300.77.4 of Title 28 of the California Code of Regulations relating to claims processing or payment. Any contractual provision or other agreement purporting to constitute, create or result in such a waiver shall be null and void.
Waiver prohibited. Any waiver of the rights provided by this section shall be void and unenforceable.
Waiver prohibited. There will be no riders on any Artist’s contract waiving any of these Rules.
Waiver prohibited. The provisions of sections 549.30 to 549.41 may not be waived by a payee.