Withdrawal and Transfer. The School shall adopt and adhere to withdrawal and transfer procedures which provide for the timely release of any student who withdraws from the School and/or transfers to another school. The School’s withdrawal and transfer procedures shall also provide for the transfer of the student’s records to the new school in a reasonable timeframe.
Withdrawal and Transfer. The School shall adhere to withdrawal and transfer procedures which provide for the timely release of any student who withdraws from the School and transfers to another Hawaii public school. The School’s withdrawal and transfer procedures shall also provide for the transfer of the student’s records to the new school in a timely manner.
Withdrawal and Transfer of the Balance in the Sub-account (1) An application must be submitted to the Social Security Fund. After the fund management entity has obtained the permission from the Social Security Fund, it will process the payment to the Participant’s balance in the contribution sub-accounts and the persevered sub-accounts.
(2) In accordance with Supplementary Provisions relating to the Non-Mandatory Central Provident Fund System, the balance in the contribution sub-accounts and preserved sub-accounts and preserved sub-accounts can be transferred to one another, or be transferred to government managed