WHEN PAYABLE Sample Clauses

WHEN PAYABLE. At the commencement of the Period of Cover and at each subsequent Policy Anniversary Date. If the premiums are payable by instalments the appropriate instalment in respect of each Member shall be due on the first day of the instalment period. Two months of grace shall be allowed for the payment of any premium. If any claim arises during that period no amount shall become due in respect of such claim until confirmation is received that the Member’s premium is paid up to date.
WHEN PAYABLE. On the death of a Member, during the Period of Cover or upon diagnosis of a Terminal Prognosis as described in Benefit Condition 6, subject to all necessary proof to enable the Company to accept the claim.
WHEN PAYABLE. On the death of a Member, during the Period of Cover, subject to all necessary proof to enable the Company to accept the claim.
WHEN PAYABLE. The full sanction fee shall be payable by the Promoter within 30 days on signing of this agreement by the parties. Late payments shall incur a penalty of 10% of the sanction fee. The sanction for the event shall not be issued or confirmed until the Promoter has signed this contract and the sanction fee has been paid. The EPF may at any time prior thereto withdraw the sanction and award the sanction for the event to another promoter. This contract must be returned duly signed by the Promoter within 30 days after it has been received from the EPF.
WHEN PAYABLE. An Early Retirement Pension shall be granted to each Participant who retires prior to becoming eligible to receive a Normal Retirement Pension but on or after the date on which he has attained Age fifty (50) and has completed ten (10) years of Credited Service.
WHEN PAYABLE. Indemnification under this Article 6 and Article 7 hereof shall be payable with respect to any claim concerning an Indemnifiable Loss or an Environmental Indemnifiable Loss upon the occurrence of the earliest of (a) any payment required to be made to any tax or other administrative authority with respect to any claim from such authority, (b) the resolution of such claim by mutual agreement between Seller and Buyer and/or the Company and/or CEVCO, as the case may be, (c) the issuance of a jugement executoire par provision provided however that if a final judgment subsequently reverses in whole or in part the jugement executoire par provision, the Indemnified Party shall promptly reimburse to the Indemnifying Party as and when cash is actually received by the Indemnified Party from any claimant an amount equal to the amount received by such Indemnified Party as a result of this final judgment up to the amount paid by the Indemnifying Party as a result of such claim, (d) the issuance of a final judgment, award, order or other ruling (which is not subject to appeal or with respect to which the time for appeal has elapsed) by a court or arbitral tribunal having jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of such claim or to which such claim was submitted for resolution by joint agreement between Seller and Buyer and/or the Company and/or CEVCO, as the case may be, or (e) the final settlement of such claim with a third party pursuant to mutual authorization by Seller and Buyer.
WHEN PAYABLE. A commission shall be earned and payable under any of the following conditions: (a) If the LISTING BROKER or cooperating broker produces a buyer/tenant ready, willing and able to purchase/lease/exchange the PROPERTY on such terms and conditions acceptable to the OWNER; (b) If through the LISTING BROKER's or cooperating broker's efforts a buyer/tenant and the OWNER reach an agreement upon all the essential terms of a transaction; (c) If the PROPERTY is sold/leased/exchanged or transferred during the term of this AGREEMENT whether or not the sale/lease/exchange or transfer is a result of the LISTING BROKER's efforts and even if the PROPERTY is sold/leased/exchanged or transferred as a result of the efforts of the OWNER or any other broker or agent not acting under this AGREEMENT; (d) If the LISTING BROKER or cooperating broker is the procuring cause of a transaction. If within days after the expiration or termination of the Agreement, OWNER accepts a purchase/lease/exchange offer on the PROPERTY from any person to whom the PROPERTY has been shown during the term of this Agreement, OWNER will pay LISTING BROKER the aforementioned commission/fee as if LISTING BROKER had made the sale/lease/exchange provided the PROPERTY goes to closing. The preceding sentence shall not apply if OWNER in good faith enters into a valid listing agreement for the PROPERTY with another New York State licensed real estate broker after the expiration or termination of this AGREEMENT.
WHEN PAYABLEMaintenance charges in accordance with Section 3 above shall be payable in advance. All payments shall be due within 30 days of receipt of XXXXXX.XXX. Inc.'s invoice. All overdue invoices shall bear interest at the rate of 19.56 percent per annum (1.5 percent per month compunded monthly).
WHEN PAYABLE. Indemnification under this Article X with respect to any claim concerning any Loss shall be payable: (a) upon the resolution of such claim by mutual agreement between URI and Purchaser; (b) in accordance with a final judgment, award, order or other ruling (which is not subject to appeal or with respect to which the time for appeal has elapsed) by a court or arbitral tribunal having jurisdiction over the Parties and the subject matter of such claim or to which such claim was submitted for resolution by joint agreement between URI and Purchaser; or (c) upon the final settlement of such claim with a Third Person pursuant to mutual agreement among URI, Purchaser and the applicable Third Person.
WHEN PAYABLE. Clause 17.1 above shall not apply to the extent that default interest on such amount is payable pursuant to the terms of the Indenture and/or the Notes and itself constitutes part of the Secured Obligations.