Recall Rights Teachers whose contracts have been suspended or non-renewed because of a reduction in force shall be so notified in writing and shall have rights to recall as follows: 1. Recall rights shall be limited to the twenty-four (24) months period commencing on the day following the employee's last day of work. 2. Teachers whose contracts were non-renewed or suspended shall be recalled to a vacancy in the inverse order of non-renewal or suspension as positions become available in their area of certification/licensure at the time of recall; provided however, that certificated tutors whose contracts were non-renewed or suspended shall be recalled only to certificated tutor vacancies, and then in the inverse order of non-renewal of suspension as such positions become available in their area of certification/licensure at the time of recall; and further provided however, seniority shall not be the basis for recalling a teacher, except when making a decision between teachers who have comparable evaluations. Teachers must notify the District of any changes in their area of certification/licensure. 3. A teacher notified of recall to a position may turn down the first offered position, allowing the Superintendent to offer said position to the next person on the recall list who is qualified to fill said position. The person making the turndown would retain his/her position on the recall list. If a teacher refuses recall to another position, said teacher's name shall be removed from the recall list; except no teacher shall be removed from the recall list for refusing a lesser position (time or pay) than the one from which he/she was reduced. Provided however, no teacher whose continuing contract has been suspended shall lose the right of recall and restoration to continuing service status by reason of having declined recall to a position that is less than full-time or, if the teacher was not employed full-time just prior to suspension of the teacher's continuing contract, to a position requiring a lesser percentage of full-time employment than the position the teacher last held while employed in the district. 4. Teachers on recall status shall have the responsibility for keeping the Superintendent informed of their current address, name change, and telephone number. Notification of recall shall be by certified mail at the teacher's last known address. Failure to contact the Superintendent to accept such recall within ten (10) calendar days of the date of such mailing shall remove the teacher from recall status. 5. Teachers, who during recall receive additional training or additional areas of certification/licensure, shall provide documentation of such to the Board, who shall upgrade the teacher’s status on the Recall List. No new employees shall be hired to fill a vacancy until teachers on the Recall List have been asked to fill the vacancy.