Walk-ins. Persons not affiliated with the Participating Institutions who are physically present at the Participating Institutions’ site(s) ("Walk-ins").
Walk-ins. Patrons not affiliated with Licensee and/or the Participating Institutions who are physically present at Licensee's and/or the Participating Institutions’ site(s) (“walk-ins”).
Walk-ins. Patrons not affiliated with Licensee who are physically present at Licensee's site(s) ("walk-ins").
Walk-ins. Patrons not affiliated with NTK and/or the Participating Institutions who are physically present at NTK's and/or the Participating Institutions’ site(s) (“walk- ins”).
Walk-ins. Patrons not affiliated with Custodians of the NGDA who are physically present at Custodian’s site(s).
Walk-ins. Patrons not affiliated with Licensee who are physically present at Licensee's site(s) (“walk-ins”). “Site” is defined to include every campus location for the Licensee, whether physical or virtual.
Walk-ins. Patrons not affiliated with the Licensee who are physically present on the Licensee's premises. The Licensee and Authorised Users may use the Licensed Materials for the purposes of research, education or other non-commercial use as set out below:
Walk-ins. Contractor shall immediately screen a walk-in beneficiary to determine the necessity for OTP services. If the screening determines OTP services, the subcontracted OTP provider shall ensure the beneficiary receives an ASAM assessment the same day. If OTP services are not indicated, the Contractor shall refer the beneficiary to the Access Line for screening.
Walk-ins. If a “walk-in” customer wishes to purchase a Ticket on-site at an In Person Event, Event Owner must ensure that the Ticket Sale is processed, and paid by credit card, debit card or other permitted payment system, through the EMS. No cash purchases are permitted.
Walk-ins. Patrons not affiliated with Licensee and/or the Participating Institutions as stated in article IV. para 1.1., that are not in any way affiliated or active for exclusively commercially active entities, who are physically present at Licensee's and/or the Participating Institutions’ site(s) (“walk-ins”) are permitted to use the Licensed Materials solely for academic or other exclusively non-commercial research purposes. For commercial use, Licensee offers a commercial license to the Licensed Materials.