Workload Percentages.
11.4.1 For TET faculty, after merit scores are determined, the Department Chair will then assign to each area a percentage from the chart below based on their assigned workload for the prior year. Using the scores (0-4) for teaching and service (pursuant to Sections 11.3.1 through 11.3.6) and the scores (0-4) for scholarship (pursuant to Sections 11.2.3 and and the percentage assigned for each area, the University will calculate an overall score rounded to the nearest 10th. Designation Teaching Service Scholarship Standard 55% 15% 30% Teaching Focused1 70% 15% 15% Teaching Intensive2 80% 10% 10% Service Focused3 55% 30% 15% Service Intensive4 45% 45% 10% Scholarship Focused5 40% 15% 45% Scholarship Intensive6 25% 15% 60% 1 One additional class assigned in lieu of standard scholarship 2 Two additional classes assigned while keeping scholarship current 3 Additional service in lieu of standard scholarship 4 Service assignment equal to one course while keeping scholarship current 5 One course reduction for superior scholarship 6 Two course reduction for superior scholarship
11.4.2 For NTE faculty, after merit scores are determined, the Department Chair will then assign to each area a percentage from the chart below based on their assigned workload for the year. Using the scores (0-4) for teaching and for service (pursuant to Sections 11.3.1 through 11.3.6), and the percentage assigned for each area, the University will calculate an overall score rounded to the nearest 10th. Designation Teaching Service Standard1 75% 25% Teaching Intensive2 85% 15% 1 One course reduction for significant service 2 No course reduction for significant service