Sub-Committees 15.1 The Joint Committee shall establish the membership and terms of reference for any sub-committees or sub-groups which it establishes and may dissolve such sub-committees or sub-groups. Sub-committees to which the Joint Committee delegates functions are bound by the provisions of this Agreement regulating the taking of decisions by the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee may create additional sub-committees from time to time as it sees fit.
Executive Committee (A) The Executive Committee shall be composed of not more than nine members who shall be selected by the Board of Directors from its own members and who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Board. (B) The Executive Committee shall have all the powers of the Board of Directors when it is not in session to transact all business for and in behalf of the Company that may be brought before it. (C) The Executive Committee shall meet at the principal office of the Company or elsewhere in its discretion at such times to be determined by a majority of its members, or at the call of the Chairman of the Executive Committee or at the call of the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The majority of its members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at any time when a quorum is present. (D) Minutes of each meeting of the Executive Committee shall be kept and submitted to the Board of Directors at its next meeting. (E) The Executive Committee shall advise and superintend all investments that may be made of the funds of the Company, and shall direct the disposal of the same, in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Board of Directors from time to time make. (F) In the event of a state of disaster of sufficient severity to prevent the conduct and management of the affairs and business of the Company by its directors and officers as contemplated by these By-Laws any two available members of the Executive Committee as constituted immediately prior to such disaster shall constitute a quorum of that Committee for the full conduct and management of the affairs and business of the Company in accordance with the provisions of Article III of these By-Laws; and if less than three members of the Trust Committee is constituted immediately prior to such disaster shall be available for the transaction of its business, such Executive Committee shall also be empowered to exercise all of the powers reserved to the Trust Committee under Article III Section 2 hereof. In the event of the unavailability, at such time, of a minimum of two members of such Executive Committee, any three available directors shall constitute the Executive Committee for the full conduct and management of the affairs and business of the Company in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Section. This By-Law shall be subject to implementation by Resolutions of the Board of Directors presently existing or hereafter passed from time to time for that purpose, and any provisions of these By-Laws (other than this Section) and any resolutions which are contrary to the provisions of this Section or to the provisions of any such implementary Resolutions shall be suspended during such a disaster period until it shall be determined by any interim Executive Committee acting under this section that it shall be to the advantage of the Company to resume the conduct and management of its affairs and business under all of the other provisions of these By-Laws.
Calendar Committee The calendar committee is charged with the task of collaborating with site base teams in developing the academic calendar. The committee should complete its recommendations by consensus and report these to the Board no later than January 31.
Committees of the Board of Directors (a) The Board of Directors, by resolution adopted by a majority of the full Board of Directors, may designate from among its members one or more committees (in addition to those listed below), each of which shall be comprised of one or more of its members, and may designate one or more of its members as alternate members of any committee, who may, subject to any limitations by the Board of Directors, replace absent or disqualified members at any meeting of that committee. Any such committee, to the extent provided in such resolution or in the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws, shall have and may exercise all of the authority of the Board of Directors to the extent permitted by the NRS, including, without limitation, the power and authority to declare a dividend, to authorize the issuance of stock or to adopt a plan of merger pursuant to Section 78.125 of the NRS. Any such committee may authorize the seal of the Company to be affixed to all papers which may require it. In addition to the above, such committee or committees shall have such other powers and limitations of authority as may be determined from time to time by resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. (b) The Board of Directors shall have the power at any time to change the membership of any such committee and to fill vacancies in it. A majority of the number of members of any such committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business unless a greater number is required by a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. The act of the majority of the members of a committee present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of such committee, unless the act of a greater number is required by a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. Each such committee may elect a chairman and appoint such subcommittees and assistants as it may deem necessary. Except as otherwise provided by the Board of Directors, meetings of any committee shall be conducted in accordance with Paragraphs 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 7.3 hereof. In the absence or disqualification of a member of a committee, the member or members present at any meeting and not disqualified from voting, whether or not constituting a quorum, may unanimously appoint another member of the Board of Directors to act at the meeting in the place of the absent or disqualified member. Any member of any such committee elected or appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interests of the Company will be served thereby, but such removal shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the person so removed. Election or appointment of a member of a committee shall not of itself create contract rights. (c) Any action taken by any committee of the Board of Directors shall promptly be recorded in the minutes and filed with the Secretary. (d) Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, the composition and powers of any committee of the Board of Directors are expressly subject to the requirements of any stock exchange or quotation system on which the capital stock of the Company is traded or quoted, or the Exchange Act.
Investment Committee The board of directors of the insurance company shall appoint an investment committee of the investment manager as the investment committee of the insurance company. The investment committee shall meet at least once each quarter to review the investments and loans of the insurance company.
Standing Committee Standing Committees shall be maintained in the following manner: (1) The Mill Manager shall appoint a Company Standing Committee of three (3) individuals which shall represent the Company. (2) The Union shall select from its membership a Union Standing Committee of three (3) which shall represent the Union for the purposes stated in this Agreement.
Oversight Committee The Company and Union shall each appoint three members to be part of an Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee will attempt to resolve any issues that may arise regarding this Letter of Agreement within forty-five (45) days. Issues that the Oversight Committee cannot resolve will be subject to the party’s grievance procedure Subsection 102.3(a)(2) timelines will be waived for the forty-five (45) day period.
Audit Committee (A) The Audit Committee shall be composed of five members who shall be selected by the Board of Directors from its own members, none of whom shall be an officer of the Company, and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board. (B) The Audit Committee shall have general supervision over the Audit Division in all matters however subject to the approval of the Board of Directors; it shall consider all matters brought to its attention by the officer in charge of the Audit Division, review all reports of examination of the Company made by any governmental agency or such independent auditor employed for that purpose, and make such recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect thereto or with respect to any other matters pertaining to auditing the Company as it shall deem desirable. (C) The Audit Committee shall meet whenever and wherever the majority of its members shall deem it to be proper for the transaction of its business, and a majority of its Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Management Committee 6.1 There shall be constituted a committee to be called the Management Committee with functions as stated herein below. 6.2 Government shall nominate two (2) members representing Government in the Management Committee, whereas each Company constituting the Contractor shall nominate one (1) member each to represent Company in the Management Committee provided that in case the Contractor constitutes only one Company, that Company shall have two (2) members. The Parties shall nominate the members to the Management Committee within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date. 6.3 Each Party may nominate alternate members with full authority to act in the absence and on behalf of the members nominated under Article 6.2 and may, at any time, nominate another member or alternate member to replace any member nominated earlier by notice to other members of the Management Committee. 6.4 One representative of the Government shall be designated as the Chairman of the Management Committee and the second representative of the Government shall be designated as the Deputy Chairman. The member of the Operator, or the member designated by the Operator where Operator has two (2) members in the Management Committee shall be designated as the Secretary of the Committee. 6.5 Operator on behalf of the Contractor with the approval of Operating Committee, if constituted under the Article 7.4, or in case of a single Party constituting the Contractor, then that Party shall submit following matters to the Management Committee for review and it shall have advisory functions: (a) the annual Work Programmes and Budgets in respect of Exploration Operations and any revisions or modifications thereto; (b) annual work progress and costs incurred thereon; (c) proposals for surrender or relinquishment of any part of the Contract Area by the Contractor; (d) proposals for an Appraisal Programme or revisions or additions thereto and the declaration of a Discovery as a Commercial Discovery; (e) any other matter required by the terms of this Contract to be submitted to it for review or advice; and (f) any other matter which the Contractor decides to submit for review or advice including matters concerning inter-Party relationships. 6.6 The following matters shall be submitted by Operator on behalf of the Contractor with the approval of Operating Committee, if constituted under the Article 7.4, or in case of single Party constituting the Contractor, then by that Party to the Management Committee for approval: (a) Annual Work Programmes and Budgets in respect of Development Operations and Production Operations and any modifications or revisions thereto; (b) proposals for the approval of development plans as may be required under this Contract, or modifications or revisions to a Development Plan; (c) determination of a Development Area; (d) appointment of auditors along with scope of audit, approval and adoption of audited report submitted under Article 25.4.3; (e) collaboration with licensees or contractors of other areas; (f) claims or settlement of claims for or on behalf of or against the Contractor in excess of limits fixed by the Management Committee from time to time; (g) proposal about abandonment plan/Site Restoration as required to be submitted under Article 14.10; (h) any other matter required by the terms of this Contract to be submitted for the approval of the Management Committee; (i) any other matter which the Contractor decides to submit to it; and (j) any matter, which Government refers to the Management Committee for its consideration and reasoned opinion. 6.7 Unless agreed otherwise by all the members of the Management Committee, the Management Committee shall meet at least once every six (6) months during the Exploration Period and thereafter at least once every three (3) months or more frequently at the request of any member. The Secretary, with the approval of the Chairman, shall convene each meeting by notifying the members twenty eight (28) days prior to such a meeting (or a shorter period of notice if the members unanimously so agree) of the time and place of such meeting and the purpose thereof and shall include in such notice a provisional agenda for such meeting. The Chairman shall be responsible for processing the final agenda for such meeting and the agenda shall include all items of business requested by the members to be included, provided such requests are received by the Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. The Secretary shall forward the agenda to the members at least seven (7) Business Days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. Matters not included in the agenda may be taken up at the meeting by any member with the unanimous consent of all the members whether present or not present at the meeting. 6.8 The Chairman or the Deputy Chairman, as may be the case, shall preside over the meetings of the Management Committee and, in their absence, any other member representing Government and present shall preside over the meetings. 6.9 Secretary to the Management Committee shall be responsible, inter alia, for preparation of the minutes of every meeting in the English language and provision to every member of the Management Committee with two (2) copies of the minutes approved by the Chairman within three (3) Business Days of the meeting. Unless agreed otherwise by all the members of the Management Committee, the minutes of a meeting shall be finalised by the Management Committee within three (3)
Advisory Committee The Settling State shall designate an Opioid Settlement Remediation Advisory Committee (the “Advisory Committee”) to provide input and recommendations regarding remediation spending from that Settling State’s Abatement Accounts Fund. A Settling State may elect to use an existing advisory committee or similar entity (created outside of a State-Subdivision Agreement or Allocation Statute); provided, however, the Advisory Committee or similar entity shall meet the following requirements: (i) Written guidelines that establish the formation and composition of the Advisory Committee, terms of service for members, contingency for removal or resignation of members, a schedule of meetings, and any other administrative details; (ii) Composition that includes at least an equal number of local representatives as state representatives; (iii) A process for receiving input from Subdivisions and other communities regarding how the opioid crisis is affecting their communities, their abatement needs, and proposals for abatement strategies and responses; and (iv) A process by which Advisory Committee recommendations for expenditures for Opioid Remediation will be made to and considered by the appropriate state agencies.